Favorite places in Alberta.

Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
LittleRunningGag said:
Canadian with a hyphen said:
I Love my city ... I love the people of my city ... the high- educated as well as low-educated, i only moved to Calgary in 1997 and i didn't speak a word of english back then... I only spoke french ...Calgarians were never rednecks to me ... as matter of fact they tried to learn my french and teach me their english , they always had and always will have open arms to anyone from anywhere...
JonB.. i hope one day u change ur mind ...

I have to disagree. I like most of Alberta; I hate Calgary. I moved here in 1988. While I was growing up, a proper Albertan Conservative supporter, I loved this whole province.

As I got older, and gained a little insight into the world around me, I grew to recognise that the vast majority of Albertans (Calgarians in particular) are a bunch of uneducated, spoiled brats. They drive like the dickheads they are, and feel completely justified in treating those beneith them (socio-economically) like crap.

Serving the people of this city has only worsened my distain. Listening to the callers on the local talk radio station makes me angry every day. I can't wait to get out of this craphole and go somewhere else.

You hate the city ...fine .. There is nothing I can do to change ur mind ...It is unfortunate that u haven't met many educated people to change ur mind ..
but with the amount of un-educated people u claim Calgary has , I think we are doing a pretty good job running and being the back bone of the country - with all due respect to people from other provinces-



Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Re: RE: Favorite places in Al

Zan said:
LittleRunningGag said:
......the vast majority of Albertans (Calgarians in particular) are a bunch of uneducated, spoiled brats.

LittleRunningGag said:
Well, first the wife has to finish her psychology degree

Jeezeus LRG, I'm sure you can connect the dots here..... pffffft

Yeah, notice that we are leaving. So we'll be going to Saskatoon or Ottawa, where they have good schools for her major, then we could think about going somewhere else.

Cdn- said:
but with the amount of un-educated people u claim Calgary has , I think we are doing a pretty good job running and being the back bone of the country - with all due respect to people from other provinces-

The oil and gas coming out of the ground does that. And a good portion of the people getting that oil out are from outside the province.

I notice that the other comments I made seem to have no arguments against them. Ok, lets assume that there are some people in this province that have education, although it isn't a prerequisite for being a decent human being, what about the other traits I mentioned?


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
Re: RE: Favorite places in Al

Toro said:
I'm a Westerner.

Maybe one day, I'll end up in Calgary.

Hey Toro. I found the one time that I went to Tallahassee that it kind of reminded me more of a small city in Nova Scotia with the small rolling hills and all the trees.

Calgary is nothing like that. :D


Electoral Member
Apr 22, 2005
Where The Wild Things Are
Re: RE: Favorite places in Al

LittleRunningGag said:
I notice that the other comments I made seem to have no arguments against them. Ok, lets assume that there are some people in this province that have education, although it isn't a prerequisite for being a decent human being, what about the other traits I mentioned?

Actually, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders. Cite the sources that back up your claims and perhaps we can have a real discussion; until then you are merely yapping out of the wrong orifice. 8)

- a proud, ignunt Calgarian


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Can you imagine despising an entire Province? I can't, there's arse picks where ever you live, but to dislike an entire Province, shaking head. I've lived all over Canada and the one with the attitude is usually me until I give the Province a chance.


Electoral Member
Apr 22, 2005
Where The Wild Things Are
Back on topic: I love camping in the foresty reserve! I like throwing my tent wherever I think I won't get run over by wild-eyed four-wheelers; cranking the music to 11 and swatting at the blasted mosquitoes. Awesome!

Yep, I'm one of those annoying people who play their music too loud at campgrounds, stays up all night drinking beers around the fire and just generally irritate the shizz out of everyone camped near me. Sorry! I do try to avoid the regular campgrounds whenever possible, out of consideration. :D


Senate Member
Re: RE: Favorite places in Al

thecdn said:
Toro said:
I'm a Westerner.

Maybe one day, I'll end up in Calgary.

Hey Toro. I found the one time that I went to Tallahassee that it kind of reminded me more of a small city in Nova Scotia with the small rolling hills and all the trees.

Calgary is nothing like that. :D

If it was brown and dry, it would be like Calgary! :wink:


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Re: RE: Favorite places in Al

thecdn said:
LittleRunningGag said:
Well, first the wife has to finish her psychology degree, so probably Saskatoon or Ottawa.

HaHa!! So you two are married. Wait till I tell the gang over at ap :wink:

Not quite, but we're living together so its the same thing. We arn't neccessarily ever going to get married. And if we do it'll be a joke wedding that gets officiated by Reveal (if he doesn't die when he goes over to Afghanistan).

An excuse to take a vacation with friends in Hawaii? Sure, I'll take that!

Laika said:
Actually, the burden of proof rests on your shoulders. Cite the sources that back up your claims and perhaps we can have a real discussion; until then you are merely yapping out of the wrong orifice. Cool


Probably. Although, how I would cite a source regarding the dickheadedness of a people is beyond me. Do you think that there's an official journal with that kind of stat? What a career that would make. :lol:

The biggest problem that I have is probably going to be that I'm not a conservative. So it could just be the hostility I feel towards people who lean near the conservative bend. And that, according to the latest polling, is somewhere near the 70% mark, higher in Calgary.

