Yes, marijuna was used extensively but so was arsenic as was bloodletting. Should we also continue to use these??
Actually, we still use arsenic and bloodletting where applicable. Leeches are an excellent way to stave off gangarene, by the way. You should watch the Discovery Channel and PBS more.
As for your references to Jesus, if you read the bible, very few of the "miracles" attributed to him involve him applying something to someone and I can't think of one he gave to ingest.
Most historians believe that Jesus was an historical figure. The ones who work with science doubt that he performed miracles, but agree that he was likely a healer. That would leave him using the tools of the day. Marijuana may also explain how he pulled the resurrection off, if it indeed happened, but that's a whole other thread.
One I can think of is the healing of the blind man with a salve that it said, "Jesus spit in the dirt and put it on the man's eyes".
Glaucoma anyone?
I don't think you want to have a bible discussion on this forum so lets leave Christ out of it. Christians only roll their eyes are non-believers ignorance of the bible and non-believers couldn't care less what Christians believe.
What's the name of this thread? Oh yeah, "Jesus Christ healed with marijuana." You don't have to partake in it, tibear. You don't hold the patent on Jesus as an historical figure though and it would be appreciated if you'd quit dragging this thread off-topic.
They constantly say, don't shove your beliefs down our throats and yet can't see that the abortion, SSM, etc are beliefs that they are shoving down my throat.
Nobody here is telling you to marry a man or have an abortion, tibear. We also aren't telling you to believe that Jesus (your god) used marijuana either to heal or just to mellow out after a really groovy concert. We are trying to discuss whether a well-known historical figure named Jesus used marijuana to heal others.