From CBC...I get it. I am three times the ones behind you, but the old dog had to go Pee at 3:30 AM (so 6:30AM your time) and here we are.
Doctor Andrew Kotaska removed two fallopian tubes Instead of one, from an an Indigenous (Inuit) woman in 2019 in the North West Territories. OK.
Does it state anywhere as to why this doctor (Kotaska) removed both fallopian tubes instead of one? Was it a racism thing (?) or a medical thing (?) or some other thing? Just curious. I don’t know the answer.
Kotaska isn’t one of the three doctors being sued in Quebec along with the unnamed health care region facility, whatever, but that’s not relevant. He is an example of something. I’m not sure what, but something.
Tommy Douglas might be a better example.
Biographies and other accounts of Mr. Douglas’s life have either ignored or down-played his striking embrace in the mid-1930s of forced sterilization and segregation for people of “sub-normal” intelligence and morality, says Dr. Michael Shevell in a newly published academic paper.Canadians airbrush the truth about Tommy Douglas's enthusiasm for eugenics: MD
Canadians suffer from a “collective national amnesia” regarding Tommy Douglas’s support for eugenics, likely because they are reluctant to taint the medicare pioneer’s glowing image with unsavoury ideas, suggests a prominent McGill University physician in a new
Nova Scotia, in 1908, was home of the first "eugenics movement" in the country when the League for the Care and Protection of Feebleminded Persons was established in the province.![]()
Compulsory sterilization in Canada - Wikipedia
In 2017, sixty indigenous women in Saskatchewan sued the provincial government, claiming they had been forced to accept sterilization before seeing their newborn babies.
Eugenics | Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship
What is eugenics? Eugenics aims to use science for human improvement over generations by changing the composition of human populations through favouring the reproduction of certain sorts or kinds of people. A science that purports to improve the human race through the control of
The time when Canada's elite wanted to sterilize 'insane' and disabled people
Racial hygiene wasn’t just some obscure passing fad. A century ago, eugenics was Canada’s progressive cause du
The woman first became Kotaska's patient in 2019, when she was seeking treatment for abdominal and pelvic pain.
In a statement of defence filed in the Northwest Territories Supreme Court this week, Kotaska, an obstetrician/gynecologist, said he planned to operate on the woman to remove her right fallopian tube.
But he said he explained to her there could be complications during the surgery which "might justify further surgical interventions" in order to address her pelvic pain.
When she signed the consent form, Kotaska said the woman had been told that "circumstances that might arise during the course of the surgery might justify departure from the procedures specifically identified," and that she gave her informed consent.
Kotaska also said the woman told him twice she did not want to have any more children.