Like I said, I listen to the people calling local talk radio. I happen to work in retail, so I meet a whole hell of a lot of people. Its just the feeling that I get from the people I meet on the street. Its the down right hostility that you get from people when you disagree with the party line.

Lassie said:
Can you imagine despising an entire Province? I can't, there's arse picks where ever you live, but to dislike an entire Province, shaking head. I've lived all over Canada and the one with the attitude is usually me until I give the Province a chance.

I really shouldn't say that I hate all of Alberta (I think that I already mentioned that... meh), its mostly Calgary. I love visiting Edmonton and other parts of the province.

As for giving it a chance, as I mentioned before I've lived here for about seventeen / eighteen years now. I used to like it, I now pretty much can't stand the majority of the people that live in this city. It could also be that I need a change of scenery...

Again, getting back on topic, I love hitting the smaller towns. Black Diamond has a great atmosphere, as well as a nice little ice cream shop that we've visited on occasion.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
LRG, you just need a change. Come to NS, you want to talk about Culture Shock well I get one radio station and it has a program called "The Trading Post" oh my god it is so funny. People call and sell things on air, one old fella has been trying to sell two fishing rods, and two leather coats and an 8 track the "Plays some good" for six months. The only song the Radio plays is Jesus take the Wheel, and god how I wish he would. The new dump is being hailed by the locals as nicer than any Provincial Park. Yes the guys who work at the dump give tours. Please don't get me started!


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
Re: RE: Favorite places in Al

Toro said:
If it was brown and dry, it would be like Calgary! :wink:

Calgary is certainly dry. I'll miss that in about a month when the humidity down here starts going through the roof. Summer sucks here.


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
I always thought Okotoks would be a nice place to live. That or Red Deer.

I always liked visiting Banff. My reserve unit did our Remembrance Day parade there and we were always treated great.

Lrg. Edmonton or Calgary? Man, you got it bad.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Sassylassie said:
LRG, you just need a change. Come to NS, you want to talk about Culture Shock well I get one radio station and it has a program called "The Trading Post" oh my god it is so funny. People call and sell things on air, one old fella has been trying to sell two fishing rods, and two leather coats and an 8 track the "Plays some good" for six months. The only song the Radio plays is Jesus take the Wheel, and god how I wish he would. The new dump is being hailed by the locals as nicer than any Provincial Park. Yes the guys who work at the dump give tours. Please don't get me started!

Heh, the Trading Post, reminds me of Flin Flon radio. We've got a cabin up there.

Well, the wife is deathly allergic to shellfish so I'm pretty sure the Atlantic is out, which is unfortunate because I'd love to move to Halifax.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Re: RE: Favorite places in Alberta.

thecdn said:
I always thought Okotoks would be a nice place to live. That or Red Deer.

I always liked visiting Banff. My reserve unit did our Remembrance Day parade there and we were always treated great.

Lrg. Edmonton or Calgary? Man, you got it bad.

I'm sure me and Nikki are making it worse that it actually is for each other. Since neither of us really likes it here; I'm sure we're soundboarding off of each other. Echo chambers and all that.

I still say though, that Rutherford is a dink. No one will ever change my mind about that. :lol:

EDIT: Huh, would you look at that, an automatic dink emoticon.


Electoral Member
May 18, 2005
atlantic canada
Hello Bluealberta

big ski country for shure where you are.
I remember the one and only two story outhouse in LUNDBRECK next to the CP tracks, the windsweeped ikonic tree near BURMIS
and the funny Watertower in BROCKET, the bullseye for native targetpraxis.
And of course "praerie oysters".
Have things changed much?
More windmills I read and the "big sea" thanks to LNID.


almost forgot Gladstone Mountain Ranch, had many good Sunday brunches, great place and then relax with book from Andy Russel.
That were the good times!


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
LittleRunningGag said:
Well, the wife is deathly allergic to shellfish so I'm pretty sure the Atlantic is out, which is unfortunate because I'd love to move to Halifax.

Speaking as someone who grew up in Dartmouth (across the harbour from Halifax), the whole freakin place isn't covered with shellfish :lol:

I don't like shellfish so I managed to avoid them my whole life. It's not one gigantic fishing village. The Halifax area is actually a real city.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
thecdn said:
LittleRunningGag said:
Well, the wife is deathly allergic to shellfish so I'm pretty sure the Atlantic is out, which is unfortunate because I'd love to move to Halifax.

Speaking as someone who grew up in Dartmouth (across the harbour from Halifax), the whole freakin place isn't covered with shellfish :lol:

I don't like shellfish so I managed to avoid them my whole life. It's not one gigantic fishing village. The Halifax area is actually a real city.

No, I realise that, but Nikki can die from even being in the same room as shelfish. We have to be careful living here. Going to a place where shell-fish is as prominent as beef is here... I don't know how we would do it.