Iran President: Charge Bush for War Crimes


House Member
May 25, 2004
Iran President: Charge Bush for War Crimes

By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press WriterSat Nov 26, 9:31 PM ET

Iran's hard-line president said Saturday the Bush administration should be tried on war crimes charges, and he denounced the West for pressuring Iran to curb its controversial nuclear program.

"You, who have used nuclear weapons against innocent people, who have used uranium ordnance in Iraq, should be tried as war criminals in courts," Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in an apparent reference to the United States.

Ahmadinejad did not elaborate, but he apparently was referring to the U.S. military's reported use of artillery shells packed with depleted uranium, which is far less radioactive than natural uranium and is left over from the process of enriching uranium for use as nuclear fuel.

Since the Iraq war started in 2003, American forces have fired at least 120 tons of shells packed with depleted uranium, an extremely dense material used by the U.S. and British militaries to penetrate tank armor. Once fired, the shells melt, vaporize and turn to dust.

"Who in the world are you to accuse Iran of suspicious nuclear armed activity?" Ahmadinejad said during a nationally televised ceremony marking the 36th anniversary of the establishment of Iran's volunteer Basij paramilitary force.

Iran has been under intense international pressure to curb its nuclear program, which the United States claims is part of an effort to produce nuclear weapons. Iran denies such claims and says its program is aimed at generating electricity.

Iran insists that it has the right to fully develop the program, including enrichment of nuclear fuel — a process that can produce fuel for nuclear reactors or atomic bombs.

On Thursday, the European Union accused Iran of having documents that show how to make nuclear warheads and joined the United States in warning Tehran it could be referred to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions.

Iran has temporarily stopped its enrichment program, but negotiations with Britain, France and Germany broke off in August after Tehran restarted another part of its program: the conversion of raw uranium into the gas that is used as the feeder stock in enrichment.

Iran also has rejected European calls to halt work at its uranium conversion facility near the central city of Isfahan.

Ahmadinejad dismissed Western concerns over his country's nuclear program.

"They say Iran has to stop its peaceful nuclear activity since there is a probability of diversion while we are sure that they are developing and testing (nuclear weapons) every day," Ahmadinejad said. "They speak as if they are the lords of the world."

State-run TV said more than 9 million Basij members formed human chains in different parts of the country to mark their militia's anniversary. Thousands linked hands to make a 12-mile chain along an expressway in northern Tehran.

Some Basij members also formed chains around an enrichment plant in the central city of Natanz and a nuclear plant under construction in the southern city of Bushehr, symbolizing their readiness to defend the country's nuclear program, Iranian TV reported.

It is estimated that the Basij comprise 15 percent of Iran's population, or about 10 million people.


Electoral Member
RE: Iran President: Charg

It's not often that I would agree with an Iranian President but he and I see eye to eye on this one. Bush should be locked up and have the key thrown away. Or we should do to him what we do to mass murderers.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Okay, we are going to start applying the same rules we use on those neocon topics church and gays to lil chimp threads (Bush) We do not need a bunch of different threads on the same topic. Please! its really gettin to be a bit much. Innit??


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Iran President joins Canadians' demands to arrest Bush
Iran is joining prominent Canadians [like Karlin of Canadian Forums!] in calling for the arrest of the American President Bush.

Several other juristicions have allready drawn up the papers - Tokyo international Court, The Hague, etc.

Clearly, Bush knew in the yr 2000 that they would eventually want to arrest him, and Bush had America withdraw from all the international Courts' jusristicions and agreements.

The American people are also starting to call for impeachment -

50 percent of Americans support impeaching Bush if he lied about the war. And a majority believes he lied about the war.
The recent poll on impeachment was conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs : Among Democrats, the poll found that 72 percent favor impeachment. Among independents, 56 percent.

semi-quoted: "If these were lies, they were high crimes, the highest imaginable: taking the nation to war on the basis of lies. Impeachment for this would be the lowest any president has ever sunk in moral terms -
killed 100,000 people [K - maybe 5 times that?]
destroyed foreign alliances, divided America itself
diverted the National Guard from guarding the nation
promoted unsustainable energy practices
created a training ground for terrorists.
wasted hundreds of billions of dollars

K -- on that last point, consider how many American lives could have been saved with spending that money at home - on health, crime and safety issues, and reducing global warming which would save the most lives from future hurricane seasons and unstable global weather.

