Canada backed away from this attempted money grab...Australia is debating pulling out of the scam if they have not already done so. The US is one GOP Prez from doing so. As a matter of fact Obama hasn't really given in completely to the alarmists. Even the alarmists say his policy is not enough to change anything.
I hope they don't give in to the alarmists. Oil (i.e. cheap energy) is probably the reason that 2 billion people are alive today. Artificially increasing the price of oil has effects on those on the bubble.hose effects will likely be as bad as the effects of global warming.
But on the other end there's the deniers who aggressively fight any development of alternatove energies and sustainability measures. That's just as dumb. We
should be trying to develop alternative energies because burning more hydrocarbons is going to increase GHG and local air pollution, because we do not have a limitless supply of hydrocarbon fuel available, and because the West seems to be tied to unsavory governments like Suadi Arabia and Russia to get oil.
In my opinion, we are not going to reduce our energy needs locally or globally, so we need to find other sources to supply them.
BTW... embellishing does not help your argument.
Like this... dude... seriously? I've never even heard that before. I bet you think that is actually an argument. Geez
On the serious side Al Gore has become quite wealthy on this scam and has put a lot of his eggs in the carbon credit market hasn't he. AND while telling the minions of unwashed to sacrifice he lives a lavish wasteful life full of all the luxuries you and I will never see.
Thank you for succintly capturing the "Al Gore is fat" argument. Al Gore was already rich. He was already stinking rich and one of the most powerful men on the planet
prior to
An Inconvenient Truth.