Hoax: President George W. Bush was a slacker


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"Bush took the most holidays by far over any other president...he was a slacker who let others run the debacle for him."

An American President (and probably a Canadian Prime Minister, as well) never really has a holiday, while in office. The "RED" phone is always there.

So any and all complaining and bitching about G.W. Bush's holidays is just sour grapes.

BTW, there was a lot of flak about GW Bush not jumping to action immediately upon hearing about 9/11, but reading to the kids, for another 2 minutes, how about Zerobama not reacting to the news of the "Christmas Bomber" for 72 hours? While he was on holidays?

There was a huge difference between the two incidents, YJ. In the first incident 3000 Americans died. In the second nobody died, it was an unsuccessful attempt. So it is nonsense to compare the two. One was much more serious than the other.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
And by now we all - except the most rabid liberals - know that Dan Rather's "proof" that GW Bush was a draft dodger was nothing but an amateourish attempt at forgery.

It was nothing of the sort, YJ, only committed Bush acolytes think that. The general consensus was that Rather did not prove his case, nobody was saying it was a forgery, except Bush acolytes.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
He wasn't bad, for a scoundrel.

I don’t know if he was a scoundrel, but he was a clown, a bungler of the worst kind. He was responsible for two huge meltdowns, the dot com meltdown in 2001 – 2002 and the much bigger recent one. I think he suffers the ignominy of being the only president in recent memory to preside over two huge meltdowns.

Now, of course Bush acolytes will blame the first meltdown on Clinton and the second one on Obama, but Americans don’t see it that way, that is why Bush left office wit approval rating of 22%, half that of Carter.

And f course he dragged USA into a pointless, expensive invasion of Iraq. But then I suppose Americans get the president they deserve, after all they voted for him twice.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Far enough from the madness. Yep, quite familiar with fences of all kinds. Overpasses? Sure. I've driven over them all over the world including Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, New York, LA, and a bunch of other places. Have you?
No, so why play the backwoods boy?