Tough love is needed. If you want a better life, you should have no objections to volunteering in order to receive your payments. This would put a roof over your head, and at the same time, teach you some skills.
Social housing: you will have to rotate with other residents in maintaining the building(s), gardening, etc. Social housing does not need to be concrete slabs that intimidate.
Eliminate duplication: streamline the aboriginal organizations into one single entity with branches throughout (Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton). These organizations will distribute the payments, act as a liason with educational institutions/training, etc.
Social housing: you will have to rotate with other residents in maintaining the building(s), gardening, etc. Social housing does not need to be concrete slabs that intimidate.
Eliminate duplication: streamline the aboriginal organizations into one single entity with branches throughout (Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton). These organizations will distribute the payments, act as a liason with educational institutions/training, etc.