Is the CBC bias??


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Thsi was in the paper's this morning..I have my views but I'll hold them for a bit...not long..just a bit :roll:

Calgary, AB - The CBC’s television news coverage of the United States is consistently marked by emotional criticism, rather than a rational consideration of US policy based on Canadian national interests, according to The Canadian released today by The Fraser Institute.

This anti-American bias at the CBC is the consequence of a “garrison mentality” that has systematically informed the broadcaster’s coverage of the US. Garrison mentality was a term coined by Canadian literary critic, Northrop Frye. He used it to describe a uniquely Canadian tendency reflected in our early literature, a tendency, as he put it, to “huddle together, stiffening our meager cultural defenses and projecting all our hostilities outward.”

“The anti-Americanism of the CBC, we argue, is a faithful reflection of the garrison mentality evoked by Frye,” said Professor Barry Cooper, co-author of the paper and managing director of the Institute’s Alberta Policy Research Centre. “This mythical and symbolic anti-Americanism typifies a broad view of the world disproportionately maintained and believed in by Canadians living in the Loyalist heartland of southern Ontario.”

The authors examine the kind of anti-American views expressed in one major Canadian news outlet. They attempt to determine whether views critical of the United States reflect chiefly a rational criticism of the United States based on reasonable differences in interests with respect to policy questions or whether they are more a reflection of the emotional anxieties of the garrison mentality.

“The former is simply an ordinary disagreement between friends; the latter reflects more the limitations of Canadians than it does the defects of our neighbours,” said Professor Lydia Miljan, co-author and Senior Fellow at The Fraser Institute.

To gauge the extent of anti-American sentiment on CBC, one year’s coverage of the Corporation’s flagship news program, The National, for 2002 was examined. The authors chose 2002 because it followed the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, but was prior to the US invasion of Iraq.

In total there were 2,383 statements inside the 225 stories that referred to America or the United States on CBC in 2002. As with most news coverage, the largest number of statements was neutral; they constituted 49.1 percent of the attention. Thirty-four percent of the attention to America or the United States was negative, over double the 15.4 percent positive descriptors. Only 1.6 percent of the statements were considered ambiguous.

The main issue, constituting 27 percent of the coverage, was relations between Canada and the United States. Within this category 41 percent of statements were neutral. Of the remainder, statements were over twice as likely to be negative as positive regarding Canada/US relations (39 percent versus 18.9 percent).

Terrorism was the second most-often cited issue area where CBC mentioned America, at 10.8 percent. Here the negative comments overwhelmed positive evaluations by a 9-to-1 margin (37.6 percent and 3.1 percent, respectively). Neutral statements, however, constituted 58.1 percent of the total coverage, which somewhat restored balance insofar as even a factual report on terrorist activity is usually seen to be a negative reflection on terrorism.

The third most mentioned American issue on CBC in 2002 was build-up to the war in Iraq. At 10.5 percent, this topic was covered almost as extensively as terrorism, which received 10.8 percent of the CBC’s attention. The negative evaluations of the American policy in Iraq were only slightly lower than on terrorism, comprising an 8-in-10 negative-to-positive ratio, compared to 9 in 10 for terrorism.

In total, despite the relative short period of time after the 9/11 attacks, the CBC’s opinion statements of America during 2002 were overwhelmingly critical of American policy, American actions, and American purposes.

“CBC has certainly claimed an important agenda-setting role for itself. To the extent it deserves the reputation it covets, the corporation is at least partly responsible for enhancing and sustaining anti-Americanism in Canada following the 2001 terrorist attacks. CBC, in short, helped turn the joint outrage of Canada and the United States at the terrorists into mistrust and animosity between the two neighbours,” Cooper concluded


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yes look where that article was written 8O Ottawabill there are I think three threads on this board in the lounge on this topic.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
I find that the CBC is critical of any political party in general. They even bite the hand that feeds them when it comes to critisizing the libs. Although if you watch fox you'll hear that the CBC is a communist station of some sorts.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
Jay said:
The taxpayer shouldn't have to pay to be propagandized at....why oh why in the free world would we be subject to this?....maybe were not as free as we like to think.

