Greatest Canadian?


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie:

Born December 5, 1875 in Napperton Ontario. Was the first Canadian EVER to command a Canadian Army Corps in Battle (1st Canadian Corps 1916-1918). He strongly advocated that Canadian troops should fight together instead of being broken up and spread throughout the British Army. He fought from 1915 until 1916 to achieve this goal and in the end was successful. Currie was the mastermind behind the planning and execution of the Canadian Asasult on Vimy Ridge, Canada's most famous and defining Battle in which the 1st Canadian Corps fought together for the first time and won an astounding victory. Currie's philosophy was that Canada was it's own Nation, no longer a jewel in the crown of England, but a fledgling Nation that should be accorded the rights as such. He felt that the basis for this indepedence was rooted in the military, a body that represented Canada. Canadian troops should fight together, under Canadian command, no Nation that wished to stand on it's own would have it otherwise.


New Member
May 27, 2006
Ralph Klein and Peter Lougheed, the latter for having the forsight to make the Oil Sands technology a going concern, the former for his fiscal belt tightening when it was needed and unpopular and creating a business friendly enviroment that is firing on all cyclinders right now, thus creating the greatest wealth and prosperity ever witnessed in Alberta and Canada......


New Member
Sep 1, 2006
Banting as Above, or
Dr Norman Bethune. The most famous Canadian outside of Canada. He was the head of medical at Mcgill at one time, doctoring the poor for peanuts in detroit another. He invented a early career for tuberculosis and treated himself with it, went to the Spanish civil war and invented the first front-line blood units while fighting the fascists, then went to China and died fighting the brutal japanese imperialism.

Don't insult our country by suggesting that the highest contribution to humanity we have is a bodyslam or a slapshot.

Lieutenant Governor

New Member
Aug 27, 2006
Re: RE: Greatest Canadian?

leetrefz said:
Don't insult our country by suggesting that the highest contribution to humanity we have is a bodyslam or a slapshot.

Agreed. Gretzky and Hart aren't even Canadian in my eyes. The're just a bunch of money grubbers movin to the states to live a better lifestyle instead of using their talents to enhance the Canadian industry.

My votes for stompin tom, "If you don't believe your country should come before yourself, you can better serve your country by living somewhere else."


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
The show on CBC a long time ago....I dont think Tommy Douglas should be the greatest Canadian...

What do you guys think should be the *Greatest Canadian*??=)

Without a doubt, Pierre Elliott Trudeau.His vision of a strong, unified Canada is still the goal we should be aspiring to as a nation.


New Member
Oct 1, 2006
greatest canadian = terry fox

i recently read douglas copeland's photo scrapbook on terry fox, the pages weren't dry afterwards. i am always very moved when i contemplate terry fox's selfless ambition and the physical punishment he endured while presenting a positive face of hope to the the world. terry should be sainted.

other great canadians:

pierre elliot trudeau whether you love him or hate him he was larger than life and helped us to define what it means to be canadian

tommy douglas for the amazingly many things he helped bring to canada, which we know think of as defining us

norman bethune bc of his selflessness and dedication to what at the time was a true people's movement

rene levesque (even though he would hate being called a great canadian!)

gretzky is up there too bc of his modesty and good sportsmanship


Nominee Member
Oct 24, 2006
What about the Fabulous Roujeaux brothers from the 80's WWF wrestling?

Only joking! J.K. Galbraith would top my list.


New Member
Nov 24, 2006
Alberta, Canada
Greatest Canadian: Me

Alright, so i'm not the greatest Canadian - but Pierre Trudeau is one of them. Really, his vision of a united Canada is something we can all look at with pride. Everyone who was on the list of greatest Canadians deserves to be there - except Don Cherry. No idea why was there! Indeed, it is debatable whether or not anyone is truly the greatest, because there is always the other person's perspective to look at. Consider that. Are we Canadians in the buissness of labelling our greatest as 'better' or 'worse'? Can we define them like that? Can we say that David Suzuki works more or less than Trudeau? All of them have merits and downfalls.

Just one man I would like to mention, and one woman.

General Romeo Dalliere - his courage and foresight in Rwanda has changed the world.

Nellie McClung - Her work as an activist gave women across the country rights.

All the Best,



House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Dr. Bethune is a pretty interesting figure if you ignore that he was a card carrying communist. However he was a communist before it was widely known the evils of Stalinism in europe so well I guess you could argue the point. Personally I feel Tommy Douglas and the Pierre Trudeau, to me both of them have a longer legacy the Dr N.Bethune.

BTW the CBC special in my opinion wasn't very good. Any special which has Don Cherry being in the top ten is not worth a lick. Guess it just shows how many stupid ppl we have in this nation.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Theres so many, how can we name one... I like Joseph Howe and Alexander Bell, and Terry Fox as the front runners for a title like that.