Is Jesus the Son of God? Is He the way to God?


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006

Jesus Christ is touching and transforming people worldwide. He has opened and continues to open the window to people’s hearts, and they are moved to respond to God.
Some have had an intellectual response. They are motivated to investigate the evidence and the claims of Christ.
Is Jesus the Son of God? Is he the way to God? Did he die for me? Is he alive?
If you find yourself asking intellectual or even skeptical questions, you are in good company. It is okay to have doubts. God isn't afraid of your questions. He welcomes your search for truth. When John the Baptist asked if Jesus was the Messiah and when "Doubting" Thomas was skeptical about Jesus' resurrection, Jesus gave them evidence and proof, not just a response that required blind faith.
Evidence - a lot of evidence - exists for Christ. You don't have to leave your mind behind to have faith in Jesus. Many scientists, lawyers, professors, engineers, philosophers, and intellectuals believe in Jesus. This online booklet provides just a start in your exploration of separating what is true from what is false.
"Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about Him being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to." - Oxford and Cambridge Professor, C.S. Lewis. Mere Christianity, p. 56

Jesus is the Son of God - True or False?

Have you ever heard from family, friends, or professors that Jesus never claimed to be God? They say He was just a good moral teacher. Some say His followers created a myth that Jesus claimed He was the Son of God. What is true and what is false?
Before the crucifixion, Jesus is on trial and the chief priest asks Jesus to answer - under oath - if He is the Son of God. You can read this scene in the Bible: "The high priest said to Him, 'I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.' 'Yes, it is as you say,' Jesus replied." (Matthew 26:63-64).

It is true that Jesus claimed divinity. This is just one example of many in the Bible. This was the reason they put Him on trial and put Him to death. They didn't do it because He was going around saying, "Be nice to each other." That doesn't get you a death sentence.
But, just because Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, doesn't necessarily make it true. If someone you knew claimed to be the Son of God, would you think it was true? No, you would probably think that person had a serious mental problem. But when Jesus claims it, hardly anyone laughs. Why is Jesus believable? There are many reasons. Here are three:
His Life - People believed Jesus' claim to be God because He was so absolutely trustworthy. He lived a perfect life - He was sinless. And He had more insight into life and people than anyone. It would be inconsistent that He wouldn't know His own identity.
His Prophesies - Hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth, many predictions were given about the identity of the Messiah. Jesus matched every prediction. It was like one-of-a-kind divine DNA. (Read Isaiah 53:3-12 for just one example.)
His Miracles - Jesus referred to His miracles as signs. These signs pointed to Jesus' divinity. Of the hundreds of miracles, one was especially important - He rose from the dead, never to die again.
How can Jesus' life be explained unless He is the Son of God?

Jesus is the Only Way to God? True or False?

Don't all the major religions basically say the same thing? The truth is they do ask similar questions: Who is God? Why is the world such a mess? How do we solve this problem? The fallacy is that they all come up with the same answers.
Of the world's major religions, Jesus is the only leader who claimed to be God in the flesh. Moses didn't. Mohammed didn't. Buddha didn't. But Jesus made another claim many people find even more controversial. Jesus claimed that He was the only way to God: "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me' " (John 14:6).
In the Garden of Gethsemane before Jesus is betrayed and arrested, Jesus fervently prays in agony, because he knows what is going to happen to him. He must suffer for the sins of humankind. Jesus is praying that God reveal another way for people to be reconciled to Him. He prays, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done" (Matthew 26:42).
God's answer was there is no other way. In fact if there were another way to God, Jesus' death would have been unnecessary.
There could be many solutions or ways to God if the world's problem was ignorance, or desire or just being bad. But God's diagnosis was different, and it had just one solution. Our problem is our sin that separates us from God, and Jesus' death is our only cure.
How good do you have to be to go to heaven? The common wisdom is that if you are 51% good or obey most of the commandments, then you've made the grade for getting into heaven. That is a false belief.
The truth is we all make mistakes; we know we need to be forgiven. Do you live up to your own expectations? If you don't even live up to your own, how do you think you live up to God's?
The problem isn't that we are bad and that the cure is to be better. Rather, Jesus diagnosed that our sin is a symptom of a diseased and dead heart, and what we need is a new heart from a donor.
Think of it this way. Imagine God said to you, "I want to give you the gift of healing. You can heal anybody of any fatal disease." Would you take this gift? Now, what if God said, "There's just one catch. Whoever you heal, you will get what they had." Now would you accept this gift? You might for someone you loved more than yourself. This is the deal Jesus was offered - and He accepted.
The Bible says it like this: "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
In the movie there is a scene where Jesus reveals that He knows the meaning of His death. During the crucifixion there is a flashback to a meal He had with His disciples. He takes bread and breaks it. He gives it to his disciples and says,
" 'Take and eat; this is my body.' Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins' " (Matthew 26:26-28).
For Jesus, dying was His reason for the living. He died for you so that you might live forgiven.
"If Socrates lived and died like a philosopher, Jesus lived and died like a god."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher (1712 - 1778)

