When I think Of Eastern Canada I’m meaning the Canadian Dong portion of Ontario & most of Quebec….& I’m not referring to most of Ontario, or NFLD or NB or NS or PEI…
Like i said - very very very unusual way of thinking about the east. To the point where despite having had conversations like this for decades and with literally thousands of people over those decades this is the first time i've ever heard anyone claim that is "the east" the way you do.
but if you’re qualifying close alignment based upon values…is Vancouver in Eastern Canada?
Vancouver is not bc. It's not even 'vancouver' - there's blue and red ridings in vancouver itself and plenty of red blue and orange in "greater" vancouver as well.
SO your assertion is nonsensical. Unless you want to drill down to a riding by riding level - THIS riding is east and THAT riding is west... it makes no sense. Hell why stop there, lets drill down to the individual level - individual people are east or west! That makes sense right?
Further - you seem to be claiming that people's values can ONLY be expressed by the votes in their riding or the political party their ridings vote for. If your assertion is to be given any credit, we must assume that ONLY the dominant politics in a riding or area express people's values in general. You'll note i didn't mention anything about how people voted. You've presented 'votes' as the sole determining factor for people's values. And not just individual votes but rather entire areas.
And i think if you revisit that you'll immediately realize that claim is ALSO nonsensical. While how people vote may be affected by some of their values, it's not the definition of their values in their entirety. Or even their values at all, maybe they just like one of the policies that a politician is putting out there, or they think that this party can get the best deal for their province (bloc for example). Their vote may have little to do with their personal values.
And not to be THAT guy but... i think most would agree that a minimum prerequisite for being in the east is that you'd at least have to be in the east. Rather than the westernmost point.
Because it might be in my view of things.
Yes, well... i think we've established that your view of things in this particular regard is.... unique

Which is fine, nothing wrong with being unique. But it would mean we don't have a common frame of reference to discuss.