THE FIRST COMMANDMENT: "Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods Before Me."
The First Commandment which relates to the love of God is: "Thou shalt not
have strange gods." For an understanding of this Commandment, one must know
how of old it was violated. Some worshipped demons. "All the gods of the
Gentiles are devils." This is the greatest and most detestable of all
sins. Even now there are many who transgress this Commandment: all such as
practise divinations and fortune-telling. Such things, according to St.
Augustine, cannot be done without some kind of pact with the devil. "I
would not that you should be made partakers with devils."
Some worshipped the heavenly bodies, believing the stars to be gods: "They
have imagined the sun and the moon to be the gods that rule the world."
For this reason Moses forbade the Jews to raise their eyes, or adore the
sun and moon and stars: "Keep therefore your souls carefully . . . lest
perhaps lifting up thy eyes to heaven, thou see the sun and the moon, and
all the stars of heaven, and being deceived by error thou adore and serve
them, which the Lord thy God created for the service of all the nations."
The astrologers sin against this Commandment in that they say that these
bodies are the rulers of souls, when in truth they were made for the use of
man whose sole ruler is God.
Others worshipped the lower elements: "They imagined the fire or the wind
to be gods." Into this error also fall those who wrongly use the things of
this earth and love them too much: "Or covetous person (who is a server of
Some men have erred in worshipping their ancestors. This arose from three
(1) From Their Carnal Nature.--"For a father being afflicted with a bitter
grief, made to himself the image of his son who was quickly taken away; and
him who then had died as a man, he began now to worship as a god, and
appointed him rites and sacrifices among his servants."
(2) Because of Flattery.--Thus being unable to worship certain men in their
presence, they, bowing down, honoured them in their absence by making
statues of them and worshipping one for the other: "Whom they had a mind to
honor . . . they made an image . . . that they might honour as present him
that was absent." Of such also are those men who love and honour other men
more than God: "He that loveth his father and mother more than Me, is not
worthy of Me." "Put your trust not in princes; in the children of man, in
whom there is no salvation."
(3) From Presumption.--Some because of their presumption made themselves be
called gods; such, for example, was Nabuchodonosor (Judith, iii. 13). "Thy
heart is lifted up and thou hast said: I am God."Such are also those who
believe more in their own pleasures than in the precepts of God. They
worship themselves as gods, for by seeking the pleasures of the flesh, they
worship their own bodies instead of God: "Their god is their belly." We
must, therefore, avoid all these things.
We receive every good from God; and this also is of the
dignity of God, that He is the maker and giver of all good things: "When
Thou openest Thy hand, they shall all be filled with good." And this is
implied in the name of God, namely, Deus, which is said to be distributor,
that is, "dator" of all things, because He fills all things with His
goodness. You are, indeed, ungrateful if you do not appreciate what you
have received from Him, and, furthermore, you make for yourself another
god; just as the sons of Israel made an idol after they had been brought
out of Egypt: "I will go after my lovers." One does this also when one
puts too much trust in someone other than God, and this occurs when one
seeks help from another: "Blessed is the man whose hope is in the name of
the Lord." Thus, the Apostle says: "Now that you have known God . . . how
turn you again to the weak and needy elements? . . . You observe days and
months and times and years."
The First Commandment which relates to the love of God is: "Thou shalt not
have strange gods." For an understanding of this Commandment, one must know
how of old it was violated. Some worshipped demons. "All the gods of the
Gentiles are devils." This is the greatest and most detestable of all
sins. Even now there are many who transgress this Commandment: all such as
practise divinations and fortune-telling. Such things, according to St.
Augustine, cannot be done without some kind of pact with the devil. "I
would not that you should be made partakers with devils."
Some worshipped the heavenly bodies, believing the stars to be gods: "They
have imagined the sun and the moon to be the gods that rule the world."
For this reason Moses forbade the Jews to raise their eyes, or adore the
sun and moon and stars: "Keep therefore your souls carefully . . . lest
perhaps lifting up thy eyes to heaven, thou see the sun and the moon, and
all the stars of heaven, and being deceived by error thou adore and serve
them, which the Lord thy God created for the service of all the nations."
The astrologers sin against this Commandment in that they say that these
bodies are the rulers of souls, when in truth they were made for the use of
man whose sole ruler is God.
Others worshipped the lower elements: "They imagined the fire or the wind
to be gods." Into this error also fall those who wrongly use the things of
this earth and love them too much: "Or covetous person (who is a server of
Some men have erred in worshipping their ancestors. This arose from three
(1) From Their Carnal Nature.--"For a father being afflicted with a bitter
grief, made to himself the image of his son who was quickly taken away; and
him who then had died as a man, he began now to worship as a god, and
appointed him rites and sacrifices among his servants."
(2) Because of Flattery.--Thus being unable to worship certain men in their
presence, they, bowing down, honoured them in their absence by making
statues of them and worshipping one for the other: "Whom they had a mind to
honor . . . they made an image . . . that they might honour as present him
that was absent." Of such also are those men who love and honour other men
more than God: "He that loveth his father and mother more than Me, is not
worthy of Me." "Put your trust not in princes; in the children of man, in
whom there is no salvation."
(3) From Presumption.--Some because of their presumption made themselves be
called gods; such, for example, was Nabuchodonosor (Judith, iii. 13). "Thy
heart is lifted up and thou hast said: I am God."Such are also those who
believe more in their own pleasures than in the precepts of God. They
worship themselves as gods, for by seeking the pleasures of the flesh, they
worship their own bodies instead of God: "Their god is their belly." We
must, therefore, avoid all these things.
We receive every good from God; and this also is of the
dignity of God, that He is the maker and giver of all good things: "When
Thou openest Thy hand, they shall all be filled with good." And this is
implied in the name of God, namely, Deus, which is said to be distributor,
that is, "dator" of all things, because He fills all things with His
goodness. You are, indeed, ungrateful if you do not appreciate what you
have received from Him, and, furthermore, you make for yourself another
god; just as the sons of Israel made an idol after they had been brought
out of Egypt: "I will go after my lovers." One does this also when one
puts too much trust in someone other than God, and this occurs when one
seeks help from another: "Blessed is the man whose hope is in the name of
the Lord." Thus, the Apostle says: "Now that you have known God . . . how
turn you again to the weak and needy elements? . . . You observe days and
months and times and years."