Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
In Canada we need picture ID to vote and I don’t hear of folks having difficulty getting the proper ID.

As the first election of George W. Bush revealed- voter ID is only part of the problem!!!!

Cdn LIE-berals have been very happy to let any anonymous clown into a booth to cast a ballot- just so long as they could be counted on to vote for LIE-berals and for more Hog gravy!

But the Bush election in which a bunch of stinking lawyers in Florida went through the ballots and decided which ones to count and which to dump was a NEW LOW in democracy!!!!

The ballots were made extremely complicated with assorted questions related to govt bills added into the mix in that quirky Yankee fashion that Cdn do not follow- we do nopt have local referendums for assorted bills.

But those messed up Florida ballots and their handling by rat lawyers was a real black eye for democracy!!!

Yankees- and |Cdns for that matter- do not need Russians to screw up an election!

Just look at how effective Cdn LIE-berals have been in buying civil service union Hog votes and thus clinging to power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course now the money has run out and we have hit the debt wall and now LIE-berals are on the way out!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Apparently it is for people who are wanted by the cops!

Poor LIE-berals- clearl;y they are running out of LIES to tell us!!!!

The LIE-beral habit of "vouching; for undocumented strangers is still well entrenched!!!

With vouching- anonymous strangers go into a polling station and demand to be allowed to vote- and at the discretion of LIE-beral loving and Conservative HATING civil service union Hogs- the stranger may be allowed to vote at the discretion of the Conservative hating Hogs running the election!

It is true that Ontri-owe LIE-berals were shamed into cutting back on vouching but our federal LIE-beral swine still see it as a fine way to encourage voter participation- by which they mean sending out swarms of anonymous persons to go to ridings where the vote is very tight and do their best to sway the results towards LIE-berals!

Vouching is still very common on native reserves which curiously- have a strong support for LIE-berals!!!!! Do you suppose natives support LIE-berals because they like the LIE-beral habit of IGNORING native corruption on reserves? Or is the vouching FIX in on reserve polling booths?

It is also true that Ontari-owe LIE-berals were shamed into banning civil service union Hog advertising during elections but we can be sure that Wynne-bag LIE-berals did not make the ban for honest reasons!

Firstly public anger at Hogs for voting LIE-beral in exchange for grand heaps of new gravy had grown so great it was scaring LIE-berals!!!!

Secondly- even though Wynne-bag had DOUBLED our provincial debt- it was still NOT ENOUGH for Hogs!!!! In the June election Hogs pretty much abandoned LIE-berals entirely and threw their support over to NDP!!!!

Apparently those notorious Rae Days have been forgotten!!!!!

And both LIE-berals and their less cunning DNP cousins are still convinced they can make us rich with borrowed money- as Bob Rae tired to do- and as Our idiot Boy Justin is currently trying to do- with the predicted DISASTROUS RESULTS!!!!

