It's Climate Change I tell'ya!! IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!!


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
It turns out his country, the UAE, is at the forefront of the single best solution, with plans to build four nuclear reactors, the most effective way to generate abundant, reliable, zero-emission power.
Zero emissions, except for the radioactive poison they spew into the air and water on a daily basis. But poisoning the atmosphere is fine, as long as it is not done with carbon.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Trudeau government is out of touch with average Canadians and can’t see the impact their policies are having on day to day life. Increasing the cost of food in the name of saving the planet may sound good to academics building climate models but, politically, it will have a disastrous impact on Trudeau’s government.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I've said it before. I believe in pollution reduction, including all sorts of emissions. What I don't believe in is the Chicken Little Climate Hysterics. I don't believe in punishing people for having to go to work every day. We have been reducing vehicle emissions since the 70s, but some programs like the DEF program are a joke. If you have a DEF system on a big truck, it reduces your efficiency up to 6.5 km per gallon of diesel. I'm still scratching my head about how introducing a new chemical into the system and increasing fuel consumption significantly affects the environment. I drove 300,000 kilometers last year.

In his end-year address, Justin Trudeau stated that the Tories have unfairly scapegoated the carbon tax as the main contributor to inflation. Justin Trudeau is right. The carbon tax did not cause the historical and so goddamned predictable inflation we see today; what caused the inflation was the government's childish vote buying-pre and pandemic-spending over the last eight years. Vote buying under the guise of pandemic spending. Three hundred million for this special interest group, four hundred million for that one, guaranteed votes. And there were 100s, possibly thousands of bribes to be handed out. Our national debt is 1.2 trillion. A lot of that was spent with no oversight. One such boondoggle the CERT program, which gave company owners a forty or fifty thousand dollar loan, can't remember, but if you paid it back before the deadline, you got to keep ten thousand of it. That was supposed to be for companies to keep their employees, but it was heavily exploited as the easiest ten grand ever made in business.

If there were anyone that could talk me out of climate change, it would be Justin Trudeau. His plan. Bring in the long-debated carbon pricing on pollution and tell Canadians, "It's no longer free to pollute in Canada." Change the Ministry of Environment to The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. Fucking Liberals and their name-changing. Who better than a West Hating Chicken Little Extremist to run the dog and pony show than Chicken Little himself? I look at Steven Guilbeault and the first thing that comes to mind is that this guy is Canada's Dick Cheney. Justin Trudeau isn't smart enough to be as stupidly dangerous as he has been. He needs help in this department, and Guilbeault is trying to make history, so working Canadians need to suck it. His policies are harmful not only to Alberta but also to the country as a whole. While the carbon tax didn't get the ball rolling, it's keeping the ball rolling, stopping regularly to pick up more cash and rolling right into the trough in Ottawa..

I don't like Fuck Trudeau Flags, but a Fuck Guilbeault button? Hmmm, have to give that some hard thought.

I wandered a little there, so I'll wander back to the plan. 1. Put Carbon Pricing on Energy Companies so they work toward lowering carbon output. Energy companies pay carbon prices and add the tax to their sales, and off it goes to every form of consumption necessary to the people who pay the government's salary. It's almost like we got the mob protecting us from, you know, the mob. But what they are doing is legacy-building and doing fuck all else. Since taking government, they haven't moved the needle one iota in 8 years.

People have to go to work to feed themselves and pay the government to do the shitty job they do. The carbon tax was supposed to be revenue-neutral, like the GST, remember? Hey, they even sent you checks that eventually became few and then none.

As the elites get off their private jets and meet and pat each other on the back, they laugh at the working class and build a legacy, and they secure their own futures while they steal ours.

Copp 23 "Ever heard of Zoom?"
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've said it before. I believe in pollution reduction, including all sorts of emissions. What I don't believe in is the Chicken Little Climate Hysterics. I don't believe in punishing people for having to go to work every day. We have been reducing vehicle emissions since the 70s, but some programs like the DEF program are a joke. If you have a DEF system on a big truck, it reduces your efficiency up to 6.5 km per gallon of diesel. I'm still scratching my head about how introducing a new chemical into the system and increasing fuel consumption significantly affects the environment. I drove 300,000 kilometers last year.

