Go to any leftwing website like this, or better yet, talk to one on the street. Ask them two questions:
1) What is the major cause of war and conflict in the world?
2) Is ISIS Islamic?
Not surprisingly, the answer they give to the first question is "religion." Religion is very bad. Hitler was a Christian, don't you know? Ya, he wasn't exactly following the teachings of Christ, and yes the he threw Christians in jail for opposing him, but still he professed to be a Christian at one point, somewhere between expressing disdain for it privately, so obviously there is no doubt that he was a Christian.
Onto the second question, leftists tell us that ISIS does not represent Islam because they are killing Muslims too. Sure, they are following the exact commands and teachings of Muhammad, but how dare you bigoted Islamophobes equate problem violence with religion!
1) What is the major cause of war and conflict in the world?
2) Is ISIS Islamic?
Not surprisingly, the answer they give to the first question is "religion." Religion is very bad. Hitler was a Christian, don't you know? Ya, he wasn't exactly following the teachings of Christ, and yes the he threw Christians in jail for opposing him, but still he professed to be a Christian at one point, somewhere between expressing disdain for it privately, so obviously there is no doubt that he was a Christian.
Onto the second question, leftists tell us that ISIS does not represent Islam because they are killing Muslims too. Sure, they are following the exact commands and teachings of Muhammad, but how dare you bigoted Islamophobes equate problem violence with religion!