So we can safely say that the reason Wynne- bag LIE-berals banned Hog advertising during the election is because LIE-berals had nothing left to lose!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Latina press officer Helen Aguirre Ferre leaves White House
Associated Press
August 9, 2018
August 9, 2018 2:21 PM EDT
(Getty Images)
WASHINGTON — Helen Aguirre Ferre, one of the most prominent Latinos serving in the White House, has left her job as director of media affairs.
White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said Thursday that Aguirre was taking up a new position as director for strategic communications and public affairs at the National Endowment for the Arts. She said Aguirre would start her new job in the next two weeks.
In a statement, Aguirre said she looks forward to “continuing to advance the President’s agenda in support of American communities through the National Endowment for the Arts which provides support to non-profit cultural institutions nationwide.”
Aguirre had held the White House job since the start of the Trump administration after serving as the Republican National Committee’s director of Hispanic communications. During her tenure, the White House removed the Spanish-language content from its website, a departure from the two previous administrations.
President Donald Trump’s engagement with Latinos has been complicated. During his campaign, Trump turned off many Latinos with his harsh anti-immigration rhetoric, including disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. He criticized rival Jeb Bush for answering a reporter’s question in Spanish, saying the former Florida governor “should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”
Aguirre’s departure follows that of another high-profile Latino, Carlos Diaz-Rosillo, who in June left his job at the White House as deputy assistant to the president and director of policy and interagency co-ordination to become a senior deputy chairman at the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Before joining the administration, Diaz-Rosillo had taught at Harvard in the Government Department. He did not reply to a message from the AP requesting comment.
The recent changes leave these Latinos serving closest to Trump: Mercedes Schlapp, White House director of strategic communications; Jennifer Korn, special assistant to the president and deputy director for the Office of Public Liaison; Juan Cruz, senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs at the National Security Council.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Latina press officer Helen Aguirre Ferre leaves White House
Associated Press
August 9, 2018
August 9, 2018 2:21 PM EDT
(Getty Images)
WASHINGTON — Helen Aguirre Ferre, one of the most prominent Latinos serving in the White House, has left her job as director of media affairs.
White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said Thursday that Aguirre was taking up a new position as director for strategic communications and public affairs at the National Endowment for the Arts. She said Aguirre would start her new job in the next two weeks.
In a statement, Aguirre said she looks forward to “continuing to advance the President’s agenda in support of American communities through the National Endowment for the Arts which provides support to non-profit cultural institutions nationwide.”
Aguirre had held the White House job since the start of the Trump administration after serving as the Republican National Committee’s director of Hispanic communications. During her tenure, the White House removed the Spanish-language content from its website, a departure from the two previous administrations.
President Donald Trump’s engagement with Latinos has been complicated. During his campaign, Trump turned off many Latinos with his harsh anti-immigration rhetoric, including disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. He criticized rival Jeb Bush for answering a reporter’s question in Spanish, saying the former Florida governor “should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”
Aguirre’s departure follows that of another high-profile Latino, Carlos Diaz-Rosillo, who in June left his job at the White House as deputy assistant to the president and director of policy and interagency co-ordination to become a senior deputy chairman at the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Before joining the administration, Diaz-Rosillo had taught at Harvard in the Government Department. He did not reply to a message from the AP requesting comment.
The recent changes leave these Latinos serving closest to Trump: Mercedes Schlapp, White House director of strategic communications; Jennifer Korn, special assistant to the president and deputy director for the Office of Public Liaison; Juan Cruz, senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs at the National Security Council.


Some Latino chose not to work for the Trump administration!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably because she is a left wingnut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such an accusation of leftie bias would seem fair since only lefties are acceptable at Arts Councils!!!!!

But LIE-berals CONTINUE their frantic search for some way to demonize Trump!!!

Installing a Latino as leader of an Arts Council is such a biased thing to do!!!!!




Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Putin portrait prank in Colorado capitol leads to punishment for aide
Associated Press
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018 6:43 PM EDT
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin attends a meeting outside Moscow in Novo-Ogarevo on March 31, 2010. (ALEXEY NIKOLSKY/AFP/Getty Images)
DENVER — An adviser to a Democratic legislative leader in Colorado has been punished for helping a progressive group put a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin on brief display at the state capitol building near a spot reserved for a portrait of President Donald Trump.
The prank, which made international news, happened in late July after reports that Republicans hadn’t raised the $10,000 needed to commission a presidential portrait.
Aide Katie March used her security badge to allow a member of ProgressNow Colorado into the capitol with the picture of Putin, KUSA-TV reports . A tour guide removed it soon after a Democratic state senator tweeted a picture.
House Speaker Crisanta Duran of Denver said March’s actions were “not sanctioned by the House leadership office.”
She “has been spoken to by State Patrol and our office, and disciplinary action has been taken,” Duran said.
March apologized.
“I saw this as a harmless prank but didn’t think through the potential impact of my actions on our building security,” March said in a written statement. “I sincerely apologize to my colleagues and to State Patrol for my actions.”
Soon after, Republicans raised the money needed for the Trump portrait. But Senate President Kevin Grantham was not amused.
“This building belongs to all the people of Colorado and I’m frankly shocked that anyone who works on staff here — and works for the top Democrat in the House, no less — would be a party to something as inappropriate and over the line as this,” Grantham said in a statement.
March also lost the credentials that allowed her to enter the capitol without going through security, Duran said.
ProgressNow Colorado executive director Ian Silverii said the Putin portrait was meant to raise public awareness of the danger of Russian influence over Trump.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
putin portrait prank in colorado capitol leads to punishment for aide
associated press
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018 6:43 pm edt
russian prime minister vladimir putin attends a meeting outside moscow in novo-ogarevo on march 31, 2010. (alexey nikolsky/afp/getty images)
denver — an adviser to a democratic legislative leader in colorado has been punished for helping a progressive group put a picture of russian president vladimir putin on brief display at the state capitol building near a spot reserved for a portrait of president donald trump.
The prank, which made international news, happened in late july after reports that republicans hadn’t raised the $10,000 needed to commission a presidential portrait.
Aide katie march used her security badge to allow a member of progressnow colorado into the capitol with the picture of putin, kusa-tv reports . A tour guide removed it soon after a democratic state senator tweeted a picture.
House speaker crisanta duran of denver said march’s actions were “not sanctioned by the house leadership office.”
she “has been spoken to by state patrol and our office, and disciplinary action has been taken,” duran said.
March apologized.
“i saw this as a harmless prank but didn’t think through the potential impact of my actions on our building security,” march said in a written statement. “i sincerely apologize to my colleagues and to state patrol for my actions.”
soon after, republicans raised the money needed for the trump portrait. But senate president kevin grantham was not amused.
“this building belongs to all the people of colorado and i’m frankly shocked that anyone who works on staff here — and works for the top democrat in the house, no less — would be a party to something as inappropriate and over the line as this,” grantham said in a statement.
March also lost the credentials that allowed her to enter the capitol without going through security, duran said.
Progressnow colorado executive director ian silverii said the putin portrait was meant to raise public awareness of the danger of russian influence over trump.

so lie-berals really are worried about putin and his empire building ways- and lie-berals are not just worried about russian election meddling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it must be true if a mere picture of putin freaks people out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and in related news it also means that trump was right to berate german chancellor merkel for signing that multi billion dollar gas deal with putin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

