Is Jesus the Son of God? Is He the way to God?


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
How many people have killed in the name of Jesus? Religion is a major problem in the world. It divides people, and makes them hate each other. Then they go to war. It's always over idiology.
Do you remember, "judge not lest thee be judged themself"? Why don't some Christians heed that advice instead of trying to convert people? What if you're wrong, and it was the Cree who were right?
Humans wrote the Bible in the dark ages, and if God talked to them, I'm sure they got it wrong. People screw things up all the time.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Good question, and an easy answer, from themselves and their despair of sinfulness:)

Sanctus, if Jesus is the only way to God and to salvation, what will happen to a poor African kid born with AIDS who will be brainwashed by older men into hating another African tribe and who will die at the age of 14... He will never had heard the name Jesus once in his life.

What are the chances for his soul to reach God then? And where is God's justice if he can't?


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
The problem with organized religion is that it discourages independent thought. You're told what to believe in by reading the Bible, Koran, ect, and a priest or pastor or whatever tells you what to think and how to behave. No one thinks for themselves.
I believe in God, but in my own way. And, I dont judge others for what they believe.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
But simply believing something cannot make it true.
Jesus' statement in John 14:6, "No one comes to the Father, but through Me," is a universal truth. It applies to everyone, even if they do not believe it.
Am I the only one who sees the irony in those two statements? You believe Jesus' statement to be a universal truth, but that doesn't make it so.


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
You do so because you are hiding from the Truth tha is found only in Jesus and His Holy Catholic Church. You make funny comments and claim to be pagan because Jesus scares better to be in sin than saved, to receive His Sacraments.

This comment made even my shoes laugh. And then I felt sad. Very, very sad for the huge multitude of people, who were so thoroughly brainwashed, as to believe themselves bad and sinful. I can't help remembering Sanctus' post about the ten commandments of yours - poor christians, for whom every natural and pleasant thing is a deadly sin to be punished for. Yes, Jesus does scare me. He scares me very much indeed. And so do his followers! (Tam, your prayer is the one I, too, can use).

Sin is a constant of the human condition. It's all around us. It's inside us, too. We are all sinners. Sometimes our sins are written large, like adultery or murder. Sometimes they are buried in a cutting glance. But they're always there. But we are caught in a cycle of sin. Try as we might, we can't break free. Not on our own.
Dear christians, can you try to imagine a life without sins? Can you picture yourself as a being without sins? Can you believe that being born is actually not a sin? These must be shocking concepts for you.

God respects our freedom to choose. He gave man free will, and if anyone chooses to spend eternity apart from God, he will let him do so. The question is what each of us will do. What will you choose?

Will you choose sin and separation? A life of selfishness, greed, and anger? A life of bitterness, frustration, even despair?
Some choice, indeed.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Am I the only one who sees the irony in those two statements? You believe Jesus' statement to be a universal truth, but that doesn't make it so.
No, you aren't the only one. Someone noteworthy once made a comment that ordinarily, a person who would find it very difficult believing in something that is physically, chemically, and mathematically impossible, yet find absolutely nothing wrong with believing in superstitions without having any basis for believing such matters. I find it humorous myself, but I'm willing to accept that people have their quirks and love 'em anyway.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
This comment made even my shoes laugh. And then I felt sad. Very, very sad for the huge multitude of people, who were so thoroughly brainwashed, as to believe themselves bad and sinful. I can't help remembering Sanctus' post about the ten commandments of yours - poor christians, for whom every natural and pleasant thing is a deadly sin to be punished for. Yes, Jesus does scare me. He scares me very much indeed. And so do his followers! (Tam, your prayer is the one I, too, can use).

Dear christians, can you try to imagine a life without sins? Can you picture yourself as a being without sins? Can you believe that being born is actually not a sin? These must be shocking concepts for you.

Some choice, indeed.

You said something that hit me. Im not afraid of christ BUT I am afraid of charlatian preachers that spout hate and that think that its ok to force others to believe their beliefs. I am a peaceful woman. My tennant is "Do no harm" Are you telling me a single Pagan Woman has the corner on "Peace on Earth"? Because I see nor hear any Peace or Love in any of these pages that spout off "The only way" My ways not the ony way its just my quirky little way ;) You couldnt follow me if you tried. Im an individual person with individual beliefs. I dont want to take over the world I just want Peace and harmony in my piece of the world.

L Gilbert said he was just willing to accept.........THAT is the greatest gift anyone can give another. Acceptance.