ottawabill said:
But again I say CBC is a federally funding organization and since all tax payers pay for it it should show no to little bias.
Second as you said CTV has more viewers because of the model they use..They use that model because the people want it..something the CBC doesn't know being viable!!
Show little or no Bias? You tell me what would be on air if it were to show little or no Bias? The only time
any channel in general shows the least amount of Bias is in the wee hours of the morining when it shows the colored bars...Wait does that mean it's biased against the colorblind? I think the word Bias has been overkilled here.
there has to be a better application for what we're looking for.
Secondly I do watch CTV too, but channels like that are a dime a dozen, format, themes, display, and commercials are all from a cookie cutter, it can get a little redundant. I at least do not mind something different when I'm tired of watching rennovating shows, Maury, or survivor. That's the nice thing about having a choice.
So if you find nothing viable on CBC then program your TV to skip the damn channel. If you don't know how, there should be a phone number for the TV's technical support on the back of the manual for it.