Favorite places in Alberta.


Electoral Member
Nov 1, 2005
Being that with the exception of the USA, most of my travels have been right here at home...what are your favorite places to travel in Alberta?

I really really like Jarvis Beach..which is just north of Sylvan Lake. Less busy than Sylvan lake, great beaches and fantastic campgrounds.

For all intensive purposes, i like the drive of Highway 43 (going up to Mayerthorpe/Whitecourt). Its such a lovely highway. Its a bit scary at times and lots of fatal accidents happen on that route, but during the autumn..its so pretty.

Speaking of the prettiest drive...i really think its God's country the drive between Jasper and Banff. Also beautiful, especially in Autumn, is the David Thompson route from Drayton Valley to Rocky mountain house, than further along to Highway 93.

I like going to small town Alberta during lazy summer days. Contrary to what anyone outside of the province thinks, our people are not hillbilly red necks. They will go out of their way to help anyone out or just to be friendly. There is something great about going to places like Camrose or what have you and going to rodeos or farmfair type things.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Favorite places in Al

I used to like camping at Oles lake just across the BC Alberta border on the road to Fairview and Hines creek. The fishing was good their year round for rainbows and brookies and not to many partiers at Campground as it was a little off the beaten path.

Hank C Cheyenne

Electoral Member
Sep 17, 2005
Calgary, Alberta.
....ahh the 93 from Jasper to Banff is great..... I pretty much love driving where the mountains are in sight on a blue sky sunny day.....

...actually I love driving anywhere in Alberta..there is something special about this province......especially driving in from Sask.....the first thing you notice is that we divide our area's up into counties here in Alberta...just like back home..

....I know we have counties here in Alberta....what do they call them in the other provinces? districts?


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Favorite places in Al

I guess "regional Districts" would be the closest to counties.

GVRD- Grater Vancouver Regional district
FVRG- Frase Valley regional district
TNRD- Thompson Nicola Regional district
PRRD- Peace River Regional District
etc the list goes on. But our regional district people are not elected as they are local politicians elected as Mayors and Councillors. I think they should be elected.

Are the County people in Alberta elected? Are they like US counties?

Ten Packs

Council Member
Nov 21, 2004
Kamloops BC
There ARE counties in B.C. - just check the Legal Description of any property you own. But beyond that, they serve no purpose that I am aware of.


Electoral Member
Nov 1, 2005
RE: Favorite places in Al

Ok..since we are on mailing type questions...

Is Alberta the only province that has P.O. Boxes and Range Road Addresses as primary mailing addresses. I know every farmer in the dell has legal land description, but for mailing purposes, they use P.O. Boxes or R.R. Boxes.

Yet our documentation support team in Toronto always want to reject new client account agreements when we put those addresses on the CAA.


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
Slave Lake, Alberta, beautiful sunsets, and camping and fishing is great! The locals are awesome! We stayed at the mackenzie camp ground just about 20 mins east of Slave lake, but still on the lake. We also stayed at the Sawridge motel, it is owned and operated by the Lesser Slave Lake Cree people- Of Lesser Slave Lake 1st nations Sawridge Band. The town was smaller before Wal-Mart and Tim Hortons and mcDonald's and the list goes on got there. All in all nice place to go vacation if you like to keep those conviences close to you while still having the outdoor adventure!


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
I love Alberta. What's not to love Banff, Jasper, Lake Louise, Rogers Pass, I don't recommend it in the winter. Been there done it, burr. Albertians are no more Red Necks than those of us who live in "Cow Country".

Nova Scotia has Counties, we have Hants, Kings, Cumberlain, Annapollis etc. Counties define the boundries between certain towns. We also have post office boxes. What is this a bad thing?


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Seeing as how I live in the SW corner of the province, I am kinda partial to this area. Within the space of three hours you can be anywhere from deep in the mountains (Waterton, Crowsnest Pass) to being in full prairie desert (Medicine Hat, etc).

If any of you saw the video by Paul Brandt for "Alberta Bound", that video was taken in the Pincher Creek/Crowsnest Pass area.

Having said that, we do the majority of our summer vacations in NW Montana, which is very similar to Alberta, both in geography and peoples attitude. Love both areas.


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
Re: RE: Favorite places in Alberta.

Hank C Cheyenne said:
the first thing you notice is that we divide our area's up into counties here in Alberta...just like back home..

....I know we have counties here in Alberta....what do they call them in the other provinces? districts?

I knew I remembered the term 'Municipal District' from my time in Alberta.

from - http://www.municipalaffairs.gov.ab.ca/ms_TypesMunicipalitiesAlberta.htm

"Municipal Districts

A municipal district (M.D., also called a county) is a government form in rural areas of the province. It includes farmlands as well as unincorpo-rated communities such as hamlets and rural residential subdivisions. The council consists of one councillor per ward, one of whom is elected by council as reeve. Presently the number of wards varies from 4 to 11, with the most common being 7. As of November 1998 there were 65 Municipal Districts with 440 elected municipal district officials. To learn more about Municipal Districts visit, the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties website."


Council Member
Mar 10, 2006
RE: Favorite places in Al

No, I'm serious. Most people in Calgary are under-educated, redneck drunks who drive like idiots.

Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
maybe it 's ur personal experience ... Calgarians are some of the friendliest people in North America, and there are many educated people here ...
Next time ur in the city I 'm willing to show u the opposite - Calgary have changed so much over the years-

Rachelle ;)