Christian Nation?

Would you support such a federation?

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Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
ahhh Dexter - we're on the same page, and I gotta say, you show more spirituality within you than many who claim they believe....

....I meant that as a compliment, btw.... lolll


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Crusader, you might consider that the least changeable
orientation of a human being is sexual orientation.

Why do you like girls ?

You just do.

You ever like boys?

Probably not.

Why ?

Because it never occurred to you. And even if
someone forced you to like boys, you wouldn't like
it anyway.

Society has a lot to learn here.

And it's puzzling for all of us, as we see divorce rates
skyrocket and one parent families struggling to raise
their kids. I know I could have used a partner in crime
to balance my approach with my daughter, but then
there's another level of a non parent joining with
a parent to raise a kid not their own, and it all gets
dicy and I look for any moral guidance I can navigating
through the temptations.

Religions are something for the interior of our souls
to be debated, rejected or embraced.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I don't mind organized religion but when people take the word of those who thought the world was flat, and stuff it down everyone's throats at any cost, they aren't much different from the Taliban or any other extremist group. Being a believer is one thing. Being a religious lobby intent on ruining the lives of other people for the sake of their own beliefs is borderline criminal.


Electoral Member
Apr 22, 2005
Where The Wild Things Are
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

Crusader said:
Add to that that Jews and Muslims also believe in the 10 Commandments, and so also believe in "hear, Oh Israel. the LORD you God, the LORD is one." They would not be affected in the least by the laws of the Gospels beyond their social laws.

Ummmm, you don't think Jews and Muslims would have a problem with being part of an organization called the Christian Federation?

Hehe! :lol:


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
A Christian nation would eliminate all the divisions caused by race, nationality, language etc.

Yeah, and who's had more wars with each other than Christian Scotland & Christian England (over whether the crown would be Catholic or Protestant) and Christian France under Napoleon invading just about every other Christian country in Europe or the U.S. Civil war fought between the Christian Northern States and the Christian Southern States, or the Christian U.S. in invading just about every Christian country in Central and South America not to even mention invading Christian Canada in 1812.

Yeah, we need more Christian countries like Jonestown needs more Kool-Aid.

Lord, save us from fools and Christians (and please excuse the redundancy).


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

FiveParadox said:
I'm gay, Crusader. Still want me in that Christian nation of yours? :p

Of course we do.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

jimmoyer said:
Ayyyyyyeeeee carrrumba, Crusader.

Take a different excercise for a moment.

Try if you will, because you are intelligent enough
to do so: Explain any possible reasons why your proposal
for a Christian Nation or Christian League of Nations
could have great potential for problems.

It has always been my theory that all advocates for
a cause know their own argument's weak points.

Lack of unity. That's why I'm a strong supporter of the language of the New Testament. As we all read that text each i our own naitonal tongues (already interpretations to some extent) we then add interpretation upon interpretation until our understanding of the NT is as divided as the people were at the Tower of Babel.

The language of the Greek New Testament would not only give us direct access to the pearls of wisdom hidden in the original Greek New Testament, but also serve as the key to accessing the hearts of one another, thus firmly uniting Christendom under one common Faith and one common speech.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
quote="Dexter Sinister"
Crusader said:
Nothing in a Christian nation would prohibit you from being gay. You just couldn't act upon your impulsions. ... Same applies to everyone.

Not quite. Some are more equal than others. If you're hetero you're allowed to act on your "impulsions"--I presume you mean impulses, though that's far too flimsy a word for what we're actually talking about here--within certain restricted limits, but you'd deny male homosexuals any possibility of a physically intimate relationship, though I seriously doubt that their need for it is any less than any heterosexual's. What about female homosexuals? Sodomy isn't generally part of their sexual activity, they don't have the tools, so to speak, so what's their particular sin?

I'm well aware That there is a debate re: the Biblical stance on female homosexuality. Certainly if there is no clearly defined law on that in the Bible, then we may have no choice but to accept it. And if God left that out, then maybe there was a reason for it beyond our limited understanding.

And why are some people homosexual? God made 'em that way for some mysterious purpose of His own? You come on like a Christian fundamentalist, which would suggest that might be your position. And if you tell us homosexuality is a choice you will only reveal the intellectual bankruptcy of your position, because that is known to be false.

