Death knell for AGW


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Are they rich?

I guess you do have more asinine questions.

This is something you are saying is the reason for this grand scam.

Follow the me.

It is all out there my trolling friend. If you chose to be uninformed and led by the nose so be it. Wallow in despair of the coming Apocalypse!

Unlike clowns like Gore or Suzuki that demand that 'the debate is over' before there was actually a debate

Lots of gvt grants

Take a look at how much money Suzuki Foundation, East Anglia University, etc have amassed through their fraud and deceit

Lets face it... Griev is a 5 Alarm troll.

As if I'm going to run around the internet for him.


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
Unlike clowns like Gore or Suzuki that demand that 'the debate is over' before there was actually a debate

Lots of gvt grants

Take a look at how much money Suzuki Foundation, East Anglia University, etc have amassed through their fraud and deceit

Who is rich?

Why is this so hard for you to answer?

Show me a climatologist that is just raking in the dough hand over fist.

Must be one driving around in his gold plated Prius.

sniff sniff......I smell a red herring...sniff sniff.

I guess you do have more asinine questions.

It is all out there my trolling friend. If you chose to be uninformed and led by the nose so be it. Wallow in despair of the coming Apocalypse!

Lets face it... Griev is a 5 Alarm troll.

As if I'm going to run around the internet for him.

You made a claim.

Some proof would be nice.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Canada backed away from this attempted money grab...Australia is debating pulling out of the scam if they have not already done so. The US is one GOP Prez from doing so. As a matter of fact Obama hasn't really given in completely to the alarmists. Even the alarmists say his policy is not enough to change anything.

I hope they don't give in to the alarmists. Oil (i.e. cheap energy) is probably the reason that 2 billion people are alive today. Artificially increasing the price of oil has effects on those on the bubble.hose effects will likely be as bad as the effects of global warming.

But on the other end there's the deniers who aggressively fight any development of alternatove energies and sustainability measures. That's just as dumb. We should be trying to develop alternative energies because burning more hydrocarbons is going to increase GHG and local air pollution, because we do not have a limitless supply of hydrocarbon fuel available, and because the West seems to be tied to unsavory governments like Suadi Arabia and Russia to get oil.

In my opinion, we are not going to reduce our energy needs locally or globally, so we need to find other sources to supply them.

BTW... embellishing does not help your argument.

Like this... dude... seriously? I've never even heard that before. I bet you think that is actually an argument. Geez

On the serious side Al Gore has become quite wealthy on this scam and has put a lot of his eggs in the carbon credit market hasn't he. AND while telling the minions of unwashed to sacrifice he lives a lavish wasteful life full of all the luxuries you and I will never see.

Thank you for succintly capturing the "Al Gore is fat" argument. Al Gore was already rich. He was already stinking rich and one of the most powerful men on the planet prior to An Inconvenient Truth.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I hope they don't give in to the alarmists. Oil (i.e. cheap energy) is probably the reason that 2 billion people are alive today. Artificially increasing the price of oil has effects on those on the bubble.hose effects will likely be as bad as the effects of global warming.

But on the other end there's the deniers who aggressively fight any development of alternatove energies and sustainability measures. That's just as dumb. We should be trying to develop alternative energies because burning more hydrocarbons is going to increase GHG and local air pollution, because we do not have a limitless supply of hydrocarbon fuel available, and because the West seems to be tied to unsavory governments like Suadi Arabia and Russia to get oil.

In my opinion, we are not going to reduce our energy needs locally or globally, so we need to find other sources to supply them.

I am all for that. However the alarmists want an endless stream of cash to be funneled into these corporations who aren't all that successful. Not their cash mind you but from industries that use lots of power. People think that they can just force industries in the west to bank roll alternative energy development and third world nations economies and not have to sacrifice themselves.

Thank you for succintly capturing the "Al Gore is fat" argument. Al Gore was already rich. He was already stinking rich and one of the most powerful men on the planet prior to An Inconvenient Truth.

Al Gore is that what the alarmist call an argument?

You made a claim.

Some proof would be nice.

The proof is out there.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I am all for that. However the alarmists want an endless stream of cash to be funneled into these corporations who aren't all that successful. Not their cash mind you but from industries that use lots of power. People think that they can just force industries in the west to bank roll alternative energy development and third world nations economies and not have to sacrifice themselves.

Perhaps you were under the impression that endless streams of cash are not funneled to conventional energy? Subsidization of the oil and gas industry amounts to billions a year. They dwarf anything received by alternatovie energies. Not to mention blatant political lobbying, like the Conservatvies do for the pipeline companies.

Given the challenges of global warming, pollution, reduced available supply and tyrants propped by oil money, I'm frankly all for a significant public investment in alterative energy. If I were in charge, frankly, I'd be approaching it the same way Kennedy approached the moon landing.

Al Gore is that what the alarmist call an argument?

It's what I call it. You nicely summarized what I refer to as the "Al Gore is Fat" above. For added clarity, "Fat" being a metaphor for wealth.


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
The proof is out there.

Show me.

Show me all the rich climatologists.

They must be paid off to outright lie and cook the numbers.

Must be huge amounts....massive cover transfers....and so on.

Perhaps the illuminati are involved.

Do tell.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Show me.

Show me all the rich climatologists.

They must be paid off to outright lie and cook the numbers.

Must be huge amounts....massive cover transfers....and so on.

Perhaps the illuminati are involved.

Do tell.

Look for yourself. A little research project for you.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Are you feeling cheated now?

it happens any time a new guy arrives that hasn't bothered with the search function. always too eager to barge in with opinions to rehash forum debates without checking to see what was said then get mad when members don't feel like re-running the episodes for him. ;-)


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
Nice picture, you like pictures.

Yet I'd like to see some facts to back up your claim.

Have any?

it happens any time a new guy arrives that hasn't bothered with the search function. always too eager to barge in with opinions to rehash forum debates without checking to see what was said then get mad when members don't feel like re-running the episodes for him. ;-)

He's got your back Eagle.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It's all about money and nothing more. It goes way beyond climatologists but I would not expect you to understand that. You cannot seem to be able to focus on complicated matters so it is pretty useless trying to explain much of anything to you.

So pictures may have to suffice to counter your trolling.



Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
How does it go beyond the science?

Show me the money....who is getting it and where is it going.

Is it to complicated for you to explain?

It is your made it.....if you can't explain it then you fail.

Get on your train and boat.


Time Out
Jul 28, 2014
So what?

Breaking news everyone....El Nino won't happen this year.....prepare for the coldest year on record....blah blah blah.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Vancouver ‏@JunkScience

Little chance of El Niño in 2014, says Aussie Met. Inst. WARMIST HOPES FOR PAUSE-ENDING ENSO FADING.

oh dear

This is rather silly. First of all it's not ENSO, it's El Nino. ENSO also includes La Nina, so your blogger clearly doesn't have much grasp of the basics.

Secondly, quite apart from typically spiking temperatures globally, it also tends to bring wet weather to the southwestern US--who desperately need it right now.

Thridly, most reports I read were for a weak to moderate El Nino event coming later in the fall, not this "super El Nino" this guy seems to be talking about.

Fourthly, if El Nino doesn't come this year, it will come next year or the year after. The "O" in ENSO is oscillation.

Here is NOAA's current forecast:

Next ENSO Update: August 7
NOAA's National Weather

Service indicates El Niño is likely to emerge in next few months. Forecasters
favor a weak-to-moderate event. Typical El Niño impacts in the U.S. include
above-average rainfall in the West and suppressed hurricane activity in the
East, although neither is guaranteed and largely dependent on El Niño's

NOAA El Niño: Research, Forecasts and Observations