Death knell for AGW


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Are deniers those who refute the fact that the climate hasn't warmed in 18 years?
in just a short span here, you're the second to make such a claim. Please substantiate it.

How typical.

In the absence of any real argument or tangible proof, the truther coward logic is to demand that someone prove a negative.

I'm still waiting on your "real argument or tangible proof" concerning your statement on ocean warming. What logic are you using in your avoidance? You claiming there's been no ocean warming is one you can easily verify; again, is this a problem for you?

GOt any real proof anywhere of global warming? Besides some garbage computer projections.

let's first establish just how on the fringe of denial you are. The typical denialist accepts warming but refuses to attach any anthropogenic causal tie to it. Only the fringe of the fringe denialists actually dispute warming has occurred. Is that you; are you one of the fringe of the fringe... you don't even accept that warming has occurred?

How typical.

In the absence of any real argument or tangible proof, the truther coward logic is to demand that someone prove a negative.

you were the one who stated climate is always changing. Apparently, your logic is to simply accept and state that climate changes "magically" on it's own. Again, please state what causal tie(s) you interpret as the attribution behind today's relatively recent warming/climate change.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
in just a short span here, you're the second to make such a claim. Please substantiate it.

I'm still waiting on your "real argument or tangible proof" concerning your statement on ocean warming. What logic are you using in your avoidance? You claiming there's been no ocean warming is one you can easily verify; again, is this a problem for you?

let's first establish just how on the fringe of denial you are. The typical denialist accepts warming but refuses to attach any anthropogenic causal tie to it. Only the fringe of the fringe denialists actually dispute warming has occurred. Is that you; are you one of the fringe of the fringe... you don't even accept that warming has occurred?

you were the one who stated climate is always changing. Apparently, your logic is to simply accept and state that climate changes "magically" on it's own. Again, please state what causal tie(s) you interpret as the attribution behind today's relatively recent warming/climate change.

It's the same garbage again and again with you, isn't it?

You have absolutely no argument other than 'I know it in my gut' followed-up with ludicrous demands that everyone else prove a negative.

Really man.. Bring something tangible to the table on your AGW fantasy that proves your position in the face of millennia of climate fluctuations, but spare me the cultish fervor and horse sh*t.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I was in Yellowgrass the other day. Crazy buggers still claim to be the hottest place in Canada.



House Member
Oct 19, 2009
It's the same garbage again and again with you, isn't it?

You have absolutely no argument other than 'I know it in my gut' followed-up with ludicrous demands that everyone else prove a negative.

Really man.. Bring something tangible to the table on your AGW fantasy that proves your position in the face of millennia of climate fluctuations, but spare me the cultish fervor and horse sh*t.

calm down! I've made 2 requests in relation to 2 specific statements/claims; specifically the claims that no global warming has occurred (notwithstanding the cherry-pick starting point) and that no ocean warming has occurred. Both these statements/claims should be verifiable by those making them. Apparently, you guys are quite taken back when asked to actually substantiate your statements/claims.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
specifically the claims that no global warming has occurred

AGW - and that's what we're talking about has no basis in fact. At present, the truthers believe it exists and demand that everyone support their instinct.

In the face of the historic record, there is no AGW... That said, if you want anyone to take you seriously, back up your claim.

PS - dodging and weaving is not proof

these statements/claims should be verifiable by those making them.

Thanks for the laugh on that... You might want to take a pinch of your own advice on this


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
And I asked how does deep water increases in temp impact climate as it lacks atmospheric contact?
you appear to accept that ocean warming has occurred/is occurring - yes? Is it your assertion that ocean layers are static/fixed?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
you appear to accept that ocean warming has occurred/is occurring - yes? Is it your assertion that ocean layers are static/fixed?
Sure but it doesn't impact climate and the catch phrase of "global warming" has gone to the wayside.

What now?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
AGW - and that's what we're talking about has no basis in fact. At present, the truthers believe it exists and demand that everyone support their instinct.

In the face of the historic record, there is no AGW... That said, if you want anyone to take you seriously, back up your claim.

PS - dodging and weaving is not proof

Thanks for the laugh on that... You might want to take a pinch of your own advice on this

please provide your alternate principal causal tie(s), other than anthropogenic sourced fossil-fuels, to account for the relatively recent global warming.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Sure but it doesn't impact climate and the catch phrase of "global warming" has gone to the wayside.

What now?
thanks for acknowledging ocean warming has occurred/is occurring. Catch phrase???

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
please provide your alternate principal causal tie(s), other than anthropogenic sourced fossil-fuels, to account for the relatively recent global warming.

Hmmmmm...... That's a real toughie.

How 'bout; the numerous periods of glaciation that covered continents and the consequent warming periods that saw the glaciers recede to a tiny fraction of their max coverage.

That's it, that's my answer... Natural Cycles.

PS - I highlighted an important word for y'all


House Member
Oct 19, 2009

that's novel! Usually the denier line is "geomagnetics, solar variability and natural climate change". Why do think those particular aspects haven't been embraced by the scientific community, at large?