But it is the socialist Canadian government that does these forms of corporate welfare. It's policy at play here, nothing else.
Weren't you screaming about not getting your corporate tax cuts (more corporate welfare) just a little while ago?
It sure isn't the fault of the private media...
The way they promote the corporate agenda? Sure it is. They control the private media through both ownership and advertising dollars.
Good try, very inventive, but the fourth estate isn't a "mandate" it’s an idea.
They use our airwaves to sell us their crap. Since they are using our airwaves, they have a mandate to be fair and balanced, they are not. They have failed in their mandate.
The CBC's bias derives from its link to government.
Every developed country on the planet has a state broadcaster, except for USA. Only the BBC and CBC have an international reputation for unbiased journalism.
The USA does have PBS, which receives government funding although it is not state-owned, and the Bush government has been doing everything in their power to make PBS programming just another arm of their propaganda machine.
As such the CBC cannot, and doesn't really try, to represent the views of all Canadians.
Yes they do. That's why you see and hear panelists from all over the political spectrum. Just because they don't follow the example of private broadcasters and only represent your point of view does not them biased against you. They present your point of view as well as the others.
The polls you mention were not all commissioned by the CBC, in fact they were commissioned by various organisations within and without the media. Those polls were carried out by various polling companies, with and without connections to various parts of the political spectrum. Now read those polls, all of them. Look at the overall trends. The more the Harperites revealed themselves for what they are, the more people moved away from them. The CBC had nothing to do with that.
Oh by the way REV, where cable is not available, they use a new thing called satellite dishes. Again, no need for the CBC.
Yeah, because everybody can afford a satellite dish. :roll:
So exactly the point of being concerned about their Bias ways. If they are the only service in some locations they should be on a more level playing field. If some of these people only get the cbc then they also view the world thru the CBC's eyes..NOW THAT'S SCARY!!!
Except that no neutral agency has ever been able to show bias in the CBC's news coverage. They go out of their way to present all sides of the story. They check sources. They invite on guests from all sides of the political spectrum.
While we're at it,let's get rid of CTV,Global,etc.too. If all they are doing is rebroadcasting US programs to us,cut out the middleman and just let the Americans take over the airwaves.
That's an idea. If they can't air Canadian content and Canadian voices at least half the time, why the hell are they controlling our airwaves?
I've always felt CBC was a little bias. My first hint was when they were talking about gay marriage. To represent the NDP/Liberal side they brought a professor who has written a million books on legal rights and equality. To the conservative side they brought in a seminarian... that's like a priest in training.
Could it be that no self-respecting author could defend the anti-gay stance? Could it be that the religious right are the ring-leaders of the homophobic anti-SSM marriage campaign? Yup.