Concern grows over Bears


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
There was a moose that wintered in the park downtown last winter.

In Ottawa? I can't remember, but possibly. Again, the more spread out and suburban a city is, the more:

1. it encroaches on wildlife habitats, thus running the risk that wildlife will overflow into town, and
2. the easier it is for wildlife to roam owing to the low population density and thus opportunities to roam freely without being spotted.

A city committed to urban intensificaiton would:

1. reduce the encroachment on wildlife habitats in the first place, and
2. Make if more difficult for wildlife to roam into town so freely without being spotted owing to the higher population density in town.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In Ottawa? I can't remember, but possibly. Again, the more spread out and suburban a city is, the more:

1. it encroaches on wildlife habitats, thus running the risk that wildlife will overflow into town, and
2. the easier it is for wildlife to roam owing to the low population density and thus opportunities to roam freely without being spotted.

A city committed to urban intensificaiton would:

1. reduce the encroachment on wildlife habitats in the first place, and
2. Make if more difficult for wildlife to roam into town so freely without being spotted owing to the higher population density in town.
Nope. Regina

Apparently one died this spring when they tried to move them.



The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I live in London and around this time last year, we had an incident where the local police had to kill a young male black bear that had wandered into town. What an uproar there was over that one! And I do remember thinking at the time "If they hadn't and a child had been injured how loud would the uproar have been then?" London is not exactly in the middle of bear country, in fact I believe I recall hearing that they had speculated that he had wandered down from the Bruce Pennisula which has to be 200km away. While this is the first instance that I'm aware of where a bear was spotted in London, I do know that there have been reports of them in some of the smaller towns around here.

Now, I'm neither a hunter nor a wildlife expert but it seems to me that if we are having incidences, increasing incidences at that, of bears wandering into populated areas that are away from their usual natural habitats, something must be out of balance somewhere. This is a bad situation for both the people and for the bears.

I'd support a return of the regulated hunt for practical purposes. To my way of thinking, hunting is and should be practical. (I personally detest trophy hunting, killing for sport is, in my humble opinion, wrong.) But hunting for the purpose of acquiring meat and skins is far more natural than the factory farmed meats that turn up in the grocery stores.