Tasers are to be used whenever the officer feels he would be put in danger by approaching the suspect. They were in no danger (other than the inherant danger that all police are in all of the time) and should have just pulled her out and handcuffed her. Yes, she is an annoying bitch that was breaking the law, but police are trained to deal with people like that. While I believe the taser is safe, it has definately not been proven safe, and should only be used as a last resort. To the people that think she deserved to be tased, I agree, she did deserve it, but that doesn't mean the officer had the right to. There were other options the police failed to exercise. To the people that believe it was justified because she could have had a gun or grabbed for one etc if the officer would have tried to pull her out: using that argument you can justify tasing anybody at any time, unacceptable.