Half of Canadians Want Refugees Deported


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
All because of one tweet to show up Trump and keep Bama's dreams alive tsk tsk

The amount of money being spent on these ILLEGALS is absolutely staggering, TM. The cost for accommodation, food, clothing and health care alone is astronomical. Add in the peripheral costs of extra policing including OT, transportation and temporary shelters, etc, etc and this massive failure to act by the incompetent liberal government is a huge and completely unnecessary drain on government funds.

Don't expect any action soon as the sock-puppet is busy sourcing his newest pair in Tofino whilst being hassled by the granola-crunching anti-pipeline, anti-industry, anti-progress dolts.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The amount of money being spent on these ILLEGALS is absolutely staggering, TM. The cost for accommodation, food, clothing and health care alone is astronomical. Add in the peripheral costs of extra policing including OT, transportation and temporary shelters, etc, etc and this massive failure to act by the incompetent liberal government is a huge and completely unnecessary drain on government funds.

Don't expect any action soon as the sock-puppet is busy sourcing his newest pair in Tofino whilst being hassled by the granola-crunching anti-pipeline, anti-industry, anti-progress dolts.

ANCHOR RELATIVES!!!! That is a new wrinkle on the FAMILY REUNIFICATION deal LIE-berals have been working on for many years!!!!

As described above- Anchor Relatives allow illegals that we dont wsnt anyway- to bring in EVEN MORE illegals!!!!!!

And the Anchor Relatives means LIE-berals are starting several MORE LISTS of illegals just to further confuse the issue!!!!!!

When you have to tell this many lies to keep a program from falling into total disgrace you know it will NOT END WELL!!!!!

Consider this stuff about Family Reunification:

My member of parliament-a WRETCHED LIE-beral has sent me a news letter detailing LIE-beral changes to our immigration system and also explaining just how THOROUGHLY LIE-berals will be screwing us out of health care and out of Canada Pension Plan!

WE are told that “reuniting families makes good economic sense”. Sure it does- mainly if you are a senseless vote buying LIE-beral! And we are told that LIE-berals boast of their plan to bring in over three hundred thousand new immigrants in 2016- with similar plans for each year of their electoral mandate. It`s the largest yearly number of immigrants at one time in over ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

LIE-berals have no worries over where the newcomers will live in our mad rental housing market. No concern for what jobs they may need. No concerns for welfare costs/healthcare/old age pensions etc. All that counts is BUYING VOTES from immigrants.

LIE-berals plan to speed the immigrant selection process by getting rid of Conservative mandated security protocols and disposing of judges deemed too `Conservative`-what this means is that immigrants will be able to spin tales of woe and distress that WILL NOT be checked into in a detailed way - to uncover cheats and liars in the fashion that Cdns really expect! LIE-beral appointed judges will not `waste` time picking at obvious holes in refugee excuses as was the case under Harper govt.

This means that murderous loons like Mohammed Shafia with his TWO wives and his daughters will find it easier to LIE-beral judges and get into the country. Also people such as Marcia and Anthony Dooley-the infamous couple who beat 9 year old son Randall Dooley to death will find it easier to get in. And the kind of messed up loons who will rampage and run over dozens of people in Nice and the kind of kooks who shot people in California and the Boston marathon bombers and those who staged the Charlie Ebdo massacres-all these people AND MORE will find it easier to get into Canada courtesy of our ever generous LIE-berals!

And LIE-berals want to “reunite families” and this means that some goof who scrapes past our newly relaxed immigration `screen` can then turn around and bring in a PILE of utterly unsuitable relatives! The old, the sick, the lame the loons-all are welcome to pile into the LIE-beral sponsored govt trough and gorge themselves! So what if they have never worked a single day in Canada-they WILL be ENTITLED to free health care and to Canada Pension Plan and Old Age security -because of course we Cdn’s are not yet NEARLY CLOSE enough TO BEING BANKRUPT -in LIE-beral opinion!

To ensure easier entry for people completely unqualified to integrate easily into Cdn economy-LIE-berals have REMOVED most of the language test requirements for new immigrants- NO NEED now to be modestly skilled in one of our official languages-with NO LIE-beral CONCERN that not being able to make yourself understood by anybody except close relatives might just ENSURE you NEVER work in Canada?

But of course you WILL still get to vote-as LIE-berals want! LIE-berals are ON A MISSION TO BUY VOTES and how better to buy than to make it clear to the three hundred thousand people LIE-berals INTEND to bring in each and every year that LIE-berals remain in power- that the new arrivals will find life very difficult in Canada under Conservatives, or they may even be sent back home if LIE-berals don’t get RE-elected! THIS IS FEAR- mongering at its best!

