I don't agree. I would much rather pay for them to stay in their own sh^thole environment rather than look after them here.Lebanon and Jordan can't afford them either. That's why they are here. If they were have to stayed in Jordan and Lebanon we would still be paying for them.
Having them here is easier to Justinfy than forking out cash to keep them alive over there.
Jesus Christ, you have rules for how people should dress?
It isn't a matter of 'rules. It's a sign of just how foolish they are to dress like that. It's unhealthy, ugly and completely unnecessary. They say they dress like that so as not to tempt men with their attractiveness. Are their men that undisciplined that they can't look at any part of a woman without sexually attacking her? It is an insult to Western men when they dress like that in our country.
If they want to dress like that that's their business but they don't endear themselves to modern societies by that kind of appearance.
If it's not YOU, what ****ing difference does it make how OTHER PEOPLE dress?
Jesus, you're just another controlling fuktard.
Put your dunce cap on and go stand in the corner.
I just explained it to you. Can't you understand English?
It makes no difference to ME. It makes a difference to THEM. THEY are the ones who whine that they're not accepted.
Problem is, the wealthy Muslim countries don't want to take them in because of terrorism. Yes, that's right, at least the Saudis admit it. Just shows how incredibly, dangerously stupid the Western leadership is.Muslims are totally useless, all Muslim countries are sh^tholes. They like to crawl/sneek into western Christian countries because Christians are the only ones that look after these scum. These Syrian Muslim losers will not even go to other Muslim countries, they all go to great lengths to get into western countries.
They should be all herded into other Muslim countries.
You're absolutely correct.Problem is, the wealthy Muslim countries don't want to take them in because of terrorism. Yes, that's right, at least the Saudis admit it. Just shows how incredibly, dangerously stupid the Western leadership is.
Of course there are other reasons. For example, the last time Jordan took in hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees, the f*ckers tried to revolt and take over the country.
Then there's the lies told to us by our stupidly dangerous leaders. The Syrians we took in were supposed to be religious minorities most at risk for persecution. Now, I had absolutely NO idea that Islam was a minority religion in the Middle East, but if Trulydumb thinks (pardon the exaggeration) that it is, well it must be true because Justine believes it.
We were told they'd be an economic boon to Canada. Yeah, 25,000 people who are illiterate even in their mother tongue is going to be a huge economic boon for Canada. What's the price tag been so far? Just shy of $2 billion?
Now all we need is for the Flosshole to state that the Syrian refugees saved Canada because they're a "long term investment".
...and yet the economy is growing.You're absolutely correct.
Once again the Libs have screwed our country. Justine is just so very stupid, he has no idea what it takes to build a strong economy.
The last time I was in Dearborn it was a wreck; looked like a ghost town, stores boarded up, debris blowing around the streets. We were sorry we even had to pass through it.
CNN showed some flicks from Syria, (the kind that are designed to try to make us feel guilty) focused on a woman with seven children, the youngest just a week old, fearful for their lives.
First I wondered why a woman would allow herself to have seven children in a place as war-tprn as Syria has been for the last several years. Then I thought it was lucky the baby hadn't smothered while being born the way the mother was swaddled up in her Muslim black garb. Or how she even managed to get impregnated.
The women over there look like a flock of crows when they gather for a 'bird' party. All dressed in black with only their face or eyes showing. Or like the cartoon pictures of the Grim Reaper.
If those people had the brains to get into the present century their lives would improve and they wouldn't be burdening the rest of the world with their woes.
Muslims are not a race,,,,,,fool!!So this thread is obviously racist.
Just sayin
Too bad some posters here...can only respond with personal insults....dummies
Are you still nattering on about your mistake? This time your butt hurt must be very serious. You should see a doctor.
What was my mistake¿