In his end-year address, Justin Trudeau stated that the Tories have unfairly scapegoated the carbon tax as the main contributor to inflation. Justin Trudeau is right. The carbon tax did not cause the historical and so goddamned predictable inflation we see today; what caused the inflation was the government's childish vote buying-pre and pandemic-spending over the last eight years. Vote buying under the guise of pandemic spending. Three hundred million for this special interest group, four hundred million for that one, guaranteed votes. And there were 100s, possibly thousands of bribes to be handed out. Our national debt is 1.2 trillion. A lot of that was spent with no oversight. One such boondoggle the CERT program, which gave company owners a forty or fifty thousand dollar loan, can't remember, but if you paid it back before the deadline, you got to keep ten thousand of it. That was supposed to be for companies to keep their employees, but it was heavily exploited as the easiest ten grand ever made in business.

If there were anyone that could talk me out of climate change, it would be Justin Trudeau. His plan. Bring in the long-debated carbon pricing on pollution and tell Canadians, "It's no longer free to pollute in Canada." Change the Ministry of Environment to The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. Fucking Liberals and their name-changing. Who better than a West Hating Chicken Little Extremist to run the dog and pony show than Chicken Little himself? I look at Steven Guilbeault and the first thing that comes to mind is that this guy is Canada's Dick Cheney. Justin Trudeau isn't smart enough to be as stupidly dangerous as he has been. He needs help in this department, and Guilbeault is trying to make history, so working Canadians need to suck it. His policies are harmful not only to Alberta but also to the country as a whole. While the carbon tax didn't get the ball rolling, it's keeping the ball rolling, stopping regularly to pick up more cash and rolling right into the trough in Ottawa..

I don't like Fuck Trudeau Flags, but a Fuck Guilbeault button? Hmmm, have to give that some hard thought.

I wandered a little there, so I'll wander back to the plan. 1. Put Carbon Pricing on Energy Companies so they work toward lowering carbon output. Energy companies pay carbon prices and add the tax to their sales, and off it goes to every form of consumption necessary to the people who pay the government's salary. It's almost like we got the mob protecting us from, you know, the mob. But what they are doing is legacy-building and doing fuck all else. Since taking government, they haven't moved the needle one iota in 8 years.

People have to go to work to feed themselves and pay the government to do the shitty job they do. The carbon tax was supposed to be revenue-neutral, like the GST, remember? Hey, they even sent you checks that eventually became few and then none.

As the elites get off their private jets and meet and pat each other on the back, they laugh at the working class and build a legacy, and they secure their own futures while they steal ours.

Copp 23 "Ever heard of Zoom?"
Are you 100% sure C02 is an issue?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Are you 100% sure C02 is an issue?

I am only 100% sure of one thing. The folks running things aren't doing anything and Canada won't make a pinch of difference even if could achieve net zero when were shipping coal to China and India. LOL,

We should endeavor to keep our oceans and air clean, and always look for new technology. We've been hoodwinked.

Environmentalism has become a religion, and that makes it dangerous.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I am only 100% sure of one thing. The folks running things aren't doing anything and Canada won't make a pinch of difference even if could achieve net zero when were shipping coal to China and India. LOL,

We should endeavor to keep our oceans and air clean, and always look for new technology. We've been hoodwinked.

Environmentalism has become a religion, and that makes it dangerous.
Canada hasn’t achieved its emissions goals in part because we already had a mostly clean grid. But also, because we are a very unique country: only half a per cent of humanity lives in the world’s second largest national landmass, vast and cold, with dozens of cities distributed across the country, linked by extensive air, rail, and transport networks. In spite of having some of the worlds largest boreal forest carbon sinks, Canada also holds huge hydrocarbon, mineral and agricultural resources that the rest of the world depends on for their energy and food security.