Jesus is Alive - True or False?

Jesus dies on the cross.
But it isn’t over yet. Jesus appears to many after - resurrected, flawless, glorious.
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Is this just a Hollywood ending or is it history? There is good evidence to show that it is the most amazing fact in history. Here are four arguments:
Jesus Predicted It. The resurrection wasn't a myth made up after His death. Jesus predicted He would rise from the dead. (Matthew 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:18-19; 26:32)
Eyewitnesses Saw It. Jesus was seen alive over a 40-day period after His crucifixion by men, women, skeptics, believers, individuals and simultaneously by a group of over 500 people. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
History Supports It. Within a generation of Jesus' life, documents were written about His death and resurrection. If treated without prejudice, the historical records are as plentiful and as reliable as any ancient event we know of.
Other Theories Are Feeble. Not only is the evidence for the resurrection strong, the evidence for alternative explanations (e.g. some-one else was crucified; they forgot where His tomb was; He simply survived the crucifixion) are flimsy. They are weak attempts to avoid the facts.
Why does if matter that Jesus rose from the dead, never to die again? Jesus' resurrection sets Him apart from all other religious leaders and everyone else who ever lived. All other religious leaders were powerless over death, proving their humanity. Jesus had power over death, proving His divinity.
The resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith. All of what Jesus said and did falls if the resurrection is false. All of what Jesus said and did stands if the resurrection is fact.
You don't have to have all your questions answered and all your doubts cleared to make a thoughtful decision and claim that you believe in Jesus. Everyone - including intellectuals - comes to God the same way.

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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
If one can really come to that state of saying, "I do not know," it indicates an extraordinary sense of humility; there is no arrogance of knowledge; there is no self-assertive answer to make an impression. When you can actually say, "I do not know," which very few are capable of saying, then in that state all fear ceases because all sense of recognition, the search into memory, has come to an end; there is no longer inquiry into the field of the known. If you have so far followed what I am talking about, not just verbally, but if you are actually experiencing it, you will find that when you can say, "I do not know," all conditioning has stopped. And what then is the state of the mind?
We are seeking something permanent - permanent in the sense of time, something enduring, everlasting. We see that everything about us is transient, in flux, being born, withering, and dying, and our search is always to establish something that will endure within the field of the known. But that which is truly sacred is beyond the measure of time; it is not to be found within the field of the known. The known operates only through thought, which is the response of memory to challenge. If I see that, and I want to find out how to end thinking, what am I to do? Surely, I must through self-knowledge, be aware of the whole process of my thinking. I must see that every thought, however subtle, however lofty, or however ignoble, stupid, has its roots in the known, in memory. If I see that very clearly, then the mind, when confronted with an immense problem, is capable of saying, "I do not know," because it has no answer."Is Jesus the son of God? Is He the way to God ?
I don't know.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Sanctus / China

And to take China's words one step farther: Is it imperative to know?

i guess is would depend on how important the answer is to us? i mean if jesus is really the son of god than maybe we got a problem because if he is who he says he is, than we might be foolish to ignore his words. of course, maybe he is just one of the ways to god..but that is not exactly what he cliamed in the bible anyway.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
My considered opinion is that either we're all the sons and daughters of God, or nobody is. So far, I've opted for the latter view, but I'd be delighted if somebody could convince me of the former view with reason and evidence that makes sense to me.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
I believe that everyone's way to God is through one's self._______________________________________

Yes Vereya , You can't have an advocat in form of a priest or a gurru standing between you and the Truth.


