While leaving the previous 4.0 Billion + years out of the equation?
Its a scam.
A scam?
For what purpose?
While leaving the previous 4.0 Billion + years out of the equation?
Its a scam.
While leaving the previous 4.0 Billion + years out of the equation?
Its a scam.
A scam?
For what purpose?
If you could point out the particular relevance of some time in that 4 billion years perhaps? The state of the atmosphere when the planet was a condensing, boiling soup of lava doesn't seem particualrly relevant.
Also "it's a scam" and "the planet is heating up because of anthropneic GHG meissions" are not mutually exclusive. The planet is heating up, and there's a lot of people making ridiculous alarmist predictions. Adn there's a lot of people in complete denial. Most folks are right where they should be: mildly concerned.
For whom?
Oh nobody Grievous.
Good grief man... keep up with current events would you.
Well Zip... concern yourself to your hearts content. You will never see the climate change to your suiting. No amount of bank transfers is going to stop the climate from changing.
Not just me--most folks. The deniers can have thier circle jerks on pages like this and maybe even try to convince themsleves that the rank-and-file see through this whole charade, but that's not the reality. The reality is that most people think that your idea of the gummints and the socialists and the scientists and the lamestream media all gathered to gether to pull the grandaddy of all hoaxes on the freedom-luvvin' conservatives is a bit of a stretch. Most folks just aren't buying the whole "Al Gore is fat so global warming is a pile of crap" argument either.
Oh nobody Grievous.
Good grief man... keep up with current events would you.
Yeah, that's one hell of a conspiracy.
Oddly they never follow the money to dirty energy and the Heartland Institute.
he's just the latest in 'knowledgeable n00bs' chomping at the bit to be heard and up the post-count on his new forum...it's like a humming neon sign transformer...after awhile you don't notice it much. :lol:
polar vortex
Not just me--most folks. The deniers can have thier circle jerks on pages like this and maybe even try to convince themsleves that the rank-and-file see through this whole charade, but that's not the reality. The reality is that most people think that your idea of the gummints and the socialists and the scientists and the lamestream media all gathered to gether to pull the grandaddy of all hoaxes on the freedom-luvvin' conservatives is a bit of a stretch.
Like this... dude... seriously? I've never even heard that before. I bet you think that is actually an argument. GeezMost folks just aren't buying the whole "Al Gore is fat so global warming is a pile of crap" argument either.
What--are you implying that the energy companies may have a hand in this too?
Canada backed away from this attempted money grab...Australia is debating pulling out of the scam if they have not already done so. The US is one GOP Prez from doing so. As a matter of fact Obama hasn't really given in completely to the alarmists. Even the alarmists say his policy is not enough to change anything.
BTW... embellishing does not help your argument.
Like this... dude... seriously? I've never even heard that before. I bet you think that is actually an argument. Geez
On the serious side Al Gore has become quite wealthy on this scam and has put a lot of his eggs in the carbon credit market hasn't he. AND while telling the minions of unwashed to sacrifice he lives a lavish wasteful life full of all the luxuries you and I will never see.
That's right.
What's in it for scientists?
Show me the rich ones.
So they are making who rich?
Big payoffs to scientists?
Show you the rich ones. Geez. Go to MIT or any major university and you will see the rich ones.
Any other asinine questions for me?
Moving them goalposts?
That image drove a stake in didn't it?
You Fail.
Never, corps have never tried to subjugate science for profit.
What's in it for scientists?
Show me the rich ones.