putin is a threat and the germans just gave him a nice contract for a lot of jobs and cash that he can turn into more weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the growing tension betwqeen china and all its neighbours is justification for the trade tariffs- hit the chinese economy and they wont be able to build lots of weapons either!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
U.S. Navy vet charged after toxic letters sent to Trump, other leaders
Associated Press
October 5, 2018
October 5, 2018 7:36 PM EDT
US Defense Department personnel, wearing protective suits, screen mail as it arrives at a facility near the Pentagon in Washington, DC on October 2, 2018. - US police on Wednesday arrested a suspect after suspicious packages containing castor seeds -- from which deadly ricin can be derived -- were sent to the Pentagon this week, US media reported. William Clyde Allen, of Logan, Utah, was in custody and would likely face charges by Friday, KSL TV reported on its website, citing the Justice Department.THOMAS WATKINS / AFP/Getty Images
SALT LAKE CITY — A Navy veteran was charged Friday with threatening to use a biological toxin as a weapon by sending letters to President Donald Trump and other leaders containing ground castor beans, the substance from which the poison ricin is derived.
William Clyde Allen III, 39, told investigators he wanted the letters to “send a message,” though he did not elaborate, FBI investigators said in documents filed in U.S. District Court of Utah. Authorities zeroed in on Allen after finding his return address on the envelopes, according to the complaint.
The envelopes that tested positive for ricin also had a note that said “Jack and the Missile Bean Stock Powder,” the documents said.
U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber declined to comment on Allen’s mental state, but said the case is “no laughing matter.”
This undated photo released by Davis County Sheriff’s Office shows William Clyde Allen III. Allen, 39, a U.S. Navy veteran in Utah was arrested Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018, in connection with suspicious envelopes that were sent to President Donald Trump and top military chiefs. (Davis County Sheriff’s Office via AP) AP
“When you’re dealing with suspected ricin, this is nothing to trifle with,” Huber said.
During a court hearing Friday, Allen cried as he told a judge that his wife suffers from a spinal condition and he helps her put on her shoes in the morning. He smiled at family members and said he had been looking forward to an upcoming general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He did not enter a plea, and his attorney, Lynn Donaldson, did not comment.
Allen could face up to life in prison if convicted on the biological toxin charge, one of five counts in the complaint. He’s also charged with four counts of making threats through the mail, which carry 10-year sentences.
The envelopes were mailed to the president, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Defence Secretary Jim Mattis and the Navy’s top officer, Adm. John Richardson, authorities said.
They were intercepted and no one was hurt. The FBI said all of the letters tested positive for ricin.
Allen told investigators he also sent similar letters to Queen Elizabeth II, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the secretary of the Air Force, though it’s not clear whether those envelopes had been found. The case is expected to go before a grand jury and Allen could face additional charges at a hearing Oct. 18.
Allen was arrested Wednesday at his house in the small city of Logan, north of Salt Lake City. He told investigators he had purchased castor beans on eBay “in case Word Ware III broke out,” so he could “defend our nation.”
He is being held on a $25,000 cash-only bond, though U.S. Magistrate Judge Dustin Pead is expected to review that on Oct. 15.
Allen served in the Navy from 1998 to 2002, according to Navy records. He has a criminal record in Utah including child abuse and attempted aggravated assault.
He’s also had a history of sending threatening emails over the last few years to then-President Barack Obama, the Air Force and the state of Utah, investigators said.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Pretty much out of touch on who runs the black market drug trade aren't you?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
We are a civil society .


Actually, LIE-beral govts in Canada are SLOWLY moving towards requiring decent ID AS A RESULT OF BEING caught BREAKING ASSORTED election rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly- the system of vouching in which civil servants- who ALL HATE Conservatives- were allowed to "vouch for" and permit any unknown CLOWN to come off the street to cast ballots in critical ridings- just so long as the unknown clown was ANTI Conservative!!!!!

It is a clear effort by biased civil service union Hogs to hijack our govt process- in exchange for GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Secondly- various LIE-berals have been pushing for FREE ACCESS to our electoral system by ILLEGALS living in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral FAKE LOGIC claims that since illegals live here and pay taxes here- they ought to have a say in how govt runs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is LIE-beral logic of the FOULEST SORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illegals DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But they do send their kids to school- FOR FREE - thanks to always generous with OUR money - LIE-berals and teachers adopting that "dont ask and dont tell- just let them in" philosophy whenever illegals seek access to govt services!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illegals do not pay the health levy but they DO access our health care when needed by using FORGED health cards!!!!!!!!!!!

And now that so many Nigerians have come here as illegals themselves I guess it will become even easier to get forged Cdn documents- no need now to ship cards through Cdn customs!!!!!!!!

And no doubt a cabal of Russian, Iranian, Chinese and North Korean spies will be happy at this news of easy access to Cdn papers that will get them into United States more easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And stupid LIE-berals wonder why Yankees NEVER trusted them and why so many Cdns are now counting the days till LIE-berals hit the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of copurse- Wynne-bag LIE-berals FINALLY MOVED to limit those dirty Working Family Coalition, Fairness Counts .CA and other civil service union Hog election advertising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hogs and LIE-berals were engaged in a GROTESQUE CONFLICT of interest in which Hogs- PRETENDING to be ordinary Cdns- spent HUGE SUMS of union money on election advertising favouring LIE-berals- in exchange for GRAVY after LIE-berals got elected!!!!!!!!

