Crime stats in Saskatoon


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Tough love is needed. If you want a better life, you should have no objections to volunteering in order to receive your payments. This would put a roof over your head, and at the same time, teach you some skills.

Social housing: you will have to rotate with other residents in maintaining the building(s), gardening, etc. Social housing does not need to be concrete slabs that intimidate.

Eliminate duplication: streamline the aboriginal organizations into one single entity with branches throughout (Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton). These organizations will distribute the payments, act as a liason with educational institutions/training, etc.


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2006
This is not directed at an one group
The feelings of your society become overwhenming ,it cant be helped the "projected feelings "what can be help is the outcome

I think if you continue to tell your offspring that "we are poor, we are no good" then what to expect

instead the message could be the truth of what happen ,how the people are healing themselves ,and the ways to continue to heal ,you cant leave out the wrong doing and you cant just tell of the wrong doing ,its apackage deal ,Im speaking of anyone rape victims ,abuse suvioviors

Like women on social assistance ,given child care ,oppurtunity to learn a skill (college ) upgrade the outlook of sitting on social assistance is bleak and not promising or even appealing ,the taste of self worth and breaking the cycle is real ,its the tools to get to the self worth

You're absolutelt right. I can see what you're saying. victimization has been a stage that many of our people are going through. I think that it is healthy. it's just giving people that time to mourn those loses and to move on, but getting stuck in victim mode will do nothing but cuase problems. i am only starting to understand that concept, just as i am starting to understand colonization and its effects.
we will overcome our problems; we are a resielent people.


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
I just cannot fathom why so many female Aboriginals insist on having babies; the majority have no education, job skills, etc. How in hell are they supposed to prosper?

Why do they want babies? Is it because of the stereotype that they get more social assistance?


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2006
I just cannot fathom why so many female Aboriginals insist on having babies; the majority have no education, job skills, etc. How in hell are they supposed to prosper?

Why do they want babies? Is it because of the stereotype that they get more social assistance?

Steroe-types exist only becuase they are partly true. Aboriginal people in Canada are the lowest on the socio-economic. it's not just native women that are uneducated and living in poverty.

Natives at one time were almost extinct believe it or not. To this day, some tribes are endanger of becoming extinct. Disease decimated a large amount of our people combine that with warfare both with other tribes and Europeans.

what happens when people are at war? Lots of people die and, in turn, must have babies to regain their population. it's very easy to figure that out.

Take a look at this chart, for example:


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Right, and now we hear that a$$hole Phil Fontaine attacking the feds for not enough money for aboriginal foster care; if these dumb b*tches would close their legs, they would not have to give their babies to foster care. This pisse sme off because the mothers having the children are the problem; not the government. If you cannot support a child, do not have one. Is that too difficult to understand, or are aboriginal women just obtuse? It defies logic that they would have children with no means of support.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
The National reported last night that fully 10% of all aboriginal children are in foster care at the moment. That's huge. In some districts in Canada the % of kids in foster care that are aboriginal is almost 50%. Galling. What is going on?


Council Member
Jan 19, 2007
Harare , Zimbabwe
Right, and now we hear that a$$hole Phil Fontaine attacking the feds for not enough money for aboriginal foster care; if these dumb b*tches would close their legs, they would not have to give their babies to foster care. This pisse sme off because the mothers having the children are the problem; not the government. If you cannot support a child, do not have one. Is that too difficult to understand, or are aboriginal women just obtuse? It defies logic that they would have children with no means of support.
I am agreed with you and would like to put up a point may be you like it or not .......... but just want to put this in front of every one........ When ever you go to admit your own kid to school you should give 50% fee for the foster kid education and rest 50% government should pay in other ways to help foster kid and the nation.....and catch those women who willingly open their leg for pleasure but don’t take care after words....


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
What a lovely example of the continual decline of Aboriginal people....


LA RONGE, SASK. -- A 13-year-old girl who set a woman on fire in northern Saskatchewan has been found guilty of aggravated assault.

The La Ronge girl was convicted for attacking Tracy Bird, 26, while she was passed out in a back alley.

Bird suffered third-degree burns to about half of her body.
Several witnesses testified in the trial last November that the girl, who was 12 at the time, used a cigarette lighter to light Bird's hair on fire while she was unconscious. Other children, one as young 11, testified the victim was passed out.,bcKqnovuRveNe
They all admitted to physically and verbally abusing the woman, but the 12-year-old girl was the only one charged. Crown Prosecutor Bob Lane said he may seek jail time, but will wait for a pre-sentence report before making that decision.


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Good because it appears that you, like most aboriginals, like to blame everyone else for your problems. We do not need more of that.


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2006
hahahaha.... you're so funny man. you truly are an idiot. what exactly is it that you are saying? that i blame you for my problems? what problems are you refering to? I clearly said that every one is this blog who is racist SUCKS, and i mean that.

you got some major issues man, so don't point the finger at anyone because when you do there's always three pointing back at you.


disturber of the peace
This may be a touchy subject...
I was reading some stats today, and it appears that crime is really high in Saskatoon (first place across Canada!). The indexes and a quick search on the web (various articles describing robberies, murders, car thefts etc) painted a rather grim image of what I used to consider a "nice little Prairies town". Is it possible that I was grossly mistaken? I mean, for someone living in Montreal (a city with an apparently elevated crime rate), this comes as a shock to me.
So - what's the situation out there? I tend to take with a grain of salt discourses like "I'm afraid to walk into the streets of Saskatoon's downtown at 5pm" or "many of my female colleagues have been mugged/nearly raped/etc in broad daylight" or anything similar; on the other hand, I'm ready to admit that the (sad) reality is sometimes worse than fiction... so, honestly - which one is it?
It is sad to see that Saskatoon does have high crime statistics. It is a really nice town. I have never feared for my life there or anything like that, however, I will acknowledge that there are issues. What the issues are, I'm not sure...but I don't think that the actions of what appears to be a corrupt police force have helped matters much...:)


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Let's use Phil Fontaine's recent adventure: attack the government for not spending more, more, more and more money on Aboriginal foster children.

