Food Waste


Jan 6, 2007
I haven't seen this but it sounds like a great idea. I don't know what all that rotten food turns into in the landfill.

I know I could be wrong, but I would think you need some stuff in the landfill to rot. No rot means everything else can take longer to break down, no?

I don't torture myself if I have to throw food away. I don't like to of course, because it wastes my money, and I like my money, but, I don't suffer some illusion that I need to eat it all or others will starve. I've never been to a grocery store which was suffering a shortage of food. Half the time they're throwing out stuff that rots before it's bought too.

People aren't starving in Africa because I threw away a tomatoe. They're starving because their govs are holding all the money for themselves and sitting on vast stores of aid without distributing it. My tomatoe won't help them.

The homeless aren't starving in Canada unless they choose to, and still, my tomatoe wouldn't help them much.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I'd rather throw away half of my veggies, biological matter, than add yet another plastic product to my expenditures and to the landfill.

All of our plastics are put out for the recycling truck, and others are taken back for deposit refund, and we take all of our plastic bags to the reclycling depot.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Estimates are that between forty and fifty per cent of retail foodstuffs in the western world end up as waste and is thrown out. You are wrong about what our lifstyles cost the poor of this world and you don't seem to know the source of poverty. I know people in my own community who do not get enough to eat and thier children go to school hungry, there are billions of them on this planet. A short study of wealth distribution indicates amply where and why the hunger exists. The choice you speak of is limited to a relativly small segment of the human population and it is kept like that with weapons and walls by the wealthy, we will very shortly enter into a global economic depression we will learn first hand about hunger and power. I started reading a bit about the dirty thirtys it's a revealing piece of human history still fresh in the minds of many who lived through it but an almost totally unknown period among the youth of this time, it is history that will be repeated in our lands and very soon, then all of us will learn the reality of poverty and starvation in our own lands and the evil of the bankers and the spiritual poverty of capitalists and thier hidious games.


Jan 6, 2007
You are wrong about what our lifstyles cost the poor of this world and you don't seem to know the source of poverty. I know people in my own community who do not get enough to eat and thier children go to school hungry, there are billions of them on this planet.

My point was that they go hungry due to an inequity of distribution of wealth, not because of an inequity in distribution of food. I can do what I can to help make sure wealth is distributed in a way which benefits those who hunger (charity in the form of time and money to soup kitchens, youth emergency shelters, lunch programs), but, the actual food in my cupboards is of little impact to the hungry and a rotted tomatoe or two is neither the end of the world, nor would preventing their spoilage save it.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Have you noticed that when one has very little how carful one is and how wasteful in abundance.
The food would be spoiled by the time it got to a hungry one.
What causes hunger? Conflict, War, starving a group on purpose?
Even People who have experienced months and years of varied and great food shortages,whose infants died and others deemed undernourished, in abundance waste food. These older people may have an out of the way stash of canned foods, etc so they wont go hungry. Some don't rotate the food and the cans are years out of date.

To the mouthy ones >>>may you have the opportunity to experience--but in Canada that is very unlikely -->>so you will never know----


Jan 6, 2007
To the mouthy ones >>>may you have the opportunity to experience--but in Canada that is very unlikely -->>so you will never know----

I doubt anyone who's experienced lengthy hunger in their lives would wish it upon anyone, even *if* they're mouthy.


