How fickle ;-)D'oh! So much for BoJo being The Man, eh Blackie?!
How fickle ;-)D'oh! So much for BoJo being The Man, eh Blackie?!
Again, someone who didn't wish to observe the guidelines. It is what it is.
I can understand vulnerable people thinking they are invincible as I myself keep forgetting I have a two or three factors against me.
The only vulnerability that you appear to suffer from is stupidity. Sadly, it is fools like you that are helping to spread the stupidity faster with your lies. If someone gets a virus there is a very good chance that they will survive. It's 99% sure that they will survive. Of course many will die but that has been going on since time began where people die from some virus.
Again, I will ask you. Why does this virus have you all upset and so concerned when other viruses that have plagued us in the past did not bother you all that much at all? Were you this crazy when SARS and H1N1 and others were around years ago? Were you demanding that people wear face diaper masks, social distancing themselves, and isolate ones self? Come on, spit it out, crazy man.
It's been well documented mask use prevents the spread of COVID drastically. Only fake new sites say otherwise.
Hmmm...who should I believe? Health Canada, the CDC, and nearly any respected physician out there, or some obscure conspiracy website....
What blows my mind, is the man who spread this type of misinformation, describing it as the "common cold" is on his back, in serious condition, in a Hospital near the White House, and you STILL insist on spreading these lies.
Masks do dick .
You need to listen more often to those conspiracy websites because they have a lot of very interesting facts as to why this Convid 19 virus is all just one big farce. How do you even know if you are not even being led yourself by your dyk by those so called respected doctors and your Canadian(Turdeau)communist government and the lying media?
You maybe are being fed misinformation yourself about what Trump may have and why he is in the hospital. And Trump is not in serious condition. Trump is doing just fine. There may be more to this than we think. It's called politics and a lot of shit goes on in politics. Unless you have access to the White House or the hospital, who knows what this may be all about. Just because they say that Trump has Convid 19 does not mean that he really has it. LOL.
The MSM and governments are certainly exaggerating this thing.
The MSM and governments are certainly exaggerating this thing.
Nope , being perfectly serious . I see all the masks being worn by bearded people , by others with the nose uncovered , some just hanging around the neck . Most masks are little more then a piece of cloth that does little if nothing to stop pollutants let alone microscopic viruses . All the photos of politicians and medical personnel away from the cameras should be a clue .
Yeah, no. I think you do wear one. Just my opinion.
Let me ask you this, do you wear a seatbelt while driving? A motorcycle helmet if on a motorcycle? Do you drive the speed limit? Slow down in school/playground zones? Do you refrain from driving drunk? Drive on the correct side of the road? Pay your income tax? Property tax? Any of these?Correct. Completely useless. And you get those numpties who don't wear them properly, like not having them over their noses. It's exactly the same as not having them.
And, of course, all them wearing them are all supporters of the government.
Of course he does, I think he just likes acting stupider than he really is. He needs the attention!
There are millions of others who have not observed the guidelines, like myself, and we are all just doing fine. If someone gets the Convid 19 virus there is a 99% chance that they will survive. Screw the guidelines. Those guidelines have made myself and millions of others lives bloody miserable as hell. The cost to society as been worse than what this farce of a virus could have ever done to society. Sadly, there are still those covidiots out there who are being treated like buffoons by their political lying master leaders and the lying media and they still do not get it.
Stupidity by those covidiot buffoons is spreading faster than the Convid 19 itself is. It's time for those fools to take their head out of their arse hole. It's time for them to wake up and start asking questions if that is possible for them.
Did anyone see Trump latest photo op?? Yep.....he did it again. Took a ride in front of his supporters just to show them how strong he is ........and then back tothe hospital.
He only risked the health of the staff with him.........this time. His show is getting tiresome as it is reckless.& immature.
The only vulnerability that you appear to suffer from is stupidity. Sadly, it is fools like you that are helping to spread the stupidity faster with your lies. If someone gets a virus there is a very good chance that they will survive. It's 99% sure that they will survive. Of course many will die but that has been going on since time began where people die from some virus.
Again, I will ask you. Why does this virus have you all upset and so concerned when other viruses that have plagued us in the past did not bother you all that much at all? Were you this crazy when SARS and H1N1 and others were around years ago? Were you demanding that people wear face diaper masks, social distancing themselves, and isolate ones self? Come on, spit it out, crazy man.