Stuck in Ontario...bah
Jun 9, 2006
Petawawa Ontario
I believe that everyone's way to God is through one's self.
Thats ture, You do need your own personal connection.

Jesus gives the teachings on how to personally connect with God though it is possible to connect with God with out the bible the bible is the best way to get it done. Jesus is God. Trinity, the son the father and Holy ghost.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Thats ture, You do need your own personal connection.

Jesus gives the teachings on how to personally connect with God though it is possible to connect with God with out the bible the bible is the best way to get it done. Jesus is God. Trinity, the son the father and Holy ghost.

So does Krishna, the Dahli Lahma, Neale Donald Walsh, Ruiz ect ect ect But I follow no one but my own path and NOONE is my guru. Jesus is god so is Pan so am I so are you. In finding yourself you will find god (Source) But what do I know? Im just a Pagan


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Well, Sanctus, I hope you are still watching this thread. This is something I always struggle with and would like to discuss with someone. Maybe you can hear me out, and discover the path I went through. I don't think that my situation is all that uncommon. I want to call myself Christian, but as I will explain, I am simply unable to do so.

Jesus Christ is touching and transforming people worldwide. He has opened and continues to open the window to people’s hearts, and they are moved to respond to God.
Some have had an intellectual response. They are motivated to investigate the evidence and the claims of Christ.
Is Jesus the Son of God? Is he the way to God? Did he die for me? Is he alive?
If you find yourself asking intellectual or even skeptical questions, you are in good company. It is okay to have doubts. God isn't afraid of your questions. He welcomes your search for truth. When John the Baptist asked if Jesus was the Messiah and when "Doubting" Thomas was skeptical about Jesus' resurrection, Jesus gave them evidence and proof, not just a response that required blind faith.

That is really important. Imagine an all powerful God which is scared of an inquisitive creation, or even angered by one. Seems ludicrous.

Evidence - a lot of evidence - exists for Christ. You don't have to leave your mind behind to have faith in Jesus. Many scientists, lawyers, professors, engineers, philosophers, and intellectuals believe in Jesus. This online booklet provides just a start in your exploration of separating what is true from what is false.
"Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about Him being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to." - Oxford and Cambridge Professor, C.S. Lewis. Mere Christianity, p. 56

The problem with evidence is that generally, someone who is not Christian, or even a Christian who is trying to be extremely empirical will not accept the bible as the word of God. Personally, I will grant the Bible as a historical document, but it comes with dates. Such as: the books were written at such and such a date, the entire bible was compiled at such and such a date. Then you have to consider the motivations and biases of the authors as well as historically accurate they would be. Generally, someone who believes that the Bible is the infallible word of God will not grant those things.

Jesus is the Son of God - True or False?
Have you ever heard from family, friends, or professors that Jesus never claimed to be God? They say He was just a good moral teacher. Some say His followers created a myth that Jesus claimed He was the Son of God. What is true and what is false?
Before the crucifixion, Jesus is on trial and the chief priest asks Jesus to answer - under oath - if He is the Son of God. You can read this scene in the Bible: "The high priest said to Him, 'I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.' 'Yes, it is as you say,' Jesus replied." (Matthew 26:63-64).