I'm not a christian fundamentalist; I'm just a Christian. I never said homosexuality is a choice; you're making big assumptions about me. I do not base my interpretation of the bible upon anything or anyone other than the Bible itself. As to why God created homosexuals is a mistery to me; perhaps a way to test them and us? We all have tests in life, different and unique tests for every people. They strengthen our character. For all I know homosexuality is to test the homosexual himself against lust, and the rest of us against bigotry? Just my guests.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

Dexter Sinister said:
Crusader said:
That's my answer.

No, it's Pope Urban's answer, but never mind. So, in simpler terms, that means you would kill those who resisted, right?
I would abide by the law of the gospel and that is it.


Nominee Member
Apr 18, 2006
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

Kreskin said:
I don't mind organized religion but when people take the word of those who thought the world was flat, and stuff it down everyone's throats at any cost, they aren't much different from the Taliban or any other extremist group. Being a believer is one thing. Being a religious lobby intent on ruining the lives of other people for the sake of their own beliefs is borderline criminal.

please do not make assumptions about me.

1. I do not take the Bible literally as a science tex; I take it, rather, as a legal text.

2. Please try to show a tad more respect in the discussion. Tackle the issue, not the poster. thanks a million :)


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

Crusader said:
Kreskin said:
I don't mind organized religion but when people take the word of those who thought the world was flat, and stuff it down everyone's throats at any cost, they aren't much different from the Taliban or any other extremist group. Being a believer is one thing. Being a religious lobby intent on ruining the lives of other people for the sake of their own beliefs is borderline criminal.

please do not make assumptions about me.

1. I do not take the Bible literally as a science tex; I take it, rather, as a legal text.

2. Please try to show a tad more respect in the discussion. Tackle the issue, not the poster. thanks a million :)

I tackled THE issue. I'm not the one claiming homosexuality is a test of one's character. I tend to believe everyone deserves respect, the ability to live their lives and be who they are without a group running them down, judging their character, or working in an organized fashion to deny them the rights to be happy - especially when their actions and lives having nothing to do with members of that group.

Try and show a little more respect for people who don't believe the same things you do. There are members of this board who don't appreciate your judgment of their character.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

Crusader said:
I would abide by the law of the gospel and that is it.

Weaselling. All the question required was a yes or no, and you've convinced me your answer is yes, which makes you a dangerous demagogue. You're certainly entitled to abide by the law of the gospel, whatever you think that is, in your personal life, but you're not entitled to force it on anyone else. The laws of the nation take precedence. You're full of false dichotomies, like the claim that you can't be both a Canadian and a Christian, faulty logic, and an arrogant certainty that a text written millennia ago by a tribe of desert nomads with no concept of modern science or philosophy is the ultimate guide to how we should live our lives. After millennia of scientific, philosophical, political, and social, progress, you'd take us back to the 4th century if you could. I'm glad you can't.

Evidently you don't read very well either. I did not say, or even suggest, that you'd said homosexuality was a choice. A lot of serious Christians do take that position, I thought there might be a possibility you'd take it as well, so I headed it off before you could say it. All I said was that if you did take that position, you'd be wrong.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Well I'll take Crusader over this bit of moron drivel any day.

Jersay said:
SO I guess you only need to be white Christ who's history is responsible for the murder of 60 million in WW2 and hundreds of millions during colonialism.

Jersay said:
Since I am not a Christian, but serving in the Armed forces. I think I would stockpile some weapons and begin mowing down Christian fanatics.

It will be great.

Respect and reading guys wanna talk respect and reading comprehension? BS.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Re: RE: Christian Nation?

Zan said:
ahhh Dexter - we're on the same page, and I gotta say, you show more spirituality within you than many who claim they believe....

....I meant that as a compliment, btw.... lolll

Taken as such, and blessings upon your household for the tolerance and charity you show, here and elsewhere. I think Crusader would have me killed. Being atheist doesn't preclude spirituality, it just produces a different understanding of it.


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
I don't see a problem with it, as long as it's a Christian nation, meaning "of Christ" rather than a "fundie" nation or a Catholic nation. Immediately, we can ignore the Old testament since Jesus said:

One of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, testing him.

36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"

37 Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 A second likewise is this,'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'

40 The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

Since no human can begin to describe the attributes of God, loving His Creation is enough. So people who talk to a personal man-God are in the same boat as people who reject the man-God, but appreciate the beauty of Nature, or the value of other people, who, of course, are in the image of God.

