Latest Federal Polls


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
34 and 31 are exactly the same in that neither one of them is within spitting distance of a majority.



We should get some enterprising store cashier to charge.....................................................

hemerHOID $34.00 for an item that is CLEARLY Marked............................................

as $31.00 and see if the shop owner can then..................................

get hemerHOID to calm down long enough to

to listen to an explanation regarding ..............................

the HYPOCRISY of the hemerHOID position!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
he has many advantages including being popular in Ontario and Quebec where all the votes are and being unpopular in the west where all the votes aren't.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I got a pamphlet from my local Conservative MP extolling the agenda of a Conservative government as primarily in reducing the deficit. This conforms to the NeoCon profile of the Conservative Party since Mulroney. It's fixated on the deficit, something they will not be able to cut fast enough to compensate for a failing economy. It lacks any sense of imagination and investment in the country.

It is in thrall of Free Trade, multilateral globalism and laissez-fair domestic libertarianism. It lacks any sense of Canada's future as an independent, integrated, sovereign, industrial nation. It's primary lure is that of tax cuts, which to them means imposition of regressive tax regimes in support of the rich. That is by definition a liberal economic strategy. It is trickle down, supply side, nonsense.

The Conservatives under Scheer seem to have no vision. No sense of the electoral revolution that is sweeping the West.. in support of the morally rigorous, nationalist, populist, dirigiste, fiscally progressive programs. They can't seem to make headway against this manifestly inept, incompetent, effeminate New Age twit in Justin Trudeau. Maybe Canada needs a new party of the Right. The Conservatives seem to be hopeless.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I got a pamphlet from my local Conservative MP extolling the agenda of a Conservative government as primarily in reducing the deficit. This conforms to the NeoCon profile of the Conservative Party since Mulroney. It's fixated on the deficit, something they will not be able to cut fast enough to compensate for a failing economy. It lacks any sense of imagination and investment in the country.

It is in thrall of Free Trade, multilateral globalism and laissez-fair domestic libertarianism. It lacks any sense of Canada's future as an independent, integrated, sovereign, industrial nation. It's primary lure is that of tax cuts, which to them means imposition of regressive tax regimes in support of the rich. That is by definition a liberal economic strategy. It is trickle down, supply side, nonsense.

The Conservatives under Scheer seem to have no vision. No sense of the electoral revolution that is sweeping the West.. in support of the morally rigorous, nationalist, populist, dirigiste, fiscally progressive programs. They can't seem to make headway against this manifestly inept, incompetent, effeminate New Age twit in Justin Trudeau. Maybe Canada needs a new party of the Right. The Conservatives seem to be hopeless.

All the parties are pretty hopeless. We need Harper back in charge.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Trudeau's Still Got A Lead With Young Voters: Poll

He may have a chance if the below 30 crowd shows up to vote

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.....................................

Our idiot Boy will HAVE NO CHANCE.....................................

if the 55 plus percent of the Cdn population.........................................

meaning Silent majority................................

that does not usually vote..........................................

decides they are PISSED ENOUGH to act this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news...............................

older folks are much more likely than our ill - educated.............................................

and rather unworldly kids...............................

to bother voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
All the parties are pretty hopeless. We need Harper back in charge.

Scheer is a decent substitute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But aint it FUNNY......................................

COLDSTREAM is telling us that massive DEBT is okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even as the Italian govt collapses into Greek style CHAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lunatic LIE-berals truly believe they can spend their way clear of the swamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Scheer is a decent substitute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But aint it FUNNY......................................

COLDSTREAM is telling us that massive DEBT is okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even as the Italian govt collapses into Greek style CHAOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lunatic LIE-berals truly believe they can spend their way clear of the swamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canada is way WAY back in the pack ...

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
NO they are NOT! The economy is humming, employment is at its highest level in years and stock market is soaring.

National debt to GDP ratio in the US is 109.45%. They are one of the most indebted places on Earth. The economy is humming for the 3/4 of the population that participates in it. Huge chunks of the US are "have not" by Western economic standards.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
National debt to GDP ratio in the US is 109.45%. They are one of the most indebted places on Earth. The economy is humming for the 3/4 of the population that participates in it. Huge chunks of the US are "have not" by Western economic standards.
Are people required to stay where there are no jobs ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
National debt to GDP ratio in the US is 109.45%. They are one of the most indebted places on Earth. The economy is humming for the 3/4 of the population that participates in it. Huge chunks of the US are "have not" by Western economic standards.

When the unemployment rate is 3.7%, the only ones not participating are the people that don't want to participate.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

POOR STUPID Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His world view HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED since Joe Clark.....................................


Was a punk kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that we are simply the LEAST BANKRUPT ................................................

of various western nations..................................................................

DOES NOT ELIMINATE OR ALLEVIATE THE FACT.............................................

