Leftwing Logic


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
Go to any leftwing website like this, or better yet, talk to one on the street. Ask them two questions:

1) What is the major cause of war and conflict in the world?

2) Is ISIS Islamic?

Not surprisingly, the answer they give to the first question is "religion." Religion is very bad. Hitler was a Christian, don't you know? Ya, he wasn't exactly following the teachings of Christ, and yes the he threw Christians in jail for opposing him, but still he professed to be a Christian at one point, somewhere between expressing disdain for it privately, so obviously there is no doubt that he was a Christian.

Onto the second question, leftists tell us that ISIS does not represent Islam because they are killing Muslims too. Sure, they are following the exact commands and teachings of Muhammad, but how dare you bigoted Islamophobes equate problem violence with religion!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Haven't you learned yet that Left-wingers - and that includes the Left-wing Establishments which run Britain, Canada and America nowadays - hate all religions (especially Christianity, which they have a particular hatred and loathing of) except Islam, which they adore and to which they give protected species status which they give no other religions (especially Christianity, which they'd like to see abolished)?

That's why when Anders Breivik when round killing people he was instantly derided by the Left-wing Establishment and their allies in the print and TV media as a "Right-wing Christian fundamentalist". There was no attempt whatsoever to separate what he did from Christianity, even though the vast majority of Christians are peaceful, ordinary, innocent people who would never condone or perpetrate such actions. He was just a mad man (literally) whose actions had nothing to do with Christianity.

Yet when Islamic State go round murdering people, the very same people who tell us that Anders Breivik was a "Right-wing Christian fundamentalist" tell us - obviously wrongly - that Islamic State has "nothing to do with Islam" and that "most Muslims will be appalled at their actions" (that may be so, but there is a disturbing percentage of British Muslims, for example, who support the actions of ISIS and Al Qaeda). They try to separate the actions of Islamic State from Islam. Yet if a Mormon, say, went round killing people, those very same people who separate Islamic State from Islam and say their actions have nothing to do with Islam would condemn all Mormons and start verbally attacking all Mormons and Mormonism in general. Suddenly, they won't try and separate the actions of one mad Mormon to those of Mormonism in general like they do with the Islamis State and Islam.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Go to any leftwing website like this, or better yet, talk to one on the street. Ask them two questions:

1) What is the major cause of war and conflict in the world?

2) Is ISIS Islamic?

Not surprisingly, the answer they give to the first question is "religion." Religion is very bad. Hitler was a Christian, don't you know? Ya, he wasn't exactly following the teachings of Christ, and yes the he threw Christians in jail for opposing him, but still he professed to be a Christian at one point, somewhere between expressing disdain for it privately, so obviously there is no doubt that he was a Christian.

Onto the second question, leftists tell us that ISIS does not represent Islam because they are killing Muslims too. Sure, they are following the exact commands and teachings of Muhammad, but how dare you bigoted Islamophobes equate problem violence with religion!
well if you are a tightie rightie you have just landed in heaven ....welcome to the forum Glacier

by the way the major cause of war and conflct in the world is not religion, it complex

and yes I'm what they would call on here a leftard...it's a derogatory term used frequently in here for anyone not right of Satan


Electoral Member
Apr 24, 2015
well if you are a tightie rightie you have just landed in heaven ....welcome to the forum Glacier

by the way the major cause of war and conflct in the world is not religion, it complex

and yes I'm what they would call on here a leftard...it's a derogatory term used frequently in here for anyone not right of Satan
I have noticed that this forum leans further to the right than others I've visited in the USA and Canada.

For the sake of humor and clarity I did not provide escape routes in my opening statement, but it should go without saying that not all left-wingers think that way about religion, Christianity, or Islam. There may even be more exceptions than not, but there is a certain special segment of the leftist population that sticks up for Islam while decrying any sort of religion or culture that is deemed as "Western."

I could never wrap my head around why anyone would do this until I saw a recent interview by Ezra Levant of all people with Noam Chomsky. Chomsky spelled it right out. A truth leftist will always defend the minority and those without power within his own civilization, and since 1.6 billion Muslims are a minority with no power in the West, we must not criticize Islam like we do Christianity.

I'm personally not a fan of Noam Chomsky for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I believe that the level of criticism I can give someone should not depend on how much influence they have or don't have in society.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I have noticed that this forum leans further to the right than others I've visited in the USA and Canada.

For the sake of humor and clarity I did not provide escape routes in my opening statement, but it should go without saying that not all left-wingers think that way about religion, Christianity, or Islam. There may even be more exceptions than not, but there is a certain special segment of the leftist population that sticks up for Islam while decrying any sort of religion or culture that is deemed as "Western."

I could never wrap my head around why anyone would do this until I saw a recent interview by Ezra Levant of all people with Noam Chomsky. Chomsky spelled it right out. A truth leftist will always defend the minority and those without power within his own civilization, and since 1.6 billion Muslims are a minority with no power in the West, we must not criticize Islam like we do Christianity.
ah, so you are actually more balanced than you let on...lol

I, don't know why some feel the need to defend what ever side they have landed on regardless of right or wrong. Truth be told a leaning or opinion or even a behaviour that has worked successfully for an individual in one environment may need to be adjusted several months later because nothing is static. While some need to live in the black and white for whatever reason in reality most people move back and forth on the continuum according to need and circumstance. It truly is how mankind survives.

Underdogs get defended because they need defending...the dogs piling on top need leashing....but when balance is applied or if it were applied, most things can be worked out with a bit of give and take. Often though, top dog doesn't want to give one inch...that's often how they end up becoming the underdog later...


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Go to any leftwing website like this, or better yet, talk to one on the street. Ask them two questions:

1) What is the major cause of war and conflict in the world?

2) Is ISIS Islamic?

Not surprisingly, the answer they give to the first question is "religion." Religion is very bad. Hitler was a Christian, don't you know? Ya, he wasn't exactly following the teachings of Christ, and yes the he threw Christians in jail for opposing him, but still he professed to be a Christian at one point, somewhere between expressing disdain for it privately, so obviously there is no doubt that he was a Christian.

Onto the second question, leftists tell us that ISIS does not represent Islam because they are killing Muslims too. Sure, they are following the exact commands and teachings of Muhammad, but how dare you bigoted Islamophobes equate problem violence with religion!
Guess not to many took the time to read This web site of yours.....sounds more like a conspiracy theorist web site.....
You should get along fine with Cliffy and Megahurtz or their defenders.......8O


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The major cause of war is not religion it is TRADE and business and access to resources.
Religion is a byproduct because everyone yells God's on our side;
Hitler was a sort of Christian, Stalin did something strange as well in the height of the invasion
of Russia he allowed churches to be open and there is film of folks going to church
The problem is we were told in the west all the churches were done away with.
War is brought on by many factors one being greed, the need for power and the inability to be civil.
War is also non inflationary in that you can't trade in and reuse shells and destroyed material.
War puts people to work and lowers the population
Face it they can make products to sell and if you can't afford to buy they can use you for cannon
fodder. It is the industrial complex recycling program. The causes and solutions for war are not
found in the vent of ones politics they are found in a collectiveo human spirit that chooses sanity
over conflict


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Yes indeed... leftys loved those days. Once differing opinions were allowed most of them ran like rats.
don't know....only know that for sure this place was ten times the size and a lot more varied on opinions...and far more interesting


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,