Horses really were in NA before the Spanish showed.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Could just throw a lot of things considered "Fact" on their head.

Also could kick the BLM in the ass (least one can hope)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Cops need help identifying abuser in shocking horse torture video
Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Publishing date:Nov 26, 2022 • 1 day ago • 2 minute read

A mystery video depicting the depraved and diabolical torture of a horse has police and animal protectors searching for a callous offender.

The vicious torment of this beautiful horse is so grotesque that you may not even want to read this column, let alone watch the disturbing video evidence. It’s the kind of evil you might find in a Stephen King novel but something that is believed to have happened just 90 minutes east of Toronto — in the Northumberland, Kawartha Lakes area.

As first brought to light by award-winning journalist Pete Fisher of Today’s Northumberland, the OPP are investigating a troubling case of animal cruelty as posted on YouTube in which a horse has ropes tied to his head and is being dragged along a roadway in obvious pain and discomfort.

“Good girl,” a female voice is heard saying to the horse.

The second part of the undated video shows the horse back in a barn with bandages on its legs, standing next to several pools of blood with a woman offering chilling commentary.

“Why are you a retard? Why, why, why?” she is heard saying to the horse, as the camera pans to its head.

She is also heard saying it was “awesome” that the horse was “literally squirting blood.”

The whole thing is blood curdling.

OPP spokesperson Bill Dickson told The Toronto Sun “the OPP and the Animal Welfare Service” began investigating this egregious act of violence on Nov. 3 but they are still trying to determine where exactly this happened as well as identify the woman in the video.

Police also want to check on the welfare of the horse.

There are some clues offered in this video, including the woman allowing her legs, hand and feet to be seen in the shots. She’s wearing a watch with a black band, shoes with a unique pattern and pink socks.

If you know her, please call the Northumberland detachment of the OPP right away.

The equine community has identified an area horse trainer as a suspect in online reports. But there was no immediate word from police on whether they have confirmed the woman’s identity or laid charges.

I see this as a crisis situation for this horse and potentially others. There is an immediate need for intervention and rescue along with serious criminal charges for whoever is responsible for this heinous act.

It actually may even be more malicious than something out of horror writer Stephen King story, but it did happen in the county where they filmed a movie version of his novel It. Unlike It, which the locals were proud to host, this horror video has shocked and appalled the people of Northumberland who pride themselves on being a world-renowned centre in the equine world.

While Northumberland is known for breeding, training and boarding horses, it’s also known for kindly caring for them. This video shows, in this case, that high standard the area is known for was violated.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Sorry, mitochondrial DNA analysis conclusively links modern horses in NA to Spain, and from there back to the Arabs. In the wayback, critters could get from what now seems like improbable Point A to Point B because the terrain was different. But the last million years or so are pretty fixed and well understood.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Sorry, mitochondrial DNA analysis conclusively links modern horses in NA to Spain, and from there back to the Arabs. In the wayback, critters could get from what now seems like improbable Point A to Point B because the terrain was different. But the last million years or so are pretty fixed and well understood.

I understand that.

That's why I said 'could'; from the video people are trying to learn if tribal stories do equal up to facts. That the dates of known horse interaction conflict with already common knowledge brings up serious questions.

For me, I'm for the 'earlier' horses were back in NA, the better considering how horribly wild horses are treated in a lot of BLM places and how horses and burros are mismanaged when left out on the range. If they are in NA earlier, it'd be more reason to push for a chance in the status of wild horses. Right now they're not considered properly "Wild" even after so long. There's this "oh because the Spanish released them, they're not native" when actually they were and are, the Spanish - according to history as it is currently - just reintroduced them back onto the NA continent.

The big problem is that there are ranchers who see the horses as 'pests', and there's big money in round ups - and who cares if horses die - and in the meat market still. Meanwhile rare bloodlines of pure Spanish breeding are dying out due to BLM's horrible practices when the lines should be conserved.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I understand that.