Electoral Member
Mar 1, 2008
Doubt all you like, karrie, but some people have no clue. By the way, karrie when there are food shortages one simply excepts that as this is how it is-perhaps if a torturer could feel the pain he would have difficulty inflicting it. Food shortages vary, If in the country food id easier to obtain than in the city. Nettles become spinach, flowers, cherry stems become teas, lard is precious and so is flour, potatoes-Ask the Cree that a Mounty found in the middle of winter --- 27 people in a teepee were boiling a hoof -perhaps if the boys in Ottawa gained some experience conditions may have been better. General Lucius Clay, then Deputy to General Eisenhower, stated:
“I feel that the Germans should suffer from hunger and from cold as I believe such suffering is necessary to make them realize the consequences of a war which they caused.[
During 1945 it was estimated that the average German civilian in the U.S. and the United Kingdom occupation zones received 1,200 calories a day.[14] Meanwhile non-German Displaced Persons were receiving 2,300 calories through emergency food imports and Red Cross help.[15] In early October 1945 the UK government privately acknowledged in a cabinet meeting that German civilian adult death rates had risen to four times the pre-war levels and death rates amongst the German children had risen by 10 times the pre-war levels. During 1946 the average German adult received less than 1,500 calories a day
In March 1947 4,000,000 Germans were being used as forced labor [28]. General Eisenhower transferred several hundred thousands of POWs to the Soviets[29] which used them, alongside Soviet captured POWs and German civilians, as forced laborers (See also Forced labor of Germans in the ..
Karrie, lesen Sie bitte oder fragen Sie einige älteren Leute, Deutsch, Österreicher, Ungarn, Ukranians, Russen,.. . Es darf Ihnen helfen, mehr deutlich zu denken. Fragen Sie einige von den Eingeborenen, wo Sie arbeiten. Sind Sie übergewichtig?


Jan 6, 2007
Karrie, lesen Sie bitte oder fragen Sie einige älteren Leute, Deutsch, Österreicher, Ungarn, Ukranians, Russen,.. . Es darf Ihnen helfen, mehr deutlich zu denken. Fragen Sie einige von den Eingeborenen, wo Sie arbeiten. Sind Sie übergewichtig?

Oh wow... do you make it a habit to pull this sort of thing in conversation? Perhaps I'm taking it as much more rude than it was intended, but where I come from, speaking to someone in a language you know they do not speak or understand is a blatant attempt to dismiss and end a discussion. To go to such lengths in your reply, and end in a dismissal seems very contrary.


Electoral Member
May 14, 2007
Mad cow disease is from feeding cows animal byproducts like other animals. Pigs have been fed scraps for thousands of years, it's their natural diet. I have noticed when back visiting that the trolleys are much bigger than when I moved abroad. Must be a challenge that people fill them before leaving the store. It is in business interest that everyone buys and throws, it increases profit and keeps up demand.


Jan 6, 2007
feeding scraps of pig to a pig is not a good idea, this is how mad cow disease proliferates.:pukeright:

The program I saw the tossed pork product in the garbage. I had a cousin who had a hobby farm and worked as a waitress, and it was the same thing for her... she kept all the scraps in a 5 gallon pail, but any pork went in the garbage.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Mad cow disease is from feeding cows animal byproducts like other animals. Pigs have been fed scraps for thousands of years, it's their natural diet. I have noticed when back visiting that the trolleys are much bigger than when I moved abroad. Must be a challenge that people fill them before leaving the store. It is in business interest that everyone buys and throws, it increases profit and keeps up demand.

In England, when the first mad cow disease was found, they had been feeding their
cows, their own dead cows, many which had died because they were sick, or had been
put down, or died from 'whatever' cause.


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
Mad cow disease is from feeding cows animal byproducts like other animals. Pigs have been fed scraps for thousands of years, it's their natural diet. I have noticed when back visiting that the trolleys are much bigger than when I moved abroad. Must be a challenge that people fill them before leaving the store. It is in business interest that everyone buys and throws, it increases profit and keeps up demand.
If people can get mad cow disease, so can pigs. The people who have been afflicted with it didn't get it by eating other people.


Jan 6, 2007
feeding scraps of pig to a pig is not a good idea, this is how mad cow disease proliferates.:pukeright:

Also, it occured to me once I'd replied to this that feeding downed animals back to animals is the way most disease spreads. presumably, our food supply isn't downed animals, although, that has been shown to happen. But, then we're at as much risk as the pigs getting it in their feed are.


Jan 6, 2007
If people can get mad cow disease, so can pigs. The people who have been afflicted with it didn't get it by eating other people.

cannibalism is actually the most effective way of spreading it, and has happened in humans. Yum.


Jan 6, 2007
Hannabal Lecters aside, It's still primarily caused by infected livestock:)

Yep. But mainly by downed livestock being ground up for feed. The instances of it being on the plate in your local diner are pretty few and far between. The risk there is minimal.