Fortunately for Ontari-owe- Wynne-bag LIE-berals recognized two things- that the public was becoming DISGUSTED with the Hogb Hypocrisy- and that Hogs were turning away - in large numbers - from LIE-berals because we are stony broke and no longer able to supply the gravy Hogs demand of LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Wynne-bag LIE-berals greatly LIMITED Hog spending at election time so that Hogs could not turn on and SMEAR LIE-berals the way have have been doing to Conservatives for several decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-BERAL DEFEAT IS A VICTORY FOR DEMOCRACY in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Former PM Chretien slams Trump: 'The true end of the American Empire'
Canadian Press
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018 8:19 AM EDT
OTTAWA — Jean Chretien says Donald Trump is “unspeakable” and his rise to the U.S. presidency heralds the decline of the American empire.
Chretien unleashes that unflattering opinion of Trump in a new book of anecdotes from his 10 years as Canada’s prime minister.
Although it’s entitled “My Stories, My Times,” Chretien, who retired from politics in 2003 after winning three majority mandates, does not shy away from opining on current events — most notably on Trump.
In the preface, Chretien says writing the book over the past year helped him recover his serenity when he got “tired of observing the surrealist vagaries of President Trump and of listening to his nonsense.”
“It’s been very sad to observe the monumental error our neighbours to the south made in November 2016,” he writes in a later chapter, in which he recounts happy times he and his wife, Aline, have spent with former U.S. president Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, who was defeated by Trump.
“I fear that Hillary’s defeat, and the arrival of the fanatical Trump, mark the true end of the American Empire. You can understand why Aline and I are so happy to have the Clintons as friends, and almost as proud to be removed as far as possible from the unspeakable Donald Trump.”
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — aware that it doesn’t take much to set off the mercurial president, who is not above threatening to wreak economic “ruination” on Canada — has always been very guarded in speaking about Trump. But Chretien, now 84 and still active as a lawyer with Dentons, is not so constrained.
In an interview about his new book, Chretien elaborated on his view that the American empire is on the decline.
“You know, you see the emergence of the Chinese and the decline of America,” he told The Canadian Press.
“When I’m travelling the world, I feel that their influence is going down very rapidly.”
Chretien said the protectionist, America-first Trump administration is trying to break the international order “that has created prosperity around the world since the (1940s)” and is causing concern among traditional allies as the U.S. withdraws from the Iran denuclearization agreement, among other international pacts.
“If you want to be in isolation, that’s fine. But you have less influence.”
The rise and eventual fall of superpowers is natural and inevitable, Chretien added.
“You know, empires disappear. A lot of people are nostalgic about the British empire. A lot of people in France still dream of Napoleon; he’s dead since a long time. Life is like that.”
Chretien also weighed in on the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has renamed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The 14 months of tortuous negotiations and repeated threats by Trump to rip up NAFTA and impose ruinous auto tariffs on Canada turned out to be “a lot of talk for nothing,” he said.
“He changed the name and not much else,” Chretien said, adding that the NAFTA partners made “a little bit of an adjustment but basically we still have a free trade agreement with them that will work about the same way that it was working before.”
In the book, Chretien says last year’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., “exposed to us the true face of Donald Trump.”
The rally was staged ostensibly to protest the removal of Confederate symbols but white nationalists and other far-right extremists chanted racist and anti-Semitic slogans and carried guns and Nazi symbols. Violent clashes with counter-protesters erupted, leaving one woman dead.
Trump refused to explicitly denounce the white supremacists, choosing instead to condemn hatred and bigotry “on many sides” and claiming that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the clashes.
While Chretien writes that no country is immune to “backsliding where social values are concerned” and Canada must remain vigilant, he said in the interview that Canada has avoided the kind of polarization plaguing the U.S. because “we have much better institutions.”
For example, he pointed to the heavily politicized appointment process for judges in the U.S., where the recent confirmation of Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh became a circus amid accusations of sexual misconduct when he was a teenager. The judicial system in Canada has remained largely untouched by politicization.
“I never knew if the chief justice voted for me and I never asked her,” Chretien said, referring Beverley McLachlin whom he named chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada in 2000. She retired last December.