THAT WE ARE BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canada Mortgage and Housing Coorp tells us that seniors in Toronto are staying longer in their large homes - instead of down sizing to smaller places. The pollsters suggest this is because seniors enjoy better health and can handle the big home better than before.

I suggest a second influence is the fact that the cost of housing - including property taxes is now so high across all of Southern Ontari-owe that there is NO SAVINGS TO BE HAD AND NO REASON TO MOVE!!

Condo maintenance fees are now at crippling heights - especially since glass started showering off condo towers!! And it is our dead broke kids who are being shoved into those towers by LIE-beral economic policy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In earlier times - seniors could move to a smaller city outside the GTA and buy a nice little house and save lots of cash - but LIE-beral influence on housing prices and real estate taxes has made such a move prohibitive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Property taxes in HOGTOWM Toronto are the LOWER than in any other municipality for hundreds of miles in any direction -courtesy of LIE-berals who funneled TEN TIMES MORE provincial transfer cahs to each Toronto citizen than they did to any other municipal citizens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To get any real estate savings one now has to move so far from friends and family that it is demoralizing for seniors!!

In addition - the distribution of specialist health care providers is so uneven - with so many specialists concentrated in the GTA that moving OUT of GTA is bad for seniors health as it makes it harder for them to get aid when needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are now worried that there will be a shortage of family sized homes for the younger generation- courtesy of shameless LIE-beral vote buying that has MONKEYED the Toronto real estate market and related taxes for decades!!!!!!!!!

And in other news- desperate LIE-berals- frantic to change the news away from their Lavalin Scandal- are now telling us that Cdns do not want the new NAFTA Agreement ratified because the Yankees still have tariffs on various Cdn industries!

And yet LIE-berals have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to resolve the Cdn national security issues and GROSS LIE-beral immigration loopholes that are VEXING Yankees so greatly......................and which are the MOTIVATION for the tariffs!!!

In other news.........China bans shipments of Cdn Cannola oil- citing problems with “PESTS” !!!!!

So that is how China sees PESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news a Conservative MPP asks LIE-beral Kathleen Wynne “why are you still here”?

It seems a valid question considering the crushing defeat her party suffered last June!!!!!!!!! But one should NEVER under estimate the gravy hunting capacity of LIE-berals - NOR their lack of SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry- NOT SORRY - FOR POINTING THAT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news- Toronto mayor John Tory says his talks with premier Doug Ford about uploading the TTC “are very complicated”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this a city code meaning that Ford is not being fooled by Tory trying to dump UNFUNDED TTC pension costs -that city councillors promised in exchange or Hog votes - but never paid for- onto the province????????????????????

LIE-berals also assure us that a just released child molester with MULTIPLE CONVICTIONS will be carefully monitored..............though LIE-berals do not say by who! And would it not be A LOT EASIER to monitor this molester in a JAIL CELL??????????????

In the latest news on the just released child molestor- it is alleged that the guy is now claiming to be a transgender woman -BUT HE HAS NOT HAD SURGERY AND IS NOT TAKING HORMONE THERAPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore the suddenly publicity shy LIE-berals have recognized that the guy is PLAYING THE PAROLE BOARD and is thus quite capable of switching BACK to full on child molesting mode as soon as cops and parole board stop snooping into his business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On March 8, 2019, Cdn news media displayed its schizophrenic economic view!

On one hand Cdn media crowed about the remarkable number of new jobs created in Jnauary and February!!!!!

In other news they tell us that Bank of Canada is worried about the unexpected weakness in the economy!

Bank of Canada is so worried about this “unexpected weakness” they are now talking about REDUCING interest rates to aid the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals told us our economy was booming??????

And LIE-berals told us we needed tighter mortgage rules to prevent a damaging mortgage bubble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals told us we COULD AFFORD higher interest rates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a GLARING set of economic CONTRADICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can LIE-berals HOLD ANY POLICY for more than a week?????????

LIE-berals then told us that although a whole slew of new jobs were created - our jobless rate is unchanged since so many new people came forward looking for work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- new Cdn workers just magically popping out of the woodwork whenever LIE-berals look away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the BIG LIE-beral LIE in action- to HIDE how many Cdns have despaired of ever having a decent job or of being able to fully pay their bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the second biggest LIE-beral LIE is about how many people CANNOT LIVE on what they are being allowed to earn in our over taxed country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Red Star media whores- apparently seeking to mitigate some of the damage from Lavalin, ask us if Lavalin “represents a failure of governance or a failure of journalism”??????????????

And of course it is BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral policy is based on personal greed and lust for power at any price!!!!!

Even staunch LIE-beral supporter Peter Newman tells us this in his book “When the Gods Changed”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And BAD JOURNALISM aided LIE-berals in gaining that power in the 2015 election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The election of our idiot Boy Justin was a triumph of greed over costly experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!