I’ve heard an unsubstantiated rumour, from an officially unofficial unauthorized source, that this cabinet shuffle is going to be “sizeable.” Meanwhile, Justin knows he’s on his way out the door, & that somebody’s gonna come along behind him and clean up after him…so it seems like a great time to stack the deck even further:

How sizable (or sizeable even) a shuffle this will be remains to be seen. Though there are a number of vacancies to fill, as several ministers in recent months have either left their cabinet positions, or have declared they are not seeking re-election, which is typically a trigger for their replacement.

Under Trudeau, the Liberals have been facing persistently poor polling numbers that have had them trailing Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives for more than a year. They've also faced significant byelection losses, and have heard repeated calls for the need of a shakeup or reset to Trudeau's inner circle, from the top down.

Throughout his shuffles, Trudeau has sought to uphold gender parity and balance regional representation because it’s 2015-ish, though, with smaller pools of backbench MPs to look to in Western and Atlantic Canada, upholding those tenets may be more challenging this time.
There's also been plenty of questions around what the prime minister's plans are for Parliament and whether a prorogation could be on the horizon.
A parogie-nation would end the current parliamentary session, kill all legislative business that has not passed, and put any plans to table further legislation on pause. A new session of Parliament would begin with a Speech from the Throne, setting the stage for a key confidence vote.
Proroguing now could potentially buy the prime minister some time, either to work on restabilizing his grip on power, or to allow the time for his party to conduct a leadership race, etc…
While not commenting directly on the potential for the prime minister to pull this lever, LeBlanc did note the Liberals did survive several confidence votes last week, referring to the series of last-minute votes on opposition motions and supplementary estimates, so thanks for that there Jagmeet.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning a sizable cabinet shuffle on Friday, and it's shaping up to see several Liberal backbenchers promoted to ministerial posts, sources confirm to CTV News.