End the Lockdown


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
LMAO! Wow... that's possibly one of the best, most ignorant statements from you yet. And proof you don't have a brain to reason with.

Prove that statement wrong, if you can. It's 3:12am, but I'll be waiting.
I didn't call for a lockdown.

You most certainly did. I remember you attacking me for being against it.
I'll abide by it because it's to keep people safer and to keep from overwhelming the healthcare system. Here, it's done that.

You abide by it because you're an easily scared and easily led sheep.
Exactly, wasn't really one before it started and that was proven after things started. Again, Teachers were not teaching, they're glorified babysitters and now parents are seeing just how hard teaching kids is. Hopefully it leads to changes.

The only changes are that kids aren't going to school. And that's abhorrent. Schools should never have been closed.
Meanwhile, Covid has killed 343,800 already. HALF the number of the flu, in a handful of months. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdvegas1?" \l"countries

And deaths will drop significantly before the year is over.

And many thousands who "died from coronavirus" didn't actually die from coronavirus.

We've had this conversation before, love.
So had there been no restrictions, it would have been more, so much more. And it's STILL too many.

That's utter bilge.
That's your ignorance. You can't compare it to the flu for various reasons, yet you continue to do so because you're, well, an idiot.
"Die, Mothafukas, Die!" Start saying that, it's what you really mean, right?

I'll tell you who CAN compare it to flu: the British Government. It downgraded it to flu status on 19th March.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
66% of New York State coronavirus hospitalisations are of people who were in lockdown.

Make me change my mind and prove to everyone that you and your lockdown mates aren't the numbnuts...


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Prove that statement wrong, if you can. It's 3:12am, but I'll be waiting.

"Look at New York: 66% of coronavirus patients since the lockdown began are people who contracted it in lockdown."

Biggest point - you don't know WHERE people contracted the virus, because people could be asymptomatic, which means they got it and showed no symptoms. IF they got it in lockdown, as you suggest, that means they got it from being near people who had it themselves, either visibly or asymptomatically.

That is just me thinking rationally about it.

But okay, sure, I'll look to see how right or wrong you were....


So you got this stat from the Daily Mail I take it?

The only thing the statement proves for certain is that testing has shown that 66% of virus patients had the virus, at least. And even in that article, it states: "Gov. Cuomo said they were clearly becoming infected as a result of personal behavior, something that can't be controlled by his lock-down."

So... guess that's the 'prove me wrong' part of your post done.

Again, you're wrong.

BTW, if the lockdown is so horrible, why are cases going up in places where 'lockdowns' are being removed, yet where it's still in place, numbers are - slowly - starting to fall?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When we hear about the "economy" in terms of what has been ruined it is the way that the 1% collects the Lion's Share.
Those days may be over, and that's what has everyone scared.
The 1%er conspiracy? Correct me if wrong but isnt anyone earning $80K+ a 1%er?
The 1%er conspiracy? Correct me if wrong but isnt anyone earning $80K+ a 1%er?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

I personally think what the Prime Minister said was simple and made sense.

Of course, the mainstream media and lunatic leftwaffe feigned stupidity to make it seem more complicated than it really was....

Plus, Leftie Corner.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
"Look at New York: 66% of coronavirus patients since the lockdown began are people who contracted it in lockdown."
Biggest point - you don't know WHERE people contracted the virus, because people could be asymptomatic, which means they got it and showed no symptoms. IF they got it in lockdown, as you suggest, that means they got it from being near people who had it themselves, either visibly or asymptomatically.
That is just me thinking rationally about it.
But okay, sure, I'll look to see how right or wrong you were....
So you got this stat from the Daily Mail I take it?
The only thing the statement proves for certain is that testing has shown that 66% of virus patients had the virus, at least. And even in that article, it states: "Gov. Cuomo said they were clearly becoming infected as a result of personal behavior, something that can't be controlled by his lock-down."
So... guess that's the 'prove me wrong' part of your post done.
Again, you're wrong.
BTW, if the lockdown is so horrible, why are cases going up in places where 'lockdowns' are being removed, yet where it's still in place, numbers are - slowly - starting to fall?

So the lockdown hasn't worked in New York State.

So end it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

The programmed sheeple out in force, clapping for the NHS.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
BTW, if the lockdown is so horrible, why are cases going up in places where 'lockdowns' are being removed

Because the lockdowns didn't work, you idiot. Had they worked, the number of cases wouldn't have risen after the lockdowns ended.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Because the lockdowns didn't work, you idiot. Had they worked, the number of cases wouldn't have risen after the lockdowns ended.

They would have been much higher to start with and have continued their upward trend.

And be careful who you are calling an idiot. You do know the expression about glass houses don't you?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A group of left-wing protesters has been outside the home of Boris's adviser Dominic Cummings for supposedly breaking the lockdown rules. They even erected a large TV screen with Boris saying: "Stay at home."

The question that needs to be asked is: Why is it okay for THEM to break the lockdown rules?

For a start, they weren't even obeying social distancing when hanging about in their large group.

So is it okay for left-wing activists to break lockdown - even when they are protesting against someone supposedly breaking lockdown - and it's just everyone else who has to obey the rules?

Left Wing Media FAIL To Bring Down Boris & Cummings