LILLEY: High school student suspended, arrested for saying only 2 genders
It happened in Renfrew about an hour away from Ottawa. A student said there were only two genders in class and then trouble started.
So - in a CATHOLIC school the kid says in his opinion there's only two genders and in the name of being "inclusive " he ls thrown out of school for his religions opinion and then arrested for attempting to access his education.
Because two trans people disagree with him. Apparently because it's now illegal to have a religions belief. In a catholic school.
I'm not catholic, nor do i have much affection for that religion, but this is wrong.
Honestly - this is fast becoming an 'us vs them' thing to the point where the trans (and by association the gays lesbians and other lettered people who have tied their wagons to the trans cause) are working hard to create the next version of Hitler. Kids today will be raised to believe that the LBGQ community is out to harm them if they don't bow to them, and if they don't want to be gay or trans or whatever they are bad people and it's ok to harm them and hurt their future. And someone is going to exploit that
That ends one way - sooner or later the hatred of that boils up and explodes and the backlash becomes brutal and unreasonable. And it will spill over to other groups who aren't even involved. And we get what we've seen in the past, a gross overcorrection and some horrible person will rise to power on it just as the worst dictators in the past have.
Violence against the gay and trans communities will continue to go up and up thanks to this regressive and hate filled abuse of power. This hatred of anyone different than themselves has got to stop or it will end badly for our country.
Of course - by suggesting the hatred and intolerance should stop I'm probably breaking the law. In their minds.