Lightning Art

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

When I noticed the title to this Thread, I assumed it would be some
examples of work by artists like Glen Scrimshaw, who often uses
lightning (or the Northern Lights) is his so:

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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:53 CDT


A huge filament of magnetism and hot plasma blasted off the sun's southwestern limb today, March 19th, at around 1200 UT. The eruption was not Earth-directed, but it was iconic. Just look at this snapshot recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

© SpaceWeather

Many amateur astronomers in Europe witnessed the blast and said it was the biggest one they'd ever seen. This event continues the recent trend of increasing solar activity, and shows anew that Solar Cycle 24 is gaining steam after a long period of relative quiet.

More Images

From P-M Hedén of Vallentuna, Sweden; from Sebastien Kersten of Le Cocq, Belgium; from Steve Wainwright of Gower S.Wales UK; from Strikis Iakovos - Marios of Athens Greece; from Günther Strauch of Borken, NRW, Germany; from Peter Desypris of Athens,Greece; from Emiel Veldhuis of Zwolle, the Netherlands.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
EXTREME WEATHER AND EARTHQUAKE DANGER IMMINENT around 23rd-27th March warns Piers Corbyn
The very active solar region which emerged from the SE limb of the sun on the morning of 21st March is crackling with dangerous activity including extreme UV radiation and up to 50Mev proton bursts and its appearance along with other active regions on the sun fits our long-range WARNING for significant weather extremes and earthquakes in the period around 23rd-27th March, issued during February.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Earthquakes are caused by the earth’s electrical re-equilibration to the plasma of space

Posted on April 2, 2011 by Louis Hissink
Interesting observation made by Piers Corbyn:
This may come as a shock to some of you, but during periods of high solar activity (as above graph 1960-2001), there are less high magnitude earthquakes and during low activity there are more!
This was preceded by the following comment:
“People have asked,” said Greg Moore, Chairman of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Hawaii. “Now that we’ve had this magnitude 9 earthquake in Japan, is that earthquake itself going to cause other big earthquakes to occur say other places around the pacific?”………A 9 magnitude quake rocked Kamchatka in 1952. It was followed by the most violent quake ever recorded, the 9.5 magnitude quake that shook Chile. There was an 8.5 magnitude quake near the Kuril Islands in 1963, a 9.2 magnitude quake in Alaska in 1964, and an 8.7 magnitude quake near Rat Island in the Aleutians in 1965……….So why the recent cluster of big quakes? No one can say for sure, but some theorize all the quakes are the norm and that lull from the late 1960′s until 2004 was an aberration. More here
This is not too difficult to explain in terms of the geo-plasma model. We already know that the earth-system is part of a solar-galaxy electric circuit. We know that millions of amperes of electrical current enter into and out of the earth’s polar regions and these currents become visible when the electric current surge increases, tripping it into plasma glow mode to produce the northern and southern auroras. These electric currents not only pass through the earth itself, but also through the atmosphere from ionosphere to the earth’s surface via weak electric currents measured in the range of 1-4 pica amperes per square meter and additionally within the ionosphere and even laterally through the atmosphere itself and producing some of the winds and jet streams. In any case the continued input of electrical energy during the increase in the solar sunspot cycle results in the net effect of a slow build up of internal electric charge inside the earth.
We can view solar sunspots as the “speedometer” of the solar system with more sunspots, more energy entering into the solar system, and the higher the overall temperature of the system. This variation is also noticed as a variation of the solar irradiance, brighter when more energy is coming into the system, dimmer when the energy levels decrease. The change in solar irradiance is insufficient to explain the thermal effects observed on the earth. There is also the familiar 11 year solar sunspot cycle and the 22 year cycle in which the sunspot magnetic fields reverse which also suggests we are dealing with an alternating current system, by the way.
So if the solar system energy system could be represented by an alternating current model, then downswings of the current will cause a short term drop in electrical current density, a drop in solar sunspots and a drop in temperature. But while the earth’s space environment undergoes a decrease in energetic state, the earth will then lag behind since it is essentially a capacitor, albeit a leaky one, and has now an excess of internal electric charge. The crucial observation is that the earth’s electrical re-equilibration with the plasma of space lags behind sunspot activity.
What this means is that the earth’s internal electrical charge is now higher than the electric charge of the space plasma it is immersed in, and electrical equilibration has to happen by releasing electric charge from the earth to space. If we consider the earth as a leaky capacitor, it then re-equilibrates to space by short circuits via volcanic eruptions, the magmas being formed by the surge of electrical current from the inside of the earth to its space environment as it tries to equalise its electric state to its environment, as earth quakes as internal lightning bolts from short circuits as the electric charge moves out to the surface into the space plasma, and as violent weather patterns when the electric current leakage is via the atmosphere, bearing in mind that electrical energy is still coming into the system, but at a reduced current density.
Then as the next solar cycle starts and the electric currents slowly increase, the electrical imbalance between the earth and its space plasma decreases, and electric charge slowly starts to accumulate inside the earth, only to be dissipated outwards during the next solar minimum phases.
On top of this cyclical behaviour is the less frequent unpredictable events of CME’s affecting the earth’s physical state, as well as unpredictable and infrequent interactions with other bodies in the solar system such as meteorite swarms as recorded by the Koreans during the Choson Dynasty times, the most plausible explanation for the Little Ice Age.
And the physical behaviour of the earth’s thin film of gas and water, aka as weather, is the response of the earth system to this complex electrical circuit’s behaviour, modulated diurnally by solar radiation.
CO2 has nothing to do with it.
(Note – electrical forces are 10^39 times more powerful than gravity, so that even weak electric currents in the range of 1-4 pica amperes per square metre, are still 10^ 27 times more powerful than gravity).