Dinning Alone


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I was left a message she said it was good news :) But Im still waiting for a call back. Your pretty smart for an ol man........oh wait we're the same age.....ok young stud ;) I went to my shrink (an agnostic thank Pan!) and complained about sleeping 3 days in a row. And that the front neighbor keeps planting crosses in my yard!!!! ON my trashcan!!! Iy yiyi!

Well I settled on a Merlot for tonight and raspberries with whipcream and a pinch of cinnamin mmmmmmmm (I like raspberries better than strawberries :p ;) )

As for the TheAtar I was quite the ham(lette) myself! I played Granny in a Senior play (I was the ONLY Junior) I was a high granny coming fast through a door that was suposed to be taped OPENED! My line was "Im flying high as the sky and Immmm........" The door tape fell and I broke my nose!!!! Oh Boy!

test came back negative :) SEEEE Pan does listen :)
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Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Fire was nice. I havent eaten yet but I prolly should. Theres nothing like smoke. It takes all your intentions straight to the stars. I did have a taste of the wine jelly on white toast (yanno the lil orderves ones. Came out really good :)


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Sometimes I surprise myself! I wish you could taste this! (the shrimp get you mind outta da gutter! ) I was going to do stir fry but I didnt have soy. Thats what I get for not checking the cubbard. Well Merlot worked GREAT! Ok. 1 pound shrimp 51/60 count 1/4 butter (use your lowfat) 1 package stirfry snowpeas mix frozen. About a cup of merlot. NO seasonings........start with butter and vegies then add shrimp and wine. Simple and the merlot surprisingly does NOT over power the fish. Its delicious :) *patting Self on back* (pun intentional :) )


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
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Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Santa Claus is Pagan too!
by Emerald Rose [ Listen to this song ]

Oh, Santa Claus is Pagan too, just like all the rest
And if you are a merry witch he'll bring you all the best
So get that star up on the roof, and bake those cookies, too
Cause Christmas-time is really Yule, and Santa's Pagan too!

He's got that Buddha belly and his top's the Holly King
You dressed him in that British coat, the cap's a Nordic thing
You took the horns right off his head and stuck them on his deer
But he still flies high like Jupiter with a belly-full of beer!

Hey! Santa Claus is Pagan too, just like all the rest
And if you are a merry witch he'll bring you all the best
So get that star up on the roof, and bake those cookies, too
Cause Christmas-time is really Yule, and Santa's Pagan too!

Now history says Christ was likely not a Capricorn
But if you want to share our Yule, we don't care when he's born
Come celebrate the dawning of the Sun King's bright rebirth
And if you practice what you preach, we'll all have peace on Earth!

Hey! Santa Claus is Pagan too, just like all the rest
And if you are a merry witch he'll bring you all the best
So get that star up on the roof, and bake those cookies, too
Cause Christmas-time is really Yule, and Santa's Pagan too!

Now Santa's way more jolly than most Christians would require
And if he weren't so busy he'd be dancing 'round his fire
Yeah, you can call it Christmas, you got us way out-gunned
But just you wait till Beltane - then we'll see who's having fun!

Oh, Santa Claus is Pagan too, just like all the rest
And if you are a merry witch he'll bring you all the best
So get that star up on the roof, and bake those cookies, too
Cause Christmas-time is really Yule, and Santa's Pagan too!!!

http://blessedbe.sugarbane.com/index.html listen to its a great!!!

Thank you Rom it made me smile :) I played it over and over yesterday LOL


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I going to start saving my shrimp, lobster and crab shells to boil and make a fish stock. You can buy beef, chicken and veggie stocks but I have never seen fish stock. It's chicken tonight for me. It's not too cold 10'C so might fire up the barbie and do up a chicken kebob with a jerk sauce.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Well, I was just called by our circle leader and theres a potluck in mannassas. 2 hour drive no liquer LOL I might go. Being alone on the holidays isnt good either. I'll think it over.


Council Member
Oct 30, 2006
London, Ont. Canada
I'm leaving work soon. Talk to you next week when I reurn. Have fun and Happy Holidays and Yule. I think Yule is actually a 3 day feast culminating on the 24 or 25 depending on when the solstice falls. Have fun in Mannassas.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I had a great time :) Like minded people talking about politics, trash news and life changes. It meant more to me than even they know. Pot Luck and wine. Minerology and magic. I Love Magic, Stones have magic, my Apatche tear is an amazing healing tool for grieving. Its obsidian. I've had this piece for 5 weeks on my person. The stone is dark and smooth and get down right hot to the touch. Its charged for me and when others feel it they feel sad (if their empathic) I had to take it away from Kate (shes our preistess) because she was getting lost in the pain. She suggested it needs to be cleansed because its full up. I had planned on it on full moon. Then they brought out Toms wand. It was a single crystal about 12 inches long. at one end a pyramid and the other a star. My right hand whizzed like a spark plug! I was so charged just in its presance. I had liz hold it and place it in my hand pyramid side in my palm. I found out it was backwards after I recieved a jolt right down o my root chakra. Unbelievable. I could NOT hold it. I refused. I was its recepticle and the energy was incredible.

Basically it was a night of changing, we talked our way through the alphabet. S was interesting especially with a room full of Dom's LOL Everything from sex to sensuality to when does it all start? Its a very diverse group. Councilers and victoms, healers and empaths. The four hour drive was worth it I got home around 2am and made cocoa and cried, yanno one of those cleansing cries.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Dinner was fabulously simple and elogant. Veal shoulder braised and baked. coated in (heart smart) oil and then garlic and italian seasonings. petite peas and a glass of Merlot. Great reading. Im off to the Bistro to meet a friend and it will be the perfect day :)


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Well I woke up to my 3 year old Grandson screaming NOOOOO in the phone LOL Why do the try to force the poor lad into saying "I love you Grandma?!" I dont like Grandma I like Nana or how about Tam.........Thats my chosen name after all. He doesnt know me from Adam let alone tell me he loves me!

Im watching movies today and turning off the phone. I watched Ghost already and just put in Oliver. I love hearing him say Ditto it warms my heart. and Oliver we did in 5th grade LOL in 6th it was Fiddler on the roof (I need to buy that!)

I should have saved the veal for today, I definately will buy more ........Please sir I want some more?! LOLLLLLL


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I had no idea how hard this was going to be. I keep getting flash backs of christmas' and new years and birthdays (his birthday was January 28th. gone by. He was never really into christmas, he loved to give presents but he just wasnt all wide eyed like the girls. Now New Years......little bugger........he loved that. I ALWAYS made clam chowder and shrimp peelers. And 7 layer roast. He LOVED the roast . That child Loved food! Id buy him eggnog for the holidays, if I didnt he'd sneak mine!

My toaster oven died so I spent my last on the credit card getting a convection oven/rotisserie I made a chicken last night and it came out really good. I was quite shocked.
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Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Well so far this morning Ive made a handfasting rope as a wedding pressent for a friend that just got married and printed out a poem by Foster that I'll frame. I remade a rose quartz bracelet that now has an Enlightenment charm (lotus and aum symbol) that my bro in law bought me for samhain. He has its twin. Bless his wanna be Zen/ celtic heart LOL. And I made some really pretty gourds, I shallacked them and I'll prolly make rattles out of them at a latter time. Now Im making a bead choker (I taught myself to weave with beads) I desighned a choker with penticles and in the center a butterfly. Busy Beaver I am :) Busy hands calm heart.