

Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

And ?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Then this

Good for the people of Israel! Maybe the momentum can keep going and the extremists in charge can be gotten rid of and actual, real work for peace can happen.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Are they still willing to fight over daylight savings? That was the big issue that I was reading about there on the weekend? Nobody knew what time to pray. Anarchy.

Maybe that wasn’t Israel. Still sounded confusing with various minarets going off an hour apart from each other, etc… like somebody was hitting the religious snooze button.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons

Then this

Good for the people of Israel! Maybe the momentum can keep going and the extremists in charge can be gotten rid of and actual, real work for peace can happen.
And of course you conveniently forget all the other peace overtures Israel made to Palestine who simply spit in Israel's face. But yeah, the violence and lack of peace is all Israel's fault.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
And of course you conveniently forget all the other peace overtures Israel made to Palestine who simply spit in Israel's face. But yeah, the violence and lack of peace is all Israel's fault.
This has nothing to do with the Israel/Palestinian problem. This is an attempted political takeover of the judicial system. It will affect Israeli Jews as much as Palestinians. Would you like True Dope to be in command of the Canadian judiciary?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This has nothing to do with the Israel/Palestinian problem. This is an attempted political takeover of the judicial system. It will affect Israeli Jews as much as Palestinians. Would you like True Dope to be in command of the Canadian judiciary?
I wouldn’t want Trudeau in charge of Daylight Savings let alone the judicial system…(like the attempt made in the SNC Lavatory Scandal, etc….Admiral Mark Norman Scandal), etc…but Israel:
Palestinians make a national pastime of dwelling on the absurdities of the Israeli occupation and the failings of their own leaders; this week, much of the discussion centres on what many see as pointlessly out-of-kilter clocks. The Palestinian Authority, which rules in the West Bank, moved its clocks back an hour last Friday. Israel for the first time this year began synchronising its “fall back” with Europe, its biggest trading partner, and will change its clocks on October 27.

“Now we have a land of milk and honey and sun,” Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, declared in June after his government pushed back summer time by a month, in a move Israel estimates will boost its economy by some 300m shekels ($85m) a year. However, missed meetings, confusion and lost business have resulted for the tens of thousands of Palestinians who work, trade or study on both sides of the separation barrier with Israel.

Making the 7km, 20-minute journey south from Jerusalem to the West Bank town of Bethlehem means setting watches back an hour – or perhaps not. Ziad Albandak, who guides tours and co-owns a shop selling olivewood religious ornaments near Manger Square, is staying on Israeli time after failing to pick up a tour group from California from a border checkpoint on Saturday due to a mix-up over the time with an Israeli partner. “I say it’s better not to change – we get confused,” he said, pointing to his watch, set to Israeli time, as he welcomed a party of Mexican tourists into his shop. “Even if we don’t like each other, we depend on Israel.”


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
And of course you conveniently forget all the other peace overtures Israel made to Palestine who simply spit in Israel's face. But yeah, the violence and lack of peace is all Israel's fault.

No, I just realize that the issue of Israel/Palestine has nothing to do with this and that the issue is extremists in ISRAEL pushing to make it an authoritarian state/dictatorship, and having Israel this close to civil war is not good for any part of the region.

I'm not that obsessed with the Israel/Palestine issue like some are, to the point they think that's the ONLY issue Israel has.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Then this

Good for the people of Israel! Maybe the momentum can keep going and the extremists in charge can be gotten rid of and actual, real work for peace can happen.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No, I just realize that the issue of Israel/Palestine has nothing to do with this and that the issue is extremists in ISRAEL pushing to make it an authoritarian state/dictatorship, and having Israel this close to civil war is not good for any part of the region.

I'm not that obsessed with the Israel/Palestine issue like some are, to the point they think that's the ONLY issue Israel has.
Nah , you are just a racist as once again proven .


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Try’n to pull up a synopsis of what’s happening on YouTube….& almost every video is locked or blocked. Weirdness…


Basically Bibi wants to control the Supreme Court. The people demonstrated against it and have been for a while, then this weekend he got rid of a retired general who was part of his cabinet for being against the move. That got a lot of people pissed not just for the push but I think because he was a general and Israel being one of those 'you have to serve' countries the guy might have had a lot of former military supporting him too? Something like that I think.

The problem is the hard right leader who Bibi needs to keep his position is against him stopping this take over and is threatening retaliation of it. Which is why people are upset; they see this hard, extreme right support of the move as a way to further push Israel to authoritarianism. Women are especially afraid because the hard right party is for restricting their rights and other extreme Religious views.

And there's worry of a civil war.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

Basically Bibi wants to control the Supreme Court. The people demonstrated against it and have been for a while, then this weekend he got rid of a retired general who was part of his cabinet for being against the move. That got a lot of people pissed not just for the push but I think because he was a general and Israel being one of those 'you have to serve' countries the guy might have had a lot of former military supporting him too? Something like that I think.

The problem is the hard right leader who Bibi needs to keep his position is against him stopping this take over and is threatening retaliation of it. Which is why people are upset; they see this hard, extreme right support of the move as a way to further push Israel to authoritarianism. Women are especially afraid because the hard right party is for restricting their rights and other extreme Religious views.

And there's worry of a civil war.
Be afraid , be very afraid .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
JERUSALEM—Calm returned to Israeli cities Tuesday and protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul dispersed after the premier agreed to suspend the controversial plan and Israeli President Isaac Herzog offered to host compromise talks between the two sides.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis demonstrated on Sunday and Monday after Mr. Netanyahu fired his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, for calling to delay passing the first part of the government’s plan to weaken Israel’s judiciary. The country’s largest labor union had called a general strike that grounded flights and closed banks and government offices.

Mr. Netanyahu said on Monday evening that he would halt the overhaul’s progress through Israel’s parliament, or Knesset, for at least a month. He said that his coalition still intended to pass the legislation when the Knesset returns from its recess in late April, but that the delay was necessary to prevent political violence.

“I will give a genuine opportunity for genuine dialogue,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “One way or another, we will bring about a reform that returns the balance that has been lost between branches of government.”
The judicial overhaul plan has divided the country, sparked concern from key allies such as the U.S. and caused thousands of military reservists to say they will refuse to serveshould the laws pass. Political analysts have warned that the country could be heading toward a constitutional crisis that could pit the courts against the Knesset.

Both Mr. Netanyahu and opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz said they would be willing to negotiate a potential compromise on the overhaul in the coming month.
The government, Israel's most right-wing ever, is seeking to take decisive control over the committee which appoints judges. The reforms would give the parliament authority to override Supreme Court decisions with a basic majority and would make it difficult to declare a prime minister unfit for office and remove them from power.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
If I understand this correctly, a bunch of religious whack jobs are planning on taking people’s rights away because of their gawd?