Since any conception of God is hopelessly inadequate, none is better than any other.

Every religion (even satanism) has a version of the second commandment, otherwise known as the Golden Rule:

Bahá'í Faith: "Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which thou doest not." "Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself." Baha'u'llah
"And if thine eyes be turned towards justice, choose thou for thy neighbour that which thou choosest for thyself." Epistle to the Son of the Wolf

: "This is the sum of Dharma [duty]: Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you". Mahabharata, 5:1517 "
Buddhism: "...a state that is not pleasing or delightful to me, how could I inflict that upon another?" Samyutta NIkaya v. 353
Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." Udana-Varga 5:18

: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12, King James Version.
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31, King James Version.
"...and don't do what you hate...", Gospel of Thomas 6. The Gospel of Thomas is one of about 40 gospels that were widely accepted among early Christians, but which never made it into the Christian Scriptures (New Testament).

Confucianism: "Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" Analects 15:23
"Tse-kung asked, 'Is there one word that can serve as a principle of conduct for life?' Confucius replied, 'It is the word 'shu' -- reciprocity. Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.'" Doctrine of the Mean 13.3
"Try your best to treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence." Mencius VII.A.4

Ancient Egyptian: "Do for one who may do for you, that you may cause him thus to do." The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant, 109 - 110 Translated by R.B. Parkinson. The original dates to 1970 to 1640 BCE and may be the earliest version ever written. 3

Hinduism: "One should not behave towards others in a way which is disagreeable to oneself." Mencius Vii.A.4

Humanism: "(5) Humanists acknowledge human interdependence, the need for mutual respect and the kinship of all humanity."
"(11) Humanists affirm that individual and social problems can only be resolved by means of human reason, intelligent effort, critical thinking joined with compassion and a spirit of empathy for all living beings. " 4
"Don't do things you wouldn't want to have done to you, British Humanist Society. 3

Islam: "None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself." Number 13 of Imam "Al-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths." 5
Jainism: "Therefore, neither does he [a sage] cause violence to others nor does he make others do so." Acarangasutra 5.101-2.
"In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self." Lord Mahavira, 24th Tirthankara
"A man should wander about treating all creatures as he himself would be treated. "Sutrakritanga 1.11.33

Judaism: "...thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.", Leviticus 19:18
"What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. This is the law: all the rest is commentary." Talmud, Shabbat 31a.
"And what you hate, do not do to any one." Tobit 4:15 6

Native American Spirituality: "Respect for all life is the foundation." The Great Law of Peace.
"All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One." Black Elk

Roman Pagan Religion: "The law imprinted on the hearts of all men is to love the members of society as themselves."
Shinto: "The heart of the person before you is a mirror. See there your own form"
Sikhism: Compassion-mercy and religion are the support of the entire world". Japji Sahib
"Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within everyone." Guru Arjan Devji 259
"No one is my enemy, none a stranger and everyone is my friend." Guru Arjan Dev : AG 1299

Sufism: "The basis of Sufism is consideration of the hearts and feelings of others. If you haven't the will to gladden someone's heart, then at least beware lest you hurt someone's heart, for on our path, no sin exists but this." Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh, Master of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order.
Taoism: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss." T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien.
"The sage has no interest of his own, but takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; he is also kind to the unkind: for Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; he is also faithful to the unfaithful: for Virtue is faithful." Tao Teh Ching, Chapter 49

: "We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent of all existence of which we are a part." Unitarian principles.
Wicca: "An it harm no one, do what thou wilt" (i.e. do what ever you will, as long as it harms nobody, including yourself). One's will is to be carefully thought out in advance of action. This is called the Wiccan Rede
Yoruba: (Nigeria): "One going to take a pointed stick to pinch a baby bird should first try it on himself to feel how it hurts."
Zoroastrianism: "That nature alone is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself". Dadistan-i-dinik 94:5
"Whatever is disagreeable to yourself do not do unto others." Shayast-na-Shayast 13:29

So, a Christian nation would ahve two basic laws (the first to be obeyed at the discretion of each person) and would not discriminate against homosexuals, atheists or even silly Biblical literialists. i don't see a problem....'course the Devil is always in the details... :wink: