Little Chinese tidbits.


New Member
Oct 20, 2004
talk chinese "xiansheng"

dear peapod,
i want to know if you talk about one chinese art.if ought to be "xangsheng",two men perform it. maybe my understanding is mistake to your meaning, then i'm so sorry,i only want to know canadian and usa culture more, what you are interested in something to our country. i shall glad to communicate culture each other.
best wish!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Macloliu. Interesting. I must admit that even after all these years in China, I can't remember ever even hearing of xangsheng. Can you please let me know what it is. Thanks.


New Member
Jul 19, 2005
Nanjing, China
RE: Little Chinese tidbit

Machjo did you go into one of the little places with the pink lights? because you know.... those are not just hair stylists..... and they'll give you more than a massage too.

Twila, Chinese people that I know think that cheese is a really weird food. I've heard it's stinky, strong and tastes like soap. They eat it on pizza though....


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Little Chinese tidbit

Tai_Te said:
Machjo did you go into one of the little places with the pink lights? because you know.... those are not just hair stylists..... and they'll give you more than a massage too.

Twila, Chinese people that I know think that cheese is a really weird food. I've heard it's stinky, strong and tastes like soap. They eat it on pizza though....

Oh yeah, that's another story...

I'd already been in China for over eight months at the time, in Jinan to be exact, and while I always heard other foreigners warning me not to go here and not to go there 'cause it was a cover for prostitution, every one of those places turned out to be fine; so needless to say I just ended up branding them as paranoid, wondering where they'd gotten their paranoia from.

After all, the only place I'd ever come across prostitution up until that time was in Urumqi, in 'Islam Hotel', where my phone kept ringing off the hook all night. And sinse my Chinese wasn't that good yet, plus I'd never heard of prostitutes in hotels, I just couldn't figure out what the heck they wanted... until one of them got frustrated with my lack of Chinese and decided to come upstairs! Anyway, I'd gone to bed early that night, and so answered the door with nothing but a towel around me. She was dressed somewhat conservatively, but beautifully none-the-less, and was saying something I couldn't understand except for the 'do you want' part. So as I signalled her to wait at the door while I'd get my dictionary, she proceded to step in, to which I immediately responded by closing the door a little more narrowly while pointing to my towel to indicate I wasn't properly dressed. Well, it didn't ssem to bother her, so I repeated same again. Then when I turned to get the dictionary, and turned back to the door, she was gone.

And suddenly it dawned on me. Months earlier, in Lonely Planet, I'd read about this, with women offering massages. So I looked up the word massage in the dictionary to see how it was pronounced. And sure enough, that's what she was saying. "Do you want a massage?".

Oh boy, now I was turned on. But too late. My lack of language ability had saved the day the first time around. But it would certainly not work the next time, now that I knew. So what would be the plan for the next few days? Unplug the phone, put a Don't disturb sing in the door, and that's that.

Well, it worked, and I've always used it sinse.

Now as for the red lighted parlours, the first time I'd ever come across those was in Shanghai.

"But prostitution is illegal in China" I thought to myself.

'And with the evil CCP in power, no one would ever dare prostitute themselves so openly out of fear of ending up in one of those re-educatin camps! So there's no way those are brothels" I thought to myself. "Of course it would have to be subtle, like it was in the hotel in Urumqi."

Anyway, I needed a haircut, I was new to Shanghai and didn't know the area well, and as it happenned, I worked not far from a red light district, in part of the newest and nicesest parts of Shanghai, as I was to find out later. Now my gut was still telling me those were brothels, but somehow I was still in denial. "It's just not possible" I thought to myself. So finally I decided to check it out and know for sure. So I openned the door to one, and at the door indicated I wanted a haircut. She shook her head from side to side, and waved me in. So I looked at a bunch of men sitting on the street in the corner shop next door, and asked them, partially in body language, partially in Chinese, where I could get a haircut. And they, laughing, pointed back to the parlour in which half my bady was standing already.

Hmmm... so I looked at the chairs and the shelf in front of them, and there were scissors anyway, glowing in the red light. "Nah, I'm just being paranoid" I thought to myself. So I walked in and sat in a chair. She loked at me baffled. So I thought, "OK, no more denying it." If a hair stylist is baffled at a customer sitting in a chair, then she's not a hair stylist."

So she waved me to the back. I went to the back, she opens the door, and there's a bed. "OK, I'm gone." I suddenly step back, thinking of all the creepy critters which might be crawling in that bed, but she's right behind me, so I accidently step on her toe. Anyway, she steps out of the way, and I'm out the door in a flash.

Next day, I ask a staff member what those places are, describing the red-lighted parlours, expecting the answer, "a brothel". Well, she wasn't that direct, and used a ong phrase to describe it, all couched in euphemisms, but sure enough, she was telling me it's a brothel, and then warning me not to go into those place, because "bad women" go there. Meanwhile, I was thinking, "Oh, and I bet 'bad men' go there too.

Well, that's just another story which happenend years ago. I would never want to go into such a place again.

But hey, at least those places are easy to avoid because they are so obviously brothels (except the first time because I just couln't believe my intuition on that, stupid as I was).


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Little Chinese tidbits.

p106_peppy said:
there used to be a vietnamese deli here, and they'd make subs and they smelled terrible. like urine and rotting meat, they just did not smell good at all. But they were soooooooooooo tasty!!!!!! mmmm

Oh China has got it's fair share too.

Again, the place is Shanghai a few years ago. I'd been in Jinan for well over eight months before that, but I guess they're just a more conservative city?

Anyway, I was walking along with my friend whenmy nose suddenly cought the odor of rotten, putrid something or other. I asked my friend what it was, and she pointed to the food stand at the corner across the two lane, but still fairly wide, street. It was stingky tofu. And man did it stink!

"Would you like to try some?"

"No thanks" I politely answered.

"I know it stinks, but it does taste good" she retorted, knowing what I must be thinking.

So I repeated my last answere, deciding to just take her word for it.

I have eaten stinky tofu sinse, but never in its pure form... Oh, sorry, I tried once and gagged.

But when mixed in with other foods, it's, uhm, might I just say palatable!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Little Chinese tidbit

Tai_Te said:
Machjo did you go into one of the little places with the pink lights? because you know.... those are not just hair stylists..... and they'll give you more than a massage too.

Twila, Chinese people that I know think that cheese is a really weird food. I've heard it's stinky, strong and tastes like soap. They eat it on pizza though....

Oh, and on the food part...

I personally don't particularly like cheese either, but I can eat it to be polite.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Little Chinese tidbit

Laika said:
Interesting stuff, Machjo. I'd like to hear about the FOOD <drools>.

Fr'instance. I've been told that ginger beef is not a traditional Chinese dish, but was invented here in good ole Canada (Calgary to be exact). Is this true?

I don't know.


New Member
Jul 19, 2005
Machjo said:
Macloliu. Interesting. I must admit that even after all these years in China, I can't remember ever even hearing of xangsheng. Can you please let me know what it is. Thanks.

Xiangsheng is like a talkshow program,a humor performance a lingual art and is popular in the North China.
Dashan, who is a Canadian, is a very famous xiangsheng artist,actor,writer in China.
And Now Xiangsheng which takes the audience much enjoyment is an absolutely necessary program in each performance.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
lance said:
Machjo said:
Macloliu. Interesting. I must admit that even after all these years in China, I can't remember ever even hearing of xangsheng. Can you please let me know what it is. Thanks.

Xiangsheng is like a talkshow program,a humor performance a lingual art and is popular in the North China.
Dashan, who is a Canadian, is a very famous xiangsheng artist,actor,writer in China.
And Now Xiangsheng which takes the audience much enjoyment is an absolutely necessary program in each performance.

Thanks. Now I know what it is. I'd just forgotten the Chinese name, that's all.


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
RE: Little Chinese tidbit

Most Chinese do not use hotmail for email. They use it for MSN Messenger. GMAIL will take over China. Hotmail is history.


New Member
May 31, 2005
Hefei PRC
mrmom2 said:
How is Comunism anyways that working out for ya :p

Working pretty good for me.

Well boyo, my standard of living is much better than it was on the rat treadmill back in Canada. Work less, get paid well. More disposable income. Food is Cheaper, everything is cheaper. Life is far more interesting. Able to save a fair wad of re-valued RMB. Guess Communism is working for me.

China's economic growth is about 9.6 % per annum.

How''s Canada's economy looking these days?

The offers to make money never stop coming my way. Business is going well.

How's Capitalism working for you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
mrmom2 said:
How is Comunism anyways that working out for ya :p

Communism? What communism? Sure the party calls itself communist, but that's by name only. Right now China is so capitalist it makes Canada and even the USA look a little red!


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Yea okay you just go tell the goverment to F :p ck themselves there Macho and see were you end up Oh and lets not forget about the slave labour camps 3 cents a day Yea thanks there buddy .China is enemy number one as far as I'm concerned .Running around saying they'll nuke the US common :roll: :roll: :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
mrmom2 said:
Yea okay you just go tell the goverment to F :p ck themselves there Macho and see were you end up Oh and lets not forget about the slave labour camps 3 cents a day Yea thanks there buddy .China is enemy number one as far as I'm concerned .Running around saying they'll nuke the US common :roll: :roll: :roll:


Without a doubt it's a one party state, and politically oppressive. But that doesn't make it comunist. Believe me, despite the legal controls, most people in China ignore the law anyway, which is the cause of a flourishing black market. If you've never been to China, then you have no clue what I'm talking about. But believe me, it's far more capitalist, for better or worse, than either Canada or the US. As for the nukes, might I point out that the threat was conditional upon the US attacking China first. So if the US doesn't attack China, then there is no threat. So it ould seem to me that if you have a problem with that, you hope the US government does in fact stick its nbose into Chinese affairs.

And as for China being enemy # 1, how wonderful; you're proclaiming 1/5th of the world's population, most of whom have no say in their government anyway, are your enemy. How friendly you are.

Give it a break. No China is not perfect, but it is improving quickly. Mind your own imperialist business and let China evolve on its own time for crying out loud.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Uhhh THats why its caled COMUNIST CHINA DUDE your doing a lot of voting there aren't you :roll: The peole have a say in whats going on there don't they :roll: Common your living in a comunist state where the state will tell you how it is and I'm tired of hearing how its not really :x A commy is a commy and they will never let the people have any control sorry about your luck :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
mrmom2 said:
Uhhh THats why its caled COMUNIST CHINA DUDE your doing a lot of voting there aren't you :roll: The peole have a say in whats going on there don't they :roll: Common your living in a comunist state where the state will tell you how it is and I'm tired of hearing how its not really :x A commy is a commy and they will never let the people have any control sorry about your luck :roll:

OK, it's a communist country where the government has decided to let WalMart in. By the way, I'm going back to China this Tuesday and guess what! I'll probably buying some cleaning supplies from the local Walmart there in the next week. So I suppose you'd better boycatt Walmart for sleeping with the Commie devil. Oh, and don't forget McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Kodak, Fuji Film, Toyota, Ford, IBM, Air Canada, Aeroflott, UPS, and a host of other co-conspirators! :D


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Hey i pretty much boycott all those bizs :lol: Walmart is number 1 exploting people for profit really burns my ass :x