These features, combined with population growth, make it hard to achieve domestic emissions reduction without economically self-defeating policies. But these are completely unnecessary, the result of a short-sighted federal domestic-only emissions strategy that focuses only on the 1.5 per cent of global emissions that originate in Canada at the expense of also looking at what we can do to mitigate the other 98.5 per cent of emissions.

A global emissions strategy would look at what we can do in Canada and the rest of the world. First using our gas to mitigate coal emissions immediately, and then using our advanced carbon capture and growing modular nuclear expertise to solve for emissions where they are worst, and we can do the most – particularly in India and China.

Even the Paris Accord accounts for this global strategic scope; acknowledging in Articles 4 and 9 the obviously unequal dispersion of the human population, resources, wealth, and trade between nations. It allows and wants to see incentives between nations to use trade and technology transfer to mitigate global emissions across and between nations.

In light of this, why is Canada’s climate strategy focused only on domestic emissions? This insularity not only fails to produce results, it divides Canadians on domestic climate initiatives, forcing political and legal battles that pit us against each other on the trade-offs between energy, economy and the environment.

These battles might be meaningful if the stakes were high, but in a world where a single years increase in emissions from coal use in China is greater than Canada’s most aggressive total 25 year reduction target, our failure to take a global perspective fails the planet as much as it fails Canadians.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Why is Canada's climate strategy focused only on domestic emissions?

Well, that's the way Liberals do things. They target the softest target possible. Somebody goes on a shooting spree; they attack the people who follow the rules, and then take away their hunting rifles and disable them from protecting their homes with a handgun. We all know that the guy who went on the shooting spree bought his guns illegally from the source, smuggling, which we have virtually ignored, but they need to look like they are doing something.

Liberals look at us (average Canadians) like we are peasants, and I'm not talking about the people who vote Liberal. I am talking about Liberalism straight out of Quebec. Remember, "You can't put the money in their pockets; they'll blow it on popcorn and beer." It would seem that Canada has an inferiority complex in that we want so very badly to be taken seriously on the world stage and loved by the cesspool known as the United Nations. This was demonstrated this week by us turning our back on Israel.

I argued about this carbon tax boondoggle on this Forum back in the day when Paul Martin fell on Jean Chretien's Sword. I remember the mantra, "It will help slow down the warming planet. People will change their actions just like cigarettes!" I called BS then, and I'm calling BS now. On a cultural level, Justin Trudeau's Liberals have taken the George W. Bush mantra, "You're with us or you're with the Climate Deniers, the Anti-vaxxers, the Transphobic, the Misogynistic, blah blah blah. If we are talking about climate, Justin Trudeau's Liberals have significantly changed Canada's climate. We went from an open society that welcomed everyone to McCarthyism. That discussed sensitive issues and didn't always agree, but discussed nonetheless.

There is no healthy discussion, there is no debate, and if are brave or fool enough to say this in public, you will face a mob out to destroy you. During SNC Lavalin scandal, I posed a question to the PM's Twitter account, and his keyboard commandos found my website and systematically attacked me until I relented. That's right, I relented because they were going to start shit with my publisher, and in the end, I would be the loser. I needed only look at J.K. Rowling, who the press now vilifies as anti-trans when all she did was insist that a woman and a trans woman are completely different. That's what she said; she's received death threats and was labeled transphobic.

The people who came after me were Justin Trudeau supporters, and the threats they made were unnerving.

The Prime Minister stood in front of a microphone and said, "If Jody had a problem, she should have come to me." She told him nine times that this was a bad idea. I asked him on Twitter, "How many times did Jody say, 'No?'"

We are truly being held hostage in Canada, by the Liberals and the NDP. Our military is in ruin, picked over by Trudeau and his cronies then burned for a billion dollars. They engineered and built the tent cities, the victimhood, the McCarthyism, and the only ones they are truly punishing are the peasants. Us.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The absolute biggest impact that Canada can make towards this whole global climate changing worming, cooling, etc….

