Earth Hour: Turn Off the Lights!


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Nothing of the sort, Extrafire. The earth hour was a huge success (1 billion people, 4000 cities, 88 countries). As soon as earth hour was over, I suggested we bury the thread, before all the spinning by rabid anti-environmentalists started.

Go back and check the thread. I still think that was the proper place to end the thread, most of what has been said after that is really so much hot air, mostly spin by anti-environmentalists as to how earth hour was a flop (even though they don’t have a lick of evidence to support their assertion).
You've made that accusation a number of times and have been called on it, yet you keep saying it over and over as if constant repetition will make it true. We've established that those who oppose the AGW agenda are NOT anti-environmentalists and that none of us have said it was a flop. I guess a pathetic strawman argument or smear is the best you can do rather than answer your opponent's points. Sad really.

As to getting hammered, I really haven’t paid much attention to propaganda by anti-environmentalists like you after the earth hour was done. Once the numbers were out (1 billion people, 4000 cities, 88 counties) and were not challenged by anybody (even far right websites like worldnetdaily reported them), it was really over as far as I was concerned, all the ranting and raving by anti-environmentalists notwithstanding.

So again, you re welcome to think what you like, but if you go back and check, you will find that I suggested we give the thread a decent burial as soon as earth hour was over.

But it looks like anti-environmentalists like you may well keep the thread alive until the next earth hour. Hey, that is OK by me; it will save me the trouble of posting another thread at the next earth hour. As I said, I hope they shoot for 2 billion people the next time.
And will they announce a participation of 2 billion before the event? :lol: Worked this time, after all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Before anyone touts the earth hour as being a "huge success" it may be prudent to check the wattage used in the hour immediately following earth hour or better still the 24 hours following earth hour.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
JLM, some figures were reported in this thread.

Alberta down 3.5% (this was a huge surprise)

Ontario down 7% (no surprise there)

Toronto down 15% (again, no surprise).

I don’t know about other figures, but no doubt you could Google for them.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
JLM, some figures were reported in this thread.

Alberta down 3.5% (this was a huge surprise)

Ontario down 7% (no surprise there)

Toronto down 15% (again, no surprise).

I don’t know about other figures, but no doubt you could Google for them.

Why would it be a huge surprise that Alberta went down 3.5%?

I think Saskatchewan held steady and Manitoba (with Hydropower)
went up 1% in that on hour that took place 325 hours ago...

Why is it no surprise that Ontario's power consumption dipped 7% for
that one hour?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Why would it be a huge surprise that Alberta went down 3.5%?

I think Saskatchewan held steady and Manitoba (with Hydropower)
went up 1% in that on hour that took place 325 hours ago...

Why is it no surprise that Ontario's power consumption dipped 7% for
that one hour?

AS I've alluded to before I still contend that ONE HOUR means next to nothing. The figures should be checked for the preceeding and succeeding 24 hours. Turning off lights while helpful is only a drop in the bucket. A toaster being used for 5 minutes probably uses as much juice as every light in the house for an hour. I'll tell you what it's like Ron- it's like a 300 lb. person going on a diet for 1/2 a day.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
P.S. and like eating habits the only ones that work are those that are sustainable over the long haul. For instance when I was a kid, we caught hell if we left a light burning in a room when we left it. I'm still in the habit of turning off unneeded lights (not so much the flourescents, but definitely the incandescents)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
AS I've alluded to before I still contend that ONE HOUR means next to nothing. The figures should be checked for the preceeding and succeeding 24 hours. Turning off lights while helpful is only a drop in the bucket. A toaster being used for 5 minutes probably uses as much juice as every light in the house for an hour. I'll tell you what it's like Ron- it's like a 300 lb. person going on a diet for 1/2 a day.

You call that a diet for 1/2 a day...I call that sleeping.8O :lol::lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You call that a diet for 1/2 a day...I call that sleeping.8O :lol::lol::lol:

Another thing, they probably used more muscular energy switching lights off and on than was saved in electrical energy (mind you that's not all bad either as it's probably the most exercise some people got that day).


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
JLM, some figures were reported in this thread.

Alberta down 3.5% (this was a huge surprise)

Ontario down 7% (no surprise there)

Toronto down 15% (again, no surprise).

I don’t know about other figures, but no doubt you could Google for them.

Oh yes you do. Perhaps you'd like to forget post #239 that reported both Australia and New Zealand participation was well down from last year.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
AS I've alluded to before I still contend that ONE HOUR means next to nothing.

P.S. and like eating habits the only ones that work are those that are sustainable over the long haul.
Correct. The IPCC and David Suzuki maintain that to "save the planet" we need to cut our carbon emissions by 80%. There are 8766 hours in a year. If the whole population of the world stopped emitting CO2 for one hour that would still only amount to 0.01% reduction. How much CO2 emission is due to electric lights? 20%? If so turning off all (CO2 emitting) lights in the world permanently would only be a 0.002% reduction.

It's relatively easy to get the sheeple to turn off their personal lighting for one hour, as long as they're allowed to turn them all back on again and go on using energy as usual. How you gonna get them to permanently cut 80% of emission producing consumption? The WWF and their ilk never say, because they know the sheeple will only follow as long as there's no personal sacrifice involved.

Come on, all you alarmists, start telling people the truth. Tell them what they need to do to "save the planet".

I'll bet the number of your followers will decline drastically the day that you've got the guts to do that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Someone who knows how to perform simple mathematical calculations, which is uncommon amongst the septic sheeples apparently.