Finally a Canadian Union Gets It; 600 Jobs to Mexico


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is that what it's all about?

Unifor probably went down there and tried to get the Mexicans to join if they agreed to 40.00CAD/hour wage and they laughed Unifor out of town. Is that what happened?

Do they deserve it for not having a TQ?

Confederación de Trabajadores de México is their Union. They make $2.04USD an hour.

Apparently they don't see the workers as skilled and pay accordingly.

Back in the day when you needed a trade to assemble a vehicle, they were paid their worth.

These days a person can be hired off the street with zero skills.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
opening up the NAFTA agreement like a gutted fish just because 600 autoworkers are losing their jobs would be unprecedented stupidity for Canadian negotiators.

Meanwhile I am left wondering why the unions aren't being held accountable for failing to secure the job security of their members?

Tossing NAFTA out entirely would be the best negotiators could do for Canadian individuals....unfortunately they are negotiating for international corporations, not the citizens.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Mexico is out of Unifor reach.

So Petros has some things to say about jobs and Mexico and Unifor- and most of it is nonsense-consider:

Petros says: That's where free movement comes in. If plants are allowed to move to Mexico, so should workers. Mexico is out of Unifor reach.

I say-Wow- congratulations Petros for illustrating the level of insanity surrounding much of the economic debate in this country!

Firstly, even the bombastic Trump cannot count the HUGE numbers of Mexican citizens who have abandoned their country in despair and fled to other places! Not enough work. Not enough water. Not enough land. Just LOADS of crime! No sensible Cdn would ever volunteer to move to Mexico UNLESS they got a REAL SPECIAL DEAL! And that option will NEVER be on the table! Mexico got the auto making jobs because Cdns cannot afford to buy the cars made by their neighbours!

Further, Mexican workers would be DELIGHTED to JOIN UNIFOR and pay HIGH UNION dues IF they could get those wonderful Cdn wage rates! But of course auto makers moved plants to Mexico SPECIFICALLY to AVOID Cdn pay rates!

Look at Oshawa General Motors- the plant with the consistently HIGHEST QUALITY of any car plant in North America- and it is CLOSED! No cars being made there NOR any plans to make any in future- UNTIL AND UNLESS LIE-berals exempt GM from their Carbon Crap and Trade garbage because Crap and Trade ONLY cleans wallets and leaves the dirt in the air! It is LIE-beral political meddling that substantially interferes with producing jobs in Canada!

With auto makers moving ever more towards computer and robot building, Trump is chasing disappearing jobs and he knows it- and so does UNIFOR! The really scary part of this business is that the more jobs that are lured back out of Mexico, the more likely the place is to collapse totally into another failed Narco- terrorist state run by vicious gangs- which is pretty near its current status but hey- NEVER complain because things can always get worse!

With current technology, neither Mexico nor Unifor are salvageable! And LIE-berals want us all OUT of gas powered cars and loaded onto busses anyway!

LIE-berals are spinning in circles thanks to their idiot policies that are ALL failing! LIE-berals want us out of cars so the environment can be saved- but they want us to continue BUYING cars so the one in seven Cdn jobs that depend on cars can be saved. LIE-berals want the work and the revenue but Not the pollution, NOR do they want our traffic jams on THEIR roads! We are seen as a NUISANCE by LIE-berals who could enjoy happy motoring if we only would obey LIE-beral orders and get on the damned bus!

LIE-berals want to push us into electric cars but the technology is not ready. Nissan Qashqia advertised at $20,000.00 Cdn- versus Tesla model 3 advertised at $35,000.00 U.S.- making it at least twice as costly as the Nissan. With the added bonus that the Tesla has a fuel system that takes up to 8 hours to recharge versus 5 minutes with the Nissan at a gas station!

Other awkward little details include lesser range for Tesla, and a concern there is less cargo capacity for Tesla and CERTAINLY it will not haul a trailer without serious compromises to its range!

There is also fear for Tesla crash ratings. We know they have been tested in the lab but we have no information on real world performance and this is CRITICAL for the Tesla since it battery is highly flammable if it gets cracked in a crash- Lithium suddenly put in contact with air is dangerously unpredictable as any owner of one of those fire hazard Samsung phones can attest!