Yup, Bush has been bad for the average american, and a horror for Iraqis.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Well I don't know if he can be charged with War Crimes.. Mainly because the U.S. is bigger and meaner than anyone else.. and NOBODY is going to walk in their house and tell THEM what to do.

That said, I think George W. Bush is likely the WORST President the United States has EVER had, and they've had some doozies. But he is in a SEA of mediocrity with the rest of leadership of the 'WEST' .. most definitely CANADA included. They are all motivated by ideologies founded in greed, moral decline, polarized wealth distribution.. it is ALL associated with the CULT of FREE TRADE (including privatization, monetarism (free trade in currency), deregulation.. especially in banking, credit and equity markets.. it is rabid free market capitalism). Geoge W. is the leader of this pack of international pirates.

But he is at most a puppet. He only dimly understands its impact. Iraq is a component part of much larger policy of Anglo American dominance in world run by supranational agencies (WTO, IMF, World Bank).. they are now desparately trying to get total control over the UN. They want no accountability to an electorate, no oversight by true representative government. They operate is secret or by carefully orchestrated 'academic' validation by payed for operatives in academia. Bush is bypassing Congress through 'fast tracking" to impose regional Free Trade Zones, which are being conveniently ignored by the mainstream media. He surrounds himself with sycophants, political hacks and henchmen. He refuses to address audiences that have not been screened of any or all who do not completely support his policies. He refuses to meet Cyndi Sheehan, the mother of soldier who died for Bush's policies.

This is a WEAK man, of LOW character. This is the type of man OLIGARCHS promote as front men.. then pay off when they're out of office. The policies will ultimately lead to a catastrophic implosion of the world economy and an inevitable nuclear world war. That will be George W. Bush's real legacy, his REAL place in History.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
I'm still toying with the impact THE HAGUE would have in trying President Bush in abstentia.

My belief is that America is strong enough to handle impeachment of a President, and so it is strong enough to handle the World Court.

My Republican friends are not to this level of belief, that this will cause great restrictions on America and that this is an attempt at a power play, not justice.

They're right about it being a power play more than it is about justice.

But I believe the debate that is splitting America into two is healthy.

Unity is sometimes a very shallow, unthinking false cover.

So I believe more in the value of the debate on American power than what either side is pushing.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005

In advance of Iran's Jerusalem Day, which was established by Ayatollah Khomeini and is marked annually on the fourth Friday of the month of Ramadan, the "World without Zionism" conference was held in Tehran.

At the conference, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to the representatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, members of the Society for the Defense of the Palestinian Nation, and members of the Islamic Students Union, and an audience of hundreds of students.

In his speech, he described his vision of an age-old confrontation between the world of Islam and the "World of Arrogance," i.e. the West; he portrayed Israel and Zionism as the spearhead of the West against the Islamic nation; and he emphasized the need to eliminate Israel – which, he claimed, was a goal that was attainable.

Speeches were also delivered by representatives of Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas leader Khaled Mash'al.

The Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), published the full text of Ahmadinejad's speech. The following is a translation of excerpts from ISNA's report and from the speech. [1]

"Prior to his statement, Ahmadinejad said that if you plan to chant the slogan 'Death to Israel,' say it in the right and complete way.

"The president warned the leaders of the Islamic world that they should be wary of Fitna [civil strife]: 'If someone is under the pressure of hegemonic power [i.e. the West] and misunderstands something is wrong, or he is naïve, or he is an egotist and his hedonism leads him to recognize the Zionist regime – he should know that he will burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah [nation]…'

"Ahmadinejad articulated the real meaning of Zionism: '...We must see what the real story of Palestine is... The establishment of the regime that is occupying Jerusalem was a very grave move by the hegemonic and arrogant system [i.e. the West] against the Islamic world. We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [i.e. the West] and the Islamic world, and this war has been going on for hundreds of years.

"'In this historical war, the situation at the fronts has changed many times. During some periods, the Muslims were the victors and were very active, and looked forward, and the World of Arrogance was in retreat.