It is true that Jesus claimed divinity. This is just one example of many in the Bible. This was the reason they put Him on trial and put Him to death. They didn't do it because He was going around saying, "Be nice to each other." That doesn't get you a death sentence.
But, just because Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, doesn't necessarily make it true. If someone you knew claimed to be the Son of God, would you think it was true? No, you would probably think that person had a serious mental problem. But when Jesus claims it, hardly anyone laughs. Why is Jesus believable? There are many reasons. Here are three:
His Life - People believed Jesus' claim to be God because He was so absolutely trustworthy. He lived a perfect life - He was sinless. And He had more insight into life and people than anyone. It would be inconsistent that He wouldn't know His own identity.
His Prophesies - Hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth, many predictions were given about the identity of the Messiah. Jesus matched every prediction. It was like one-of-a-kind divine DNA. (Read Isaiah 53:3-12 for just one example.)

This is where the historical aspect becomes important. Assuming that one grants these historical facts, we have to ask all sorts of difficult questions. The Gospel of Mark was the earliest written Gospel, written about 65-75 CE. Well, that was a full generation after the death of Jesus. By that time there were already followers of Jesus and they probably wanted to write in a way that best reflected their figurehead. How much can I trust the author of Mark? How much can I trust the scholars which tell me when it was written? As the dates become even further removed from the historical events, can I trust them more or less?

His Miracles - Jesus referred to His miracles as signs. These signs pointed to Jesus' divinity. Of the hundreds of miracles, one was especially important - He rose from the dead, never to die again.
How can Jesus' life be explained unless He is the Son of God?

Jesus is the Only Way to God? True or False?

Don't all the major religions basically say the same thing? The truth is they do ask similar questions: Who is God? Why is the world such a mess? How do we solve this problem? The fallacy is that they all come up with the same answers.
Of the world's major religions, Jesus is the only leader who claimed to be God in the flesh. Moses didn't. Mohammed didn't. Buddha didn't. But Jesus made another claim many people find even more controversial. Jesus claimed that He was the only way to God: "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me' " (John 14:6).
In the Garden of Gethsemane before Jesus is betrayed and arrested, Jesus fervently prays in agony, because he knows what is going to happen to him. He must suffer for the sins of humankind. Jesus is praying that God reveal another way for people to be reconciled to Him. He prays, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done" (Matthew 26:42).
God's answer was there is no other way. In fact if there were another way to God, Jesus' death would have been unnecessary.
There could be many solutions or ways to God if the world's problem was ignorance, or desire or just being bad. But God's diagnosis was different, and it had just one solution. Our problem is our sin that separates us from God, and Jesus' death is our only cure.
How good do you have to be to go to heaven? The common wisdom is that if you are 51% good or obey most of the commandments, then you've made the grade for getting into heaven. That is a false belief.
The truth is we all make mistakes; we know we need to be forgiven. Do you live up to your own expectations? If you don't even live up to your own, how do you think you live up to God's?
The problem isn't that we are bad and that the cure is to be better. Rather, Jesus diagnosed that our sin is a symptom of a diseased and dead heart, and what we need is a new heart from a donor.
Think of it this way. Imagine God said to you, "I want to give you the gift of healing. You can heal anybody of any fatal disease." Would you take this gift? Now, what if God said, "There's just one catch. Whoever you heal, you will get what they had." Now would you accept this gift? You might for someone you loved more than yourself. This is the deal Jesus was offered - and He accepted.
The Bible says it like this: "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21).
In the movie there is a scene where Jesus reveals that He knows the meaning of His death. During the crucifixion there is a flashback to a meal He had with His disciples. He takes bread and breaks it. He gives it to his disciples and says,
" 'Take and eat; this is my body.' Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins' " (Matthew 26:26-28).
For Jesus, dying was His reason for the living. He died for you so that you might live forgiven.
"If Socrates lived and died like a philosopher, Jesus lived and died like a god."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher (1712 - 1778)

Well, there is a lot in there, but this is where I suddenly realize that no other Christian will ever let me call myself a Christian. Why? I don't think that the God of the bible would only have one path to him. Why is he only showing himself to people from a very small area of the world? God simply hates everyone else, and doesn't want to save them? I can't believe that. I want to believe I am Christian, I was raised Christian and it has left an enormous imprint on who I am. I suddenly realize that God doesn't love the person I am. In that sentence I mean the same thing that Nietzsche meant when he said "God is dead." In my heart I know that God made me and that I am wholly accepted by him, but the picture of God from the bible is the picture of a God which does not love me. Hates me in fact. Will give me an eternity of torment for less than a century of indulgence. The God of the Bible is a human creation which poorly reflects the truth as I know it.