Anybody remember the health care scandals of Ontari-owe LIE-beral premier David Peterson? With opposition parties waving hospital records that showed THE SAME WOMAN giving birth in THREE SEPARATE Ontari-owe hospitals-ON THE SAME DAY! At the same time our very porous LIE-beral immigration board saw a HUGE SPIKE in the number of pregnant tourist visitors to Canada -who just happened to go into labour shortly after arriving here-with tax payers picking up the tab! Why bother giving birth in some poor third world slum when you can do it in style the Cdn way-AND ITS FREE!

After giving birth the women usually went back home-with a BRAND NEW- days old- CDN citizen in their arms. And that `citizen would of course be allowed by LIE-berals to come back 20 years later to the country of birth-the great White North-AND sponsor all manner of idiot relatives under the family `reunification plan`.

The health care abuses were so outrageous that LIE-berals were forced to start issuing photo ID cards! But not to worry-LIE-berals got around the pesky ID problem for their pals by ordering Canada Post and Customs officials NOT to interfere with the mail-that means that NIGERIAN DOCUMENT FORGERS could make a very nice living creating `official` Cdn `documents` and simply mail boxes of them here for people who could not get them legally!

And Canada Post was ORDERED by LIE-beral hug a thug judges to DELIVER the packages of Nigerian/Cdn health `cards`-with undercover cops ordered to sit around hoping that somebody would come to the post office box to pick up the illegal documents before cops got dragged away to some other trivial event like a rape or murder! It would of course have been much easier and cheaper simply to x-ray packages and confiscate those that contain illegal material-as they DO with guns and explosives being shipped through the mail. But forged Nigerian documents for future LIE-beral voters are sacred and MUST be delivered!

Conservatives took steps to restore legal sanity. But now-courtesy of Justin Trudope-the Boy with nice hair for Brains-we are going back to the crap!

And lets not forget our current Ontari-owe LIE-beral premier-McWynnty-sometimes called The Great Whore because she has sold herself, her party and OUR FUTURE to the civil service Hogs! The Whore has just cancelled govt drug plans that supplied heavy duty pain killers to patients experiencing extreme pain at end of life. As of new year 2017 any dying person in great agony who finds that the CHEAPER/WEAKER pain killers- that govt does still supply- are not doing the job-must start PAYING out of pocket for stronger drugs govt USED TO SUPPLY!

I guess that`s one way to end any opposition to LIE-beral “Right To Die” legislation! Picture it-bureaucrats and bean counters roaming palliative care units and shrugging at screaming pain ridden patients and saying: “YOU have No more money, No strong drugs for you! So you will have to do without the strong stuff if you cannot pay for it”! But they WILL offer to KILL you for free-its your right!

Of course there will be no restriction on giving much larger doses of weaker pain killers to sick people even though the larger doses may have toxic side effects or have bad reactions to other medication also being provided. Just what a dying person needs-a massive allergic reaction to a drug overdose! But there IS good news in this stuff-those sort of: `oopsie. that was too large a dose` type medical moments will very likely help ease the shortage of beds in chronic care and palliative care facilities-by killing off those pesky bed blockers! You know who I mean-the ones too sick to recover but to stubborn to die and give govt a break on costs! And we KNOW govt NEEDS any pennies it can save for MORE GRAVY!

Yeah, The Great Whore has no cash for dying people in terrible pain but she DOES have plenty of cash to treat fraudulent refugee claimants who are being VERY SLOWLY booted out of Canada by our LIE-beral immigration system-while LIE-beral immigration lawyers break the bank seeking any excuse to KEEP the frauds here!

Welcome to the new LIE-beral Health Care Clinic-lots of beds available and NO waiting! And would you prefer Hemlock or Cyanide with your last meal?

And the final kick? Now we know why E-health blew its budget so badly-aside from being grossly entitled Hogs-they were trying to devise a computerized record system that would be quick and easy for doctors to use-but which would prevent opposition parties and the public from finding out just how many LIE-beral screw-ups were gaming the system! It’s a clear contradiction they never resolved-they wanted a clear and concise system that would also hide bullshit-a conundrum of major proportions!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Irregular migrants acting as 'anchor relatives' to help get family into the country: CBSA

Canadian border officers are reporting the emergence of a "phenomenon" on the migrant front: irregular border crossers acting as "anchor relatives" for those making refugee claims at official points of entry.

The Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) says people who have entered the country through irregular migration can facilitate the entry of family members even though their own claim hasn't been adjudicated.

