"Bush took the most holidays by far over any other president...he was a slacker who let others run the debacle for him."
An American President (and probably a Canadian Prime Minister, as well) never really has a holiday, while in office. The "RED" phone is always there.
So any and all complaining and bitching about G.W. Bush's holidays is just sour grapes.
BTW, there was a lot of flak about GW Bush not jumping to action immediately upon hearing about 9/11, but reading to the kids, for another 2 minutes, how about Zerobama not reacting to the news of the "Christmas Bomber" for 72 hours? While he was on holidays?
There was a huge difference between the two incidents, YJ. In the first incident 3000 Americans died. In the second nobody died, it was an unsuccessful attempt. So it is nonsense to compare the two. One was much more serious than the other.