Human organs for Israel.


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
Harvisting organs

My issue is not that other countries are doing it, my issue is that of every country, Israel should be taking the lead on this issue since it was they who suffered the most as a people at the hands of just these type of people. That a Jew would ever receive one of these organs, or traffic in ther sale is beyond comprehension. They have the moral obligation to lead on this issue, not leave it to others.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Regardless of who you are--your child, your?-> death or a kidney-what is your choice? Well if you are a Jahova witness ??


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Yah, you.
Ah Cummmmmmmmmere fer christs sake, I ain't gonna bite ya.


Wanna buy an organ??

Nah, not off a corpse. Wunnamine.

It's old an probably kinna rinkeled up eh.

But, I unnerstan it's in good shape.

Had it fer a long long long time.......(nudge nudge wink wink).....LONG time.....get it?? hehehehe

Sure, I'll sell it. frig, when's the last time I used it?


Well, I'd show it to ya, but the cops, eh. They come by this way allatime.

Hunnred bucks.............c'mon hunnred bucks..........Ok, ya cheeeep bastid.......50 bucks......ok.........?? Deal

Ok, meet me at the hospital tomorrow, havin me appendix out at 10.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
My issue is not that other countries are doing it, my issue is that of every country, Israel should be taking the lead on this issue since it was they who suffered the most as a people at the hands of just these type of people. That a Jew would ever receive one of these organs, or traffic in ther sale is beyond comprehension. They have the moral obligation to lead on this issue, not leave it to others.

Israel's legal system prohibits this trade and a story I linked to above shows they have made arrests for these types of crimes.


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
Israel's organ trade

You are assuming incorrectly earth_as_one. There is no law in Israel banning the trafficking in human organs.

THE ORGAN TRADE: A Global Black Market; Tracking the Sale of a Kidney On a Path of Poverty and Hope - New York Times

Their belief is that removal of an organ desecrates the body, so they have no problem with other bodies being desecrated for their benefit. The rate on organ donation is Israel is the lowest in the Western world, yet, their rates of kidney failure is one of the highest. They have no problem taking organs from murdered prisoners in China or the profoundly poor on Brazil where the poor are coursed into selling their organs, leaving them with a shortened lifespan, the risk of complications arising from substandard black-market surgery and profoundly increased risk of post-op complications and infections due to their squalid living conditions. The government of Israel can only prosecute on "tax evasion" charges. Seems it's worse to keep your money from the Israeli government than buy organs from murderers. This is just pathetic and a horrible shame on the country of Israel.