The CBSA document says the provision applies not just to nuclear families but to parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces.

Irregular migrants acting as 'anchor relatives' to help get family into the country: CBSA | CBC News

It's called Chain Migration and Canada allows it as does the U.S.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It's called Chain Migration and Canada allows it as does the U.S.

Actually this chain migration crap is NEW in Canada.

Used to be you had to have YOUR papers in order before you could sponsor others!!!!

But that was then and this is now an immigration mess!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you LIE-berals for another hearty handshake loaded with SH+T!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The amount of money being spent on these ILLEGALS is absolutely staggering, TM. The cost for accommodation, food, clothing and health care alone is astronomical. Add in the peripheral costs of extra policing including OT, transportation and temporary shelters, etc, etc and this massive failure to act by the incompetent liberal government is a huge and completely unnecessary drain on government funds.

Don't expect any action soon as the sock-puppet is busy sourcing his newest pair in Tofino whilst being hassled by the granola-crunching anti-pipeline, anti-industry, anti-progress dolts.
Kudos on covering both the incredible amount being done and the massive failure to act.



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Scum bags just keep coming.

Yeah- how very sad for LIE-berals that ALL their policies are failing at every level!!!!!!!!!!

Colpy has just produced an excellent article relating to the Danforth shooter and how his brother may have been planning a Muslim

terror operation using those 30 guns and thosuands of rounds of ammunition and the HUGE supply of highly poisonous Carfentanyl he

had hidden away!

Colpy raises truly frightening questions about the number of lies LIE-berals are telling us regarding Muslim terror and crime!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Refugee advocates broadcast ‘urgent concerns’ about Bill Blair’s new federal cabinet role


Refugee advocates are becoming concerned with Trudeau. Is Trudeau Xenophobic as well?


LIE-berals are just putting on a brave face and trying to look as if they have a handle on immigration issues since so many Cdns are increasingly disgusted!!!!!!!

So in standard LIE-beral style they are trying to put lipstick on a political PIG!!!!


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
The tension up there is off the charts.
OMG You may quote all the numbnuts most Canadians consider about on a par with the old "Midnight" and it doesn't make it fact. Give it up. Every country has it's lunatic fringe doesn't make it true. when it comes to voting. OOPS! Sorry, I guess it did in the case of your present leader.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
OMG You may quote all the numbnuts most Canadians consider about on a par with the old "Midnight" and it doesn't make it fact. Give it up. Every country has it's lunatic fringe doesn't make it true. when it comes to voting. OOPS! Sorry, I guess it did in the case of your present leader.
So you think gate crashes belong at the front of the line ?


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018
So you think gate crashes belong at the front of the line ?
Andrew Scheer says: "Personally, I disagree with politicians on the left and the right when they use identity politics to divide Canadians," Sheer said. "I will not engage in this type of politics."

I am going to hold all conservatives to this. He cannot talk about diversity at any length at risk of depressing his rural base. Trudeau can. Race over! If he says anything about abortion or religion or sex education i will go call out scheer. If his followers or Russians or any political group backing Scheer, paid or not, does identity politics online, I will call Scheer out. If I see microtargetting online from from conservatives directed at stoking fear in any identity, I will call him out.


Enter a word, e.g. 'pie'

i·den·ti·ty pol·i·tics


a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.

So you think gate crashes belong at the front of the line ?

Hell didn't you hear? Right wing rich people are buying up real estate in New Zealand because they are afraid of a dystopia because of the coming massive disease outbreak. We need immigrants from everywhere so we can fight off disease. There is much more diversity in Africa than anywhere. We need Nigerians badly. And we need to mix with them, if they will have us, to have the healthiest genome possible. Only way we can survive. The rich right wing elite are your leaders by god. Do your part and build a healthier genome for Canada!! The right wing rich would not lie to you - would they?

So you think gate crashes belong at the front of the line ?

Black women become most educated group in US (2016)

Black women become most educated group in US

The percentage of black students attending college has increased over the last 30 years

Samuel Osborne*

A higher percentage of black women is enrolled in college than any other racial or gender group*( iStock )

Black women are now the most educated*group in US, according to the*National Center for Education Statistics.

Between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 per cent of associate's degrees, 66 per cent of bachelor's degrees,*71 per cent of master's degrees and 65 per cent of all doctorate degrees awarded to black students.

The percentage of black students*attending college has increased*from 10 per cent to 15 per cent from 1976 to 2012, while the percentage of white students fell from 84 to 60 per cent.

By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 per cent) is enrolled in college than any other group, including Asian women (8.7 per cent), white women (7.1 per cent) and white men (6.1 per cent).
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