That's why I said 'could'; from the video people are trying to learn if tribal stories do equal up to facts. That the dates of known horse interaction conflict with already common knowledge brings up serious questions.

For me, I'm for the 'earlier' horses were back in NA, the better considering how horribly wild horses are treated in a lot of BLM places and how horses and burros are mismanaged when left out on the range. If they are in NA earlier, it'd be more reason to push for a chance in the status of wild horses. Right now they're not considered properly "Wild" even after so long. There's this "oh because the Spanish released them, they're not native" when actually they were and are, the Spanish - according to history as it is currently - just reintroduced them back onto the NA continent.

The big problem is that there are ranchers who see the horses as 'pests', and there's big money in round ups - and who cares if horses die - and in the meat market still. Meanwhile rare bloodlines of pure Spanish breeding are dying out due to BLM's horrible practices when the lines should be conserved.
I can't even go there. Too crazy and disgusting.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Mystery of horse taming 'solved' by gene study - BBC News

Web2012-05-08 · Archaeological evidence suggests horses were tamed in the western part of the Eurasian Steppe (Ukraine, southwest Russia and west Kazakhstan). Experts think they …
  • Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Yup and we invented pants to go along with riding horses. That must have scared the living shit out of Mediterranean people like Greeks who had legends of half man half horse creatures.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Woman charged with animal cruelty for alleged horse abuse
Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Publishing date:Nov 29, 2022 • 1 day ago • 3 minute read
A woman has been charged after a vile online video surfaced which investigators say shows the repugnant torture of a horse.
A woman has been charged after a vile online video surfaced which investigators say shows the repugnant torture of a horse. YouTube
A woman has been charged after a vile online video surfaced which investigators say shows the repugnant torture of a horse.

But the condition and whereabouts of the horse remains cloudy and unclear. The mystery, intrigue and disturbing nature of this story of alleged animal cruelty continues.

So far, there has been no independent verification of a claim in an online crowd-funding effort that the animal was rescued and returned to her original owner.

At this point, no one has offered proof or documentation to show that the horse is alive and safe.

The health of this beautiful horse is the top priority for the thousands who responded to the Toronto Sun’s front page story on Sunday about the video that shows this poor animal with ropes around her head and neck being uncomfortably dragged along a road behind a moving vehicle.

The second part of the video, which depicts pools of blood near the horse’s bandaged hoofs, has disgusted people from all walks of life. They are also appalled at the creepy way in which a mysterious female was speaking to the horse, calling her a “retard.”

The OPP and animal welfare agencies have been investigating and on Monday, Ontario’s Ministry of the Solicitor General announced police charged a woman in connection with this ugly case.

Solstice Pecile, 23, of the Township of Cavan Monaghan.
Solstice Pecile, 23, of the Township of Cavan Monaghan.
“The ministry can confirm that Solstice Pecile, 23, of the Township of Cavan Monaghan, has been charged with Causing Distress to an Animal under Sec. 15 (1) of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act,” said ministry spokesperson Brent Ross.

“It is expected that the accused will appear in court on Jan. 11, 2023 at the Cobourg Provincial Offences Court. Given this matter is now before the court, it would be inappropriate to provide further detail.”

While the allegations have not been tested in court, if Pecile is convicted of this charge, she faces a sentence ranging from “a fine of not more than $130,000, to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years, or to both.” In addition, OPP Sgt. Robert Simpson told the Sun, officers continue their investigation.

Could others be charged? Who was driving the vehicle?

Details of this twisted nightmare have not come easily.

Pecile is well-known in the equine community as a champion competitor and a trainer, and is part of the family which operates Wishing Stone Farms, north of Port Hope, near the town of Bailieboro.

While Pecile or her family have yet to return requests for comment, the farm’s website indicates she “has been around horses her whole life” and “has ridden in long-distance riding for over 10 years” and “has been very successful.”

In a comment attributed to Pecile on the website, she said: “I have worked with many different animals my whole life. I have grown up on a horse farm, owning horses of my own; this has ensured I am responsible and great at problem-solving.”

