Gaddafi: Barakeh Obama is friend


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Man, you have a serious rage on that blinds you to anything but your hatred. My condolences.

You're right. Condolences accepted. But that doesn't help the American left now does it?

I didn't alter the rules of the political game. The American left did during the last decade. Michael Moore, George Soros and a host of other American leftists established the precedent for the treatment of political opponents. Once established, the precedent remains in effect.

What do you think of Obama's short circuiting of the political process in order to move America to the left? There are many examples that those who are not intimately familiar with American politics are unaware of. As Obama sowed, so shall he reap.

The effort to disempower Democratic special interests in Wisconsin and a series of other states are examples of the firestorm created by Obama. Send not for whom the bell tolls....

Americans only see value if they can thump chests in the process. Obviously they were treading carefully while Americans got out, and as soon as they did Susan Rice accomplished more in one day than Bolton accomplished in his entire time at the UN.

At this moment Susan Rice is attending a meaningless UN conference in South Africa. She should be in America helping to plan for the collapse of American interests in the Middle East and the Maghreb.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
You're right. Condolences accepted. But that doesn't help the American left now does it?

I didn't alter the rules of the political game. The American left did during the last decade. Michael Moore, George Soros and a host of other American leftists established the precedent for the treatment of political opponents. Once established, the precedent remains in effect.

What do you think of Obama's short circuiting of the political process in order to move America to the left? There are many examples that those who are not intimately familiar with American politics are unaware of. As Obama sowed, so shall he reap.

The effort to disempower Democratic special interests in Wisconsin and a series of other states are examples of the firestorm created by Obama. Send not for whom the bell tolls....

At this moment Susan Rice is attending a meaningless UN conference in South Africa. She should be in America helping to plan for the collapse of American interests in the Middle East and the Maghreb.
Meeting with who, all those dummies on the right that screwed up every relationship America had?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Do you want to know why the American left is doomed? No polity in history has survived a prolonged period of financial instability. America is a social entitlement program with an army:

You want to cancel social security? SS is Obama's fault?


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
People on my ignore list shouldn't expect a response.

You want to cancel social security? SS is Obama's fault?

Means test Social Security and Medicare. Wealthy people don't need it. Slash the military budget. End foreign aid. Start a full spectrum energy development program like the Chinese. Stop borrowing money. Slash the size of govt. If that doesn't work for you, then let the force of gravity bring collapse and let's hope the Phoenix rises from the flames.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Do you want to know why the American left is doomed? No polity in history has survived a prolonged period of financial instability. America is a social entitlement program with an army''

We had a HUGE surplus and economic prosperity until Republican Bush came in and imposed Reaganomics and its corporate welfarism. That's what caused the mess.



Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
''Do you want to know why the American left is doomed? No polity in history has survived a prolonged period of financial instability. America is a social entitlement program with an army''

We had a HUGE surplus and economic prosperity until Republican Bush came in and imposed Reaganomics and its corporate welfarism. That's what caused the mess.

You blame the right, while I blame the left. In the meantime the force of gravity operates relentlessly.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Can you give me some examples please?

Did Obama change anything in terms of American foreign policy? What do you think of Obama's proposed defense budget?

Umm, what does that have to do with what I just said....are you dodging again?

Btw, I already mentioned the extra 22 billion he wants to spend on defence.....don't see any tea baggers wanting to make cuts to the sacred cow that is defence.

Like I said, Obama is in many ways the same as Bush and offers little in the way of hope and change.