"'Unfortunately, in the past 300 years, the Islamic world has been in retreat vis-à-vis the World of Arrogance… During the period of the last 100 years, the [walls of the] world of Islam were destroyed and the World of Arrogance turned the regime occupying Jerusalem into a bridge for its dominance over the Islamic world...

"'This occupying country [i.e. Israel] is in fact a front of the World of Arrogance in the heart of the Islamic world. They have in fact built a bastion [Israel] from which they can expand their rule to the entire Islamic world... This means that the current war in Palestine is the front line of the Islamic world against the World of Arrogance, and will determine the fate of Palestine for centuries to come.

"'Today the Palestinian nation stands against the hegemonic system as the representative of the Islamic Ummah [nation]. Thanks to God, since the Palestinian people adopted the Islamic war and the Islamic goals, and since their struggle has become Islamic in its attitude and orientation, we have been witnessing the progress and success of the Palestinian people.'

"Ahmadinejad said: 'The issue of this [World without Zionism] conference is very valuable. In this very grave war, many people are trying to scatter grains of desperation and hopelessness regarding the struggle between the Islamic world and the front of the infidels, and in their hearts they want to empty the Islamic world.

"'... They [ask]: 'Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?' But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and surely can be achieved…

"'When the dear Imam [Khomeini] said that [the Shah's] regime must go, and that we demand a world without dependent governments, many people who claimed to have political and other knowledge [asked], 'Is it possible [that the Shah’s regime can be toppled]?'

"'That day, when Imam [Khomeini] began his movement, all the powers supported [the Shah's] corrupt regime… and said it was not possible. However, our nation stood firm, and by now we have, for 27 years, been living without a government dependent on America. Imam [Khomeni] said: 'The rule of the East [U.S.S.R.] and of the West [U.S.] should be ended.' But the weak people who saw only the tiny world near them did not believe it.

"'Nobody believed that we would one day witness the collapse of the Eastern Imperialism [i.e. the U.S.S.R], and said it was an iron regime. But in our short lifetime we have witnessed how this regime collapsed in such a way that we must look for it in libraries, and we can find no literature about it.

"'Imam [Khomeini] said that Saddam [Hussein] must go, and that he would be humiliated in a way that was unprecedented. And what do you see today? A man who, 10 years ago, spoke as proudly as if he would live for eternity is today chained by the feet, and is now being tried in his own country...

"'Imam [Khomeini] said: 'This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.' This sentence is very wise. The issue of Palestine is not an issue on which we can compromise.

"'Is it possible that an [Islamic] front allows another front [i.e. country] to arise in its [own] heart? This means defeat, and he who accepts the existence of this regime [i.e. Israel] in fact signs the defeat of the Islamic world.

"'In his battle against the World of Arrogance, our dear Imam [Khomeini] set the regime occupying Qods [Jerusalem] as the target of his fight.

"'I do not doubt that the new wave which has begun in our dear Palestine and which today we are also witnessing in the Islamic world is a wave of morality which has spread all over the Islamic world. Very soon, this stain of disgrace [i.e. Israel] will be purged from the center of the Islamic world – and this is attainable.

"'But we must be wary of Fitna. For more than 50 years, the World of Arrogance has tried to give recognition to the existence of this falsified regime [Israel]. With its first steps, and then with further steps, it has tried hard in this direction to stabilize it.

"'Regrettably, 27 or 28 years ago... one of the countries of the first line [i.e. Egypt] made this failure [of recognizing Israel] – and we still hope that they will correct it.

"'Lately we have new Fitna underway… With the forced evacuation [of Gaza] that was imposed by the Palestinian people, they [the Israelis] evacuated only a corner. [Israel] declared this as the final victory and, on the pretext of evacuating Gaza and establishing a Palestinian government, tried to put an end to the hopes of the Palestinians.

"'Today, [Israel] seeks, satanically and deceitfully, to gain control of the front of war. It is trying to influence the Palestinian groups in Palestine so as to preoccupy them with political issues and jobs – so that they relinquish the Palestinian cause that determines their destiny, and come into conflict with each other.

"'On the pretext of goodwill, they [Israel] intended, by evacuating the Gaza strip, to gain recognition of its corrupt regime by some Islamic states. I very much hope, and ask God, that the Palestinian people and the dear Palestinian groups will be wary of this Fitna.