Is he telling Aboriginal mothers to cease having children if they cannot care for them? NO! he is blaming everyone else. This is typical for Aboriginal leaders. Rather than fix the root of the problem, he lashes out at the government. Fontaine needs to tell Aboriginal women to stop having babies when they cannot take care of them; go to school, get a good job, then have babies.

In the US, Bill Cosby has criticized African Americans for not working harder to better themselves, and need to take more responsibility for thier families and communities. he argues that they need to stop blaming whites and take control of their children and communities.

In Winnipeg, efforts are underway to revitalize downtown. I see no Aboriginal leaders stepping up to contribute. Main Street can be a rich mosaic hub of Aboriginal culture, yet no one in the community is making an effort. I suppose because they are expecting the "white man" to do this for them.

It is the easiest and most convenient excuse to call someone racist, as opposed to looking at your community and identifying what you are doing wrong; namely having children, then expecting the taxpayers to take care of them when you cannot.


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2006
"Let's use Phil Fontaine's recent adventure: attack the government for not spending more, more, more and more money on Aboriginal foster children.

Is he telling Aboriginal mothers to cease having children if they cannot care for them? NO! he is blaming everyone else. This is typical for Aboriginal leaders. Rather than fix the root of the problem, he lashes out at the government. Fontaine needs to tell Aboriginal women to stop having babies when they cannot take care of them; go to school, get a good job, then have babies.

In the US, Bill Cosby has criticized African Americans for not working harder to better themselves, and need to take more responsibility for thier families and communities. he argues that they need to stop blaming whites and take control of their children and communities.

In Winnipeg, efforts are underway to revitalize downtown. I see no Aboriginal leaders stepping up to contribute. Main Street can be a rich mosaic hub of Aboriginal culture, yet no one in the community is making an effort. I suppose because they are expecting the "white man" to do this for them.

It is the easiest and most convenient excuse to call someone racist, as opposed to looking at your community and identifying what you are doing wrong; namely having children, then expecting the taxpayers to take care of them when you cannot."

Phil Fontaine is not our leader; he never has been, so stop using his name so much in here. he's just a puppet for the Canadian government, a sell out. what kinda people do you get your facts from? I mean Bill Cosby, seriously how can you expect to get anyone to listen to you by qouting him?


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Um, Bill Cosby is more respected than you can ever hope to be.

Phil Fontaine is not employed, nor does he work on behalf of the Canadian Government, so how can he be its puppet?

he is one example of an Aboriginal activist who blames government for Aboriginal problems, and while there is a role for government, it should not be attacked because it does not spend the whole Canadian budget on Aboriginals.

I have talked with numerous people, from residents of northern communities, to government officials, to friends who have visited reserves, and they all say the same thing: Aboriginals purposely destroy their homes, etc. They have no regard for anyone or anything. Stop having children, then you won't have overcrowding. Why is that so hard to comprehend? No income = no children. It really is that simple.

Reserves, in their current form, do not work. It is fine that some Aboriginals want to live on reserves, but industry needs to set up shop to provide employment. The governmentof Canada can play a role in offering tax incentives for companies that open businesses near reserves.

Jobs = home ownership = pride.


Nominee Member
Nov 25, 2006
"Um, Bill Cosby is more respected than you can ever hope to be.

Phil Fontaine is not employed, nor does he work on behalf of the Canadian Government, so how can he be its puppet?

he is one example of an Aboriginal activist who blames government for Aboriginal problems, and while there is a role for government, it should not be attacked because it does not spend the whole Canadian budget on Aboriginals.

I have talked with numerous people, from residents of northern communities, to government officials, to friends who have visited reserves, and they all say the same thing: Aboriginals purposely destroy their homes, etc. They have no regard for anyone or anything. Stop having children, then you won't have overcrowding. Why is that so hard to comprehend? No income = no children. It really is that simple.

Reserves, in their current form, do not work. It is fine that some Aboriginals want to live on reserves, but industry needs to set up shop to provide employment. The governmentof Canada can play a role in offering tax incentives for companies that open businesses near reserves.

Jobs = home ownership = pride."

Bill Cosby is a more respected person than me? how so? you don't know me, so how could you come to that conclusion? could it be because i am an indian?

i like it how you're still trying to impose your values on indians, too. jobs=home ownership= pride? what kinda ethnocentric bull**** is that? you live on our land. the land is our pride and the land is all we need to live.

of course the reserves don't work. you're telling me that? do you think that we wanted to be stuck on those stupid reserves while the rest of our land gets raped by bigots like you?

phil fontaine works for the afn and he claims to be the national chief right? traditionally, we never had national chiefs or indian act band councils, that whole puppet system was imposed on our people.


New Member
Dec 13, 2006
Get this through your head: this is not your land.

What in hell do you intend to do with any land given? In order to do anything with it, you need money, and you expect that from us? Forget it. This is not 1800, and you cannot rely on a fire and tipi, and animal skins. Either evolve like the rest of us, or just kill yourself. Simple! You would enjoy being primitive and barbaric living life as your ancestors did? That is a warped perception of what life is. The world is connecting, and you want to sit around a fire and chant?

grow up!