Reverend Blair said:The EU took great care to limit the influence of its largest states over the greater EU economy. That isn't always great for countries like Germany, but it is fair. The US would not allow itself to be controlled like that.
They did this through telling member states to not run many of the "social democracies" like to do....
Reverend Blair said:Why is it that you neo-cons like borrowing so much? How much influence do think a country like Canada can have over the US, which is ten times our size.
Ten %, would be the answer. And that buys a lot.
Definitely a fundamental disagreement between us. I believe the socialists like to borrow and drive everything into debt.
I will however concede to you that Bush is doing this, and is inflating the economy.....He didn't run on war and deficits though, and he (I hope) couldn't predict 911, and the Iraq war (so to speak)
Currently I believe they are inflating the economy and will pay off these debts with these worthless dollars. Buy gold, silver and real estate to protect your assets.
I posted earlier (and on more than one occasion) my feelings about Ontario Hydro. I can’t find the post though and I think it fits nicely into this thread. Why did they drive it so far into debt? It sure wasn’t “neo-cons” doing it, it was “neo-cons” who put an end to it, we had to.