Liberal Party corrupt to it's core.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005
The Liberals and Chretien in particular are/were masters at manipulating the media.

They arrange "leaks" when it is to their advantage and somehow the media always loved the "man with the funny face". Chretien knew how to smooge with the media and the public.

Face it, Chretien physically attacked another person on the street and didn't even face a charge. That says something about the man and his ability to manipulate situations.

Paul Martin however, isn't nearly the media darling that Chretien was. Mr Martin seems to get frustrated easily and at times loses his temper which the media love to catch. It should be interesting to see how long Mr Martin is PM. After all he was the Finance Minister during the sponsorship affair. He won a "sure thing" election by the slimmest of margins. Chretien did everything in his power to ensure the Alliance and Conservative didn't join together by comparing the two parties. Martin has been silent on this whole issue.

BTW, RB what has your MP done for our country over the last 25 years that he's been in Ottawa, besides belly up the publicly subsidized cafeteria buffet??? He hasn't spent a minute in government, as far as I know has never sponsored a successful private members bill. He's been a critic in various portfolios but when your part of the NDP and have so few members, everyone has to do something. He seems great at complaining but never has solutions. His primary concerns are the railway(his bread and butter), ensuring that health care dollars from the rich continue to flood across the border in the US and trying everything in his power to dismantle the Canadian Forces. But that's just my opinion, wait maybe not, he was turned down as leader by your own party so I guess others think the same way. :wink:


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
I don't support most of what Chretien did as PM. I certainly don't support the corruption. He was a far better politician than Martin or Harper or anybody else though. He still is...think about the golf ball thing. He made Gomery look like an idiot.

He never would have allowed this to go as far as it has. That's not a good thing, but it is important to remember.

I think his stonewalling and cheap tricks speaks to incredible arrogance, and disrespect of taxpayers. I also think you're right, that by denying and refusing to concede any wrongdoing it would have passed. It says a lot about people's apathy, and the state of the media.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Liberal Party corrupt's clear from your post that you have no understanding of our political system.

The next thing that's going to come up is the Conservative Party being linked to this corruption, or some other corruption, MMMike. Chretien was a better politician than these other guys. He was no more dishonest than them though. The Liberals are about to go on the offensive and if Martin has a brain he'll get help from the Chretien side of the party.

The offensive is already starting...the PQ is being exposed now. It didn't come out in official testimony, but in the press. I've seen it on half a dozen sites already this morning.

Look for Mike Harris to suddenly suffer legal problems over something...likely nuke plants or dead natives. They'd love to nail Ralph Klein too...likely rumours of kickbacks from the oilfields to his close buddies.

Look for somebody in the federal Conservatives...probably somebody unelected from the Quebec be tied to sponsorship.

There are a lot of skeletons in Conservative closets and there's an election coming soon.


Electoral Member
Jan 25, 2005

I don't particularly like Pat Martin but at least he gets things done. He has sponsored many private members bills,some of which even have a chance of passing. He puts out ideas of solutions rather than just standing up and complaining about what the government is doing.

The point was that Mr Blakie has done nothing of real meaning in Ottawa.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Liberal Party corrupt to it's core.

MMMike said:
Ahh.... the politics of distraction. You have inside info on this, Rev, or are you just dreaming?

The rev is a complete media junky.

Probably one of the worse cases I've seen to date.

It's not a bad thing mind you.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2005
Québec, Montréal
There is a letter of complaint that is circulating around the net, for Québecers, to send back to the SQ. It is a complaint against the PLC for gangsterism (the same as Hells Angels, mafias etc...).

Those complaints are very serious over here, and we got told that there will be a follow up on that. They really get TONS and TONS of this letter by email. It is crazy! They don't know what they are going to do with all that.

And also, lots of complaints circulating are for Transparency International:
They are really aware too of what is going on here.

This is all really serious complaints.

You just can't rob Québecers!

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Liberal Party corrupt

My inside information is having watched this all of my life. The Liberals need to go on the offensive.

Harris is a no-brainer...the provincial government is Liberal and they need to inflict damage on both the provincial and federal Conservatives. The nuke deal was crooked and the rumours about Harris' office being involved in Ipperwash keep on popping up. It likely would have waited until just before the next provincial election, but now this has happened.

I don't think anybody has anything solid on Klein, but the oil deals he's been swinging since he came to power amount to giving it away for free, so he's ripe for the rumour mill.

All parties had some involvement with the Sponsorship Program. Part of an MP's job is to facilitate access to government programs. The Quebec advertising community is fairly small and, it seems, used to getting kickbacks. The Quebec Conservatives needed advertising too.

It isn't really the politics of distraction...that's more like the games everybody has been playing with the budget implementation bill. This is more like the politics of dragging your opponent into the mud with you. It works best when it's done quietly...a call to the press, a pointed question to the that it appears the instigator wasn't involved.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Liberal Party corrupt

Likely not Adscam, but if Quebec advertising agencies are in the habit of demanding kickbacks then the Conservatives likely paid kickbacks. That's also illegal.

Keep in mind that the Quebec wing of the federal Conservatives still has close ties to Mulroney. Since you guys are so heavily into guilt by association, you have to remember that.