Nice links. I believe though if you want to find something hard enough you'll see what you want to see. Having had to watch CBC for most of my life I don't find that I'm being propagandized at, unless you watch too much Avon lea. Pretty soon you'll come to think it's still 1895.

Yes some of their entertainment shows suck, but they are at least trying to stay a little different from the mainstream format. Most other channels in canada are like cookie cutter versions and have many similar charactaristics.

As mentioned before the news & documenteries that CBC provides I find don't have any particular biases, they seem to be critical to whatever they are going after. Did you see the thing on the canadian army the other night in the north? I wouldn't call that the most uplifting of news, but they address problems that will effect us as a whole. I also hear people complain that they're too arab friendly, while others think they don't critisize the states enough...WTF.

If you want to get any news with as little biassing as possible the best thing to do is to read/watch several different sources, then come up with your own ideas. Relying on ONE channel, CBC included, is like having all your cookies in one jar and if one gets moldy then they all will.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
As far as I'm concerned, the CBC can do and say as they wish.....they just have to be able to float their boat on their own, not off the taxpayer.

If the CBC is so loved by so many....this shouldn't be a problem.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
A Fraser Insitute study? They've been trying to get the CBC shut down for years. The "sources" Jay gave are hostile as well. Why don't we examine the radical right in this country for its anti-CBC, anti-Canadian bias? Why don't we examine the stories from the Asper empire "news" outlets for their anti-CBC, anti-Canadian bias? What about the Quebecor papers? How would they stand up to that scrutiny?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
I would hardly call the "friends of the CBC" hostile towards the CBC....I thought I was being a good lad by posting both links.....

The point of coarse is, it doesn't matter what the Aspers say...if they aren't funded by the government.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
"In a totalitarian system, you aren't allowed to talk back to the government; in the corporate system, you can't talk back to the sponsor"


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Is the CBC bias??

ottawabill said:
Absolutely if a netwrk is private it only matters what it's advertiser's think. If a network is public it is for everyone

See folks, that isn't a hard concept to manage. :wink:


New Member
May 4, 2005
Why don't we examine the radical right in this country for its anti-CBC, anti-Canadian bias?

Good one Rev. First off, which minisrty funds the radical right. Second, who is the radical right? Third, private citizens, in a free country, can be anti CBC or anti anything they want. Fourth, just because the left is intolerant of any other opinion, does not mean those opinions are anti-Canadian.

Right of centre political thoughts are only scary to the radical left. It is the left that requires taxpayers money to sell their position and to marginalize alternative thought. When the facts don't support the socialist twisted view of reality, they call...the CBC.

It is the left that forces right of centre supporters to pay unions millions of dollars so they can support politcal parties that these people would never support.

The system is corrupt. The socialist in Ottawa control the commons, the senate, the judiciary, the money and the media. Of course the CBC is biased. They are an itegral part of the Liberal/Bloc/NDP socialist coalition.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I just did my own study of the privately owned news media in Canada. They need to be shut down. They are biased, ill-informed, and are not fulfilling their mandate as the fourth estate of democracy.

Since many of their advertisers have accepted public money, tax breaks, government contracts, and various forms of corporate welfare, it is ultimately the Canadian taxpayer that is supporting these anti-Canadian corporate shills.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
Ok, I'm ready to put my two cents in... I didn't want to steer this forum in a direction right off the bat.

First of all I have no idea why this network needs a billion dollars of tax payer money? They have as many commercials as other networks and their programming is nothing to write home about.

Entertainment wise I don't care one way or the other about the CBC most of the programming is rather lame but some shows are worth my time of day (except that they have dumb seasons and move the programs everywhere so you can't find it anymore) BUT my lack of opinion ends when we discuss CBC news.