"'The issue of Palestine is by no means over, and will end only when all of Palestine will have a government belonging to the Palestinian people. The refugees must return to their homes, and there must be a government that has come to power by the will of the [Palestinian] people. And, of course those [i.e. the Jews] who came to this country from far away to plunder it have no right to decide anything for the [Palestinian] people.

"'I hope that the Palestinians will maintain their wariness and intelligence, much as they have pursued their battles in the past 10 years. This will be a short period, and if we pass through it successfully, the process of the elimination of the Zionist regime will be smooth and simple.

"'I warn all the leaders of the Islamic world to be wary of Fitna: If someone is under the pressure of hegemonic power [i.e. the West] and understands that something is wrong, or he is naïve, or he is an egotist and his hedonism leads him to recognize the Zionist regime – he should know that he will burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah [nation]…

"'The people who sit in closed rooms cannot decide on this matter. The Islamic people cannot allow this historical enemy to exist in the heart of the Islamic world.

"'Oh dear people, look at this global arena. By whom are we confronted? We have to understand the depth of the disgrace of the enemy, until our holy hatred expands continuously and strikes like a wave.'"


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005


House Member
May 25, 2004
RE: Iran President: Charg

The same thing can be said about the US training Israelis to kill Palestinians. Or at least they used to until the Israelis became better the the US at killing and torturing.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
You mean training the Israelis to stop Palestinians from lobbing bombs on people, and blowing up buses with old people on them? The same Palestinians who burn American flags and chant death to Israel?

No Mog, it isn’t the same. You just have a seriously warped mind.


House Member
May 25, 2004
RE: Iran President: Charg

I refuse to answer someone who always defends the powerful against the weak, the rich against the poor.

Jay, you really have to get down your horse and look around. There are injustices around the world that you don't seem to see.

I also urge you to stop your personal attacks on me. I am entitled to my opinion. I just wanted to show you the other side of the coin and you tell me I have a warped mind.


Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
to JAY's cartoon.

Answer - funny thing about it is that both Israel and the U.S. have nukes, but the apparent concern is for Iran, which does not have nukes.

I would not doubt that Iran would be training Chechen freedom fighters. They should bring that war to the streets of Moscow.

During the time of Apartheid Israel trained South African forces on crowd control. U.S. intel trained SAVAK. Much of the IRA funding came from New York city.

Is it not possible for the leader of a nation to charge another with War Crimes? How does one get such charges laid? Let's get on with it. At least Bush wouldn't be able to travel anymore.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Ocean Breeze said:

absolute GENIUS on Iran's part. :thumbleft:

( you don't "fight" the US "invite ' them.....and remain in control.... while upstaging them in a way that they don't have to lose that all important face..)

Boy, you're in good company there...........

You hate the USA so much you are willing to support a nation that arrests a Canadian citizen for nothing, tortures, rapes, and murders her, and then thumbs its nose at the Canadian government............

Rethink this, Ocean...

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Colpy said:
Ocean Breeze said:

absolute GENIUS on Iran's part. :thumbleft:

( you don't "fight" the US "invite ' them.....and remain in control.... while upstaging them in a way that they don't have to lose that all important face..)

Boy, you're in good company there...........

You hate the USA so much you are willing to support a nation that arrests a Canadian citizen for nothing, tortures, rapes, and murders her, and then thumbs its nose at the Canadian government............

Rethink this, Ocean...

colpy.........ya ain't making any sense........ How the heck do you get the impression I support Iran blindly?? I said that their approach was Genius as in SMART. And it IS.

Has Frichen all to do with supporting/endorsing them........sheesh.

seems you is so quick to defend the atrocity that is the US NOW.......that you have fallen into knee jerk reactions...

come on is smarter than that.

(for the record.......don't presume on my feelings ......(hate or whatever)....... just because the current USR is disgusting beyond comprehension. Speaking of torture........ that self proclaimed civilized nation to the south of us is deeply immersed in torture and other such primitive activities.......... and yep......that is enough reason for some very harsh feelings against that regime. The fact they LOVE WAR another.

the third is their frichen "death penalty" which they seem to enjoy so much. Does that not sound like a society of sadists??