Yet, so much that Jesus said made so much sense. I can easily rationalize the idea that early Christians put words into Jesus's mouth when he claims divinity in the Gospels. It makes far more sense than the monstrous picture of God that I get from it.

Jesus is Alive - True or False?

Jesus dies on the cross. But it isn’t over yet. Jesus appears to many after - resurrected, flawless, glorious.
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Is this just a Hollywood ending or is it history? There is good evidence to show that it is the most amazing fact in history. Here are four arguments:
Jesus Predicted It. The resurrection wasn't a myth made up after His death. Jesus predicted He would rise from the dead. (Matthew 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:18-19; 26:32)
Eyewitnesses Saw It. Jesus was seen alive over a 40-day period after His crucifixion by men, women, skeptics, believers, individuals and simultaneously by a group of over 500 people. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
History Supports It. Within a generation of Jesus' life, documents were written about His death and resurrection. If treated without prejudice, the historical records are as plentiful and as reliable as any ancient event we know of.
Other Theories Are Feeble. Not only is the evidence for the resurrection strong, the evidence for alternative explanations (e.g. some-one else was crucified; they forgot where His tomb was; He simply survived the crucifixion) are flimsy. They are weak attempts to avoid the facts.
Why does if matter that Jesus rose from the dead, never to die again? Jesus' resurrection sets Him apart from all other religious leaders and everyone else who ever lived. All other religious leaders were powerless over death, proving their humanity. Jesus had power over death, proving His divinity.
The resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith. All of what Jesus said and did falls if the resurrection is false. All of what Jesus said and did stands if the resurrection is fact.
You don't have to have all your questions answered and all your doubts cleared to make a thoughtful decision and claim that you believe in Jesus. Everyone - including intellectuals - comes to God the same way.

So here the attempt to garnish historical evidence is attempted. In fact there was a historian that existed at the time of Jesus's death which is seen as the Jewish source of the time. Flavius Josephus, who dates the time of Quirinius as governor in Syria as a decade after the death of Herod. He wrote about both of them, so even if he got his dates mixed up he would certainly know if one even happened at the same time as the other. The point is, Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to register for the Census when Quirinius is governor as stated in Luke, then king Herod murders some babies to attempt to kill the messiah as stated in Matthew. Which is a historical inaccuracy in at least one of the three sources.

For the reasons I mention, I am forced to conclude that Jesus was no more than a man. That he was not resurrected, and that he will not come to Earth a third time, or fourth for Mormons. I want to live a life of peace, not piety before a God that does not love me. I believe that Jesus meant we should be kind to one another. I truly think in some ways that he was a model of humanity, but make him God and I can't live up to that. In the church there is some dichotomy that I can't understand, where Jesus is both man and God at the same time.

I tried, for a long time, I tried to be the Christian that other Christians want me to be. Finally I realized what being Christian meant to them and to the world. With great sadness I realized it was not me and that constantly damaging my soul to attempt to fit their mould was causing me great harm. I turned from the church but not from all of the teachings. I yearn to live in a world where we accept and celebrate one another, Canadian values, but I cannot destroy who I am.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I dissagree, We are not God, God is God.
We didnt create ourselves.
I dont know who Pan is what is Pan?

Well its disagree with tam day ;)

First off we dont have to agree :)
Seconly we DO create ourselves ask my Mom (I know.....shes dead but I still talk to her ;) )
And Pan........He's my sweet, playful ol Goat! :) And if you ask him REAL sweet he'll play drums with you.