It would be to export natural gas to other countries that use coal for electrical generation. The biggest ones currently are China and India. if we could relieve 20% of each of their coal usage…. it would be a magnitude beyond anything we can do domestically with our tiny population and huge landmass in a semi arctic nation.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Well, that's the way Liberals do things. They target the softest target possible. Somebody goes on a shooting spree; they attack the people who follow the rules, and then take away their hunting rifles and disable them from protecting their homes with a handgun. We all know that the guy who went on the shooting spree bought his guns illegally from the source, smuggling, which we have virtually ignored, but they need to look like they are doing something.

Liberals look at us (average Canadians) like we are peasants, and I'm not talking about the people who vote Liberal. I am talking about Liberalism straight out of Quebec. Remember, "You can't put the money in their pockets; they'll blow it on popcorn and beer." It would seem that Canada has an inferiority complex in that we want so very badly to be taken seriously on the world stage and loved by the cesspool known as the United Nations. This was demonstrated this week by us turning our back on Israel.

I argued about this carbon tax boondoggle on this Forum back in the day when Paul Martin fell on Jean Chretien's Sword. I remember the mantra, "It will help slow down the warming planet. People will change their actions just like cigarettes!" I called BS then, and I'm calling BS now. On a cultural level, Justin Trudeau's Liberals have taken the George W. Bush mantra, "You're with us or you're with the Climate Deniers, the Anti-vaxxers, the Transphobic, the Misogynistic, blah blah blah. If we are talking about climate, Justin Trudeau's Liberals have significantly changed Canada's climate. We went from an open society that welcomed everyone to McCarthyism. That discussed sensitive issues and didn't always agree, but discussed nonetheless.

There is no healthy discussion, there is no debate, and if are brave or fool enough to say this in public, you will face a mob out to destroy you. During SNC Lavalin scandal, I posed a question to the PM's Twitter account, and his keyboard commandos found my website and systematically attacked me until I relented. That's right, I relented because they were going to start shit with my publisher, and in the end, I would be the loser. I needed only look at J.K. Rowling, who the press now vilifies as anti-trans when all she did was insist that a woman and a trans woman are completely different. That's what she said; she's received death threats and was labeled transphobic.

The people who came after me were Justin Trudeau supporters, and the threats they made were unnerving.

The Prime Minister stood in front of a microphone and said, "If Jody had a problem, she should have come to me." She told him nine times that this was a bad idea. I asked him on Twitter, "How many times did Jody say, 'No?'"

We are truly being held hostage in Canada, by the Liberals and the NDP. Our military is in ruin, picked over by Trudeau and his cronies then burned for a billion dollars. They engineered and built the tent cities, the victimhood, the McCarthyism, and the only ones they are truly punishing are the peasants. Us.
Well, I suppose they could threaten China and Russia with the might of the Canadian Forces if they don't reduce their emissions. . .

I'm sure Putin and Xi could use a belly laugh.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The absolute biggest impact that Canada can make towards this whole global climate changing worming, cooling, etc….

It would be to export natural gas to other countries that use coal for electrical generation. The biggest ones currently are China and India. if we could relieve 20% of each of their coal usage…. it would be a magnitude beyond anything we can do domestically with our tiny population and huge landmass in a semi arctic nation.
The biggest thing we can do quickly is green hydrogen the best thing we can provide is nuclear.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Well, I suppose they could threaten China and Russia with the might of the Canadian Forces if they don't reduce their emissions. . .

I'm sure Putin and Xi could use a belly laugh.
This is Canada. Will slap a carbon tax on them, then another one with a different name so it seems like there’s only one, then a third one and will call that cap and trade so it seems like it’s a different entity altogether and not related to the first two, layered together….& then we’ll tax those taxes with a 5% GST tax… because that’s the way we roll, because it’s 2015-ish!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This is Canada. Will slap a carbon tax on them, then another one with a different name so it seems like there’s only one, then a third one and will call that cap and trade so it seems like it’s a different entity altogether and not related to the first two, layered together….& then we’ll tax those taxes with a 5% GST tax… because that’s the way we roll, because it’s 2015-ish!!
Expect GST to go up or include more food.
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