I have always been one to look and try to decide what was fact and what was lies..
I remember this being told and rehashed as truth.
Now you may not like G W Bush but you cannot take away from him his past..
So let is set the record straight..
Canoe.ca -- Technology: Top Web Hoaxes
I remember this being told and rehashed as truth.
Now you may not like G W Bush but you cannot take away from him his past..
So let is set the record straight..
Hoax: President George W. Bush was a slacker during his time with the National Guard. CBS' '60 Minutes' aired a an interview and presented documents that more or less said Bush got into the thanks to nepotism and then went against an order. The documents spread widely across the Internet and many bloggers said they were fakes. An independent panel announced in January 2005 that CBS News hadn't strictly followed journalistic principles. If there was any truth to this hoax, it seems to be buried. (AP Photo/George Bush Presidential Library/File)
Canoe.ca -- Technology: Top Web Hoaxes