Pecile is also quoted as saying she runs “my family farm, I teach riding lessons in a fun and positive way, and care for all of the animals on my farm to ensure their health and care are the top priority.”

The Wishing Stone Farms site offers an “equine boot camp” program, which offers “a full conditioning program for horses to be competition ready.”

In light of the charges, the Canadian Pony Club issued a statement saying it does not “condone or support the mistreatment of any animal, and we take the allegations seriously,” and “we are suspending their Pony Club membership pending the outcome of a non-biased, third-party investigation.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Where is dragged horse in shocking online video?
Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Publishing date:Nov 30, 2022 • 18 hours ago • 3 minute read
We have found no evidence the horse -- seen in a shocking video showing what police say is the torture of the animal -- is alive and well.
A woman has been charged after a vile online video surfaced which investigators say shows the repugnant torture of a horse. YouTube
BAILIEBORO – We are trying to find Ezra!

Or is it Quinn?

We do not know the registered name of the horse, which was shown in a video with ropes around its head and neck while being uncomfortably dragged along a road behind a moving vehicle. Another part of the video shows pools of blood near the horse’s bandaged hooves.

We do know a 23-year-old woman named Solstice Pecile was charged by police for “causing distress to an animal under the Provincial Animal Services Act.” The charges have not been tested in court.

The whereabouts of this animal is unknown, as even the OPP has not indicated if it’s aware of the location of the animal.

There is a GofundMe fundraising effort called Ezra’s Road Home in which a woman identified as Emily Reardon from “York Region” says, “Ezra is only five-years old and has been through a lot in the last few months, and I am so grateful I’ve managed to find her and get her back. She will be getting all the love, attention, and treats she deserves.”

In an email to The Toronto Sun, Reardon said she’s the horse’s previous owner who sold the animal — later called Quinn — Quinn to Pecile, adding she is “raising funds to help cover the costs of getting my horse back from a bad situation that involves an ongoing animal cruelty investigation by the OPP.”

Reardon emailed an earlier picture of herself and the horse and one she said was taken last Saturday in Quebec, where she claims to have located the horse. She declined requests for a phone interview or to be photographed with the horse.

“I am in the process of getting veterinary, nutritional, farrier, and behavioural assessments done for Ezra. I anticipate the costs to recover and transport her and get her back to a healthy state will be $6,000-$10,000,” said the email. “I have started a GoFundMe to help with the costs. Any funds raised more than what is required for Ezra’s recovery, I will donate to help other mistreated animals.”

More than $6,000 — the goal of the fundraising effort — has been donated so far.

On Tuesday night, GoFundMe spokesperson Stephanie Princivil said the website’s personnel had “verified and validated” the legitimacy of the fundraiser and contacted Reardon about speaking to the media.

On Wednesday, Princivil told the Sun, “I did hear back from Emily this morning, and she’s not interested in doing any interviews at this time.”

Princivil noted her communication with Reardon was also by email. We have asked her to review the vetting process on the verification of this account.

But mostly we want to ensure the health and safety of this horse. People care about this animal.

Well known veterinarian Cliff Redford, who has treated wounded animals all over the world, offered to examine the horse free of any fee and will also call in equine specialists, if necessary.

Requests to Reardon to see a bill of sale or transfer documentation receipts have also been declined.

The location and wellbeing of this horse is a mystery.

Investigators need help identifying a woman seen in an online video abusing a horse in Northumberland County.
Solstice Pecile, 23, was charged by police for “causing distress to an animal under the Provincial Animal Services Act.” YouTube
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, all was quiet at the Wishing Stone Farm, north of Port Hope, near the town of Bailieboro, where the animal cruelty investigation is centred.

But two OPP cruisers showed up as officers wanted to talk to me and photographer Ernest Doroszuk. It seems our presence triggered a call to police.

The police indicated they would explain to the complainants that as long as we didn’t trespass on private property, we were not doing anything wrong.

The question looms: Where is this horse?