Last edited:


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I dissagree, We are not God, God is God.
We didnt create ourselves.
I dont know who Pan is what is Pan?
Jesus often surprised people with teachings that cut across the grain of human nature.
Lose your life to save it. The first will be last. The meek will inherit the earth. Rejoice in
persecution. Pray for your enemies. It’s better to give than receive. Turn the other cheek.
But, by far, the most outrageous assertion Jesus ever made — His most politically
incorrect claim of all — was when He declared in JOHN 14:6:
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by Me.”
This claim rankles people like no other. It has been called arrogant and narrow-minded
and bigoted and snobbish. Some of you are seekers, and something inside of you chafes
at this claim. For you, it may be a stumbling block to faith.
But I believe that Jesus was telling the truth when He said it. And I believe He said it out
of great compassion, not arrogance. And I believe that when we look closer at it, this
statement makes ultimate sense. In fact, I believe this single sentence is one of the most
critically important bits of information on the planet — and to you personally.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
So does Krishna, the Dahli Lahma, Neale Donald Walsh, Ruiz ect ect ect But I follow no one but my own path and NOONE is my guru. Jesus is god so is Pan so am I so are you. In finding yourself you will find god (Source) But what do I know? Im just a Pagan

Jesus voluntarily offered Himself as our substitute to pay the penalty that we owed for
our sin. And when we receive His sacrifice on our behalf, we become reunited with God
for eternity.
As we say around here, other religions are spelled “D-O,” because they teach that people
have to do a bunch of religious rituals to try to please God.
But Christianity is spelled “D-O-N-E” because Christ has done it all on the cross — and we just need to receive Him.
This distinction is starkly demonstrated by comparing a parable taught by Jesus with a similar story found in Buddhist literature. Both stories involve sons who became rebellious and left home, but who then saw the error of their ways and decided to come back and be reconciled with their families.
In the Buddhist story, the errant son is required to work off the penalty for his past misdeeds by spending years in servitude. But you know how the Christian parable of the Prodigal Son ends — with the repentant son being warmly welcomed home by his loving father and being given undeserved grace and forgiveness.
And there are other fundamental differences between Christianity and other world religions as well. For instance, Christianity says there’s one eternal God who created the universe. Hinduism says everything is God — you’re God, I’m God, this podium is God.
Islam denies Jesus was God or that He died for our sins. Buddha may not even have believed in God! These beliefs cannot all be true at the same time; they contradict each other too thoroughly.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I pray to Jesus everyday :)

"Save me from your followers!" :)

You do so because you are hiding from the Truth tha is found only in Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church. You make funny comments and claim to be pagan because Jesus scares better to be in sin than saved, to receive His Sacraments.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Jesus voluntarily offered Himself as our substitute to pay the penalty that we owed for
our sin. And when we receive His sacrifice on our behalf, we become reunited with God
for eternity.
As we say around here, other religions are spelled “D-O,” because they teach that people
have to do a bunch of religious rituals to try to please God.
But Christianity is spelled “D-O-N-E” because Christ has done it all on the cross — and we just need to receive Him.
This distinction is starkly demonstrated by comparing a parable taught by Jesus with a similar story found in Buddhist literature. Both stories involve sons who became rebellious and left home, but who then saw the error of their ways and decided to come back and be reconciled with their families.
In the Buddhist story, the errant son is required to work off the penalty for his past misdeeds by spending years in servitude. But you know how the Christian parable of the Prodigal Son ends — with the repentant son being warmly welcomed home by his loving father and being given undeserved grace and forgiveness.
And there are other fundamental differences between Christianity and other world religions as well. For instance, Christianity says there’s one eternal God who created the universe. Hinduism says everything is God — you’re God, I’m God, this podium is God.
Islam denies Jesus was God or that He died for our sins. Buddha may not even have believed in God! These beliefs cannot all be true at the same time; they contradict each other too thoroughly.

And who are YOU to say MY truth is wrong? For weeks Ive been tring to understand why christianity is arogant enough to believe THEIR way or the highway? But then I talk to my sweet Sis. A catholic AND a christian! SHE is a christian. SHE shows her love for her guru by leadinding a life IN christ. You claim to KNOW your guru but you dont. You preach arogance but you dont preach the Love he did. I dont agree with your Christs politics. I believe the MAN was a great teacher of tolerance, to bad his followers dont listen.