Yes there are left of centre networks and right of centre but the CBC is the most Bias I have ever seen. The only reason I ever watch their news is either because I can't be around for the 11:00pm news..(CBC is at 10) or I want to have a fight with someone and need to get stirred up first!!

They have so called town halls..usually based in Toronto with one type of person in the forum....Riverdale NDP rubberboot wearers.

If it's not a townhall that is a panel of know, what the HELL is the matter with asking the guy on the street..he's not good enough to have a comment?

The News cast is constantly down on the U.S. and they seem to constantly miss out on real Canadian stories. They only have 20 mins of news followed by some documentary and even at times the 20 mins has 10 mins of documentaries in it. The other night the top story was the enviroment and not something that just happened but where it going..this was a bigger item then a grit leaving the party!!!

The jump all over an anti American story and never give the U.S. credit for anything. They had a story the other night about Syria's changing ways..not one word that it is U.S. pressure making them become a better nation.

Again somehow being nice to your friends next door means you are not a good Canadian...Sounds rather like the Liberals and their " your either with us or anti Canadian" stand..

More of your tax dollars at work

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Yeah, Bill, their panels are stacked. Because Anrew Coyne, Paul Wells, and the others they have on the At Issue panel of The National are all so well known for their left-leaning views. :roll:

The CBC is much more than the main network or Newsworld too. They are, in fact, several radio networks in French and English, not to mention CBC north, which broadcasts in native languages. Their budget costs Canadians less than one 2-4 of beer per person each year. In areas where cable is not available, they are often the only source of electronic media, from children's educational programming to entertainment to sports coverage to news.

No private broadcaster will offer those services because no private broadcaster can make a profit from those services.


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
I'll respond to that later!!! right now I'm going for lunch in downtown Ottawa and running nude passed the CBC's head office..maybe I'll be on the News if the Have time after the encore presentation of Jack Layton's life and times!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Is the CBC bias??

Reverend Blair said:
I just did my own study of the privately owned news media in Canada. They need to be shut down. They are biased, ill-informed, and are not fulfilling their mandate as the fourth estate of democracy.

Good try, very inventive, but the fourth estate isn't a "mandate" it’s an idea. Freedom of speech and expression and press are what comes into play here.

Reverend Blair said:
Since many of their advertisers have accepted public money, tax breaks, government contracts, and various forms of corporate welfare, it is ultimately the Canadian taxpayer that is supporting these anti-Canadian corporate shills.

But it is the socialist Canadian government that does these forms of corporate welfare. It's policy at play here, nothing else.

It sure isn't the fault of the private media...

Interesting though...

"Media independence from the state - the free market

Not surprisingly, since this view of the media's fourth estate function is rooted within the pluralist liberal democracy model, it is commonly accompanied by an assumption that the media, in order to act as fourth estate, must be independent of the state. In other words, the watchdog function can only be fulfilled by a free market organization of the media. It is assumed that, if the watchdog is subject to state regulation, then it will become the state's poodle. "

It's called freedom.


New Member
May 4, 2005
Exactly. Freedom.

The CBC's bias derives from its link to government. It cannot be objective because it is a tool of the government (which in this country means the socialist elites). As such the CBC cannot, and doesn't really try, to represent the views of all Canadians. Just watch the push polls. First the CBC presents its opinions as news stories, then the official goverment poll comes out validating the view. This was particularly obvious during Mays budget follies. Stories like Canadians don't want an Election. 40% of Canadians don't vote in the first place and another 30% of the rest are Liberals and fear a vote. Ask people if Canadians want to do away with sleaze and corruption and I'm sure the CBC would have a different story. I'm a Canadian and I sure as hell want an election.

Oh by the way REV, where cable is not available, they use a new thing called satellite dishes. Again, no need for the CBC.

Bring on Fox News for Fair and Balanced news coverage.