LIE-berals also IGNORE the reality that Lithium is at least as toxic as oil and is in shorter supply and we know prices SOAR when supply runs low! LIE-berals want electric cars to become popular so their electrical system SLUSH FUND can start generating GRAVY for LIE-berals and their HOG allies!

A Yankee news report from a couple years back- and with Cdn kids probably working with similar numbers- told us that the number of Yankee kids age 16-24 that held a drivers license DROPPED by 25 percent between 2008 and 2012! Arguing about car maker jobs may soon be a waste of time as the economy sinks ever deeper into debt thanks to LIE-beral spending madness! Car maker jobs go to the cheapest offer and English speaking North America (and Quebec!) is way off the price race! And of course auto pollution is a very small portion of over all pollution- with LIE-berals ignoring reports from cdn Geographic magazine and other sources pointing out that in the aftermath of 9/11 attack- when 25 percent of airliners were grounded- there WAS a measurable improvement in air quality around the world! LIE-berals do not want to admit they could clear the air much faster by cutting back on civil service Hog gravy and getting the Sunshine List Pigs OFF airplanes!

But then North American car makers have ALWAYS been behind the 8-ball! They cry about not being allowed access to European markets- but make NOTHING that European drivers want. The most popular cars being sold over there have decent quality 1.8 litre diesel engines and the smallest engine GM makes is a 2.5 litre gasoline powered rattle trap! GM and the other North American makers are losing out because of bad design, lower quality and high cost- NOT because of any discrimination! GM and others have cried the same crocodile tears over lack of access to the Japanese market. North America makes cars that are to big, not fuel efficient enough and are too costly to ship so far. Though there is truth to the rumour that some foreigners Do favour their own local car makers- and why not- even a bunch of Cdn buyers prefer Japanese cars!

Its why GM has moved a chunk of production to Russia- to take advantage of LOW labour costs! And its why Fiat pulled OUT of Argentina 25 years back because Argentine socialists (with the sort of fiscal understanding Our idiot Boy Justin can relate to) pegged their Peso to the value of the Yankee dollar and killed their economy- which led directly to the Generals taking over and to the ~Dirty War` in which thousands died at the hands of death squads! The Argentine economy did not “take care of itself’ in the knucklehead Trudope fashion- it just got loaded up with debt- just like ours is- and it died as muddle heade socialists kissed up to Argentine version of Unifor!

If LIE-berals worried more about getting value for our tax money and spent less time on idiot social engineering and Islamophobia crap that is simply annoying Cdns, they might actually be better off and they might find that sensible and logical politicians can get votes at MUCH LOWER cost than LIE-berals are currently paying!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
North American Unions get one thing.

How to maintain the money stream no matter what.

I'm in a union, the main purpose today is to protect the lazy on behalf of those that want to work.

Oh now lets not slam unions entirely....I was in a union once upon a time and you are partly right- too many goofs use the union as a shield to cover their slovenly ways... but lets also point out that a union provides apprenticeships- or USED TO- before LIE-berals killed the economy by looking the other way while European illegals stole all the jobs! And I do believe it is true that the best of craftspeople often gravitate to a union as its an easier way to get better money and better working conditions- IF the craftsman can keep clear of the union goofs!

My main beef with unions is the unholy alliance between civil service union Hogs and LIE-berals! LIE-berals and Hogs are engaged in a gross conflict of interest which would not be permitted if the shoe was on the other foot and Conservatives were buying CEO`s with massive pay raises and solid gold pensions!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Oh now lets not slam unions entirely....I was in a union once upon a time and you are partly right- too many goofs use the union as a shield to cover their slovenly ways... but lets also point out that a union provides apprenticeships- or USED TO- before LIE-berals killed the economy by looking the other way while European illegals stole all the jobs! And I do believe it is true that the best of craftspeople often gravitate to a union as its an easier way to get better money and better working conditions- IF the craftsman can keep clear of the union goofs!

My main beef with unions is the unholy alliance between civil service union Hogs and LIE-berals! LIE-berals and Hogs are engaged in a gross conflict of interest which would not be permitted if the shoe was on the other foot and Conservatives were buying CEO`s with massive pay raises and solid gold pensions!

I think Unions have an important role to play that they are very qualified to manage. Safety watch dogs. Too many work place injuries that cost us all $billions.