China Passes anti -secession law

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Well seeing that the Nothern states won the only losers were the Southern states. It was a clear victory albeit a costly one. We are still the United States.

Are you? The current split between red and blue states is deep and bitter.

Witches were burned in the 1600's in Mass.

Yet the witch hunts continue. Instead of burning the victims, they are pilloried in the press.

I wonder why the Communist didn't carry the war to Taiwan right from the start. When the Chinese Nationalist were defeated on the mainland they escaped to Taiwan and kept the existing way of government, separate from the Communist Govt.

They are likely wondering the same thing themselves. It really all does come down to economics now though. China needs its economic zones because the money spins off into the rest of the country. They also wish to assert control over those zones now more than ever though...getting Hong Kong back kind of solidified that.


Electoral Member
Nov 5, 2004
Fruita, CO, Aztlan
Re: RE: China Passes anti -se

Reverend Blair said:
It seems to me that they did it before...something about the Civil War, I believe.

It also seems to me that it would depend which state it was. They may not care if North Dakota decided to secede, but what if it was California? I think the reaction would be quite different. Now imagine that California wasn't just seceding, but was planning on joining China in sort of a loose coaltion.

Slightly off topic, but if N. Dakota were to secede, it would be the world's leading nuclear power. Que no?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Slightly off topic, but if N. Dakota were to secede, it would be the world's leading nuclear power. Que no?

Hey, I never though of that. I was just thinking of the economics...California has a huge economy, North Dakota has Grand Forks.

You raise an interesting point though...who would get to keep all those nukes? The infrastructure required has got to be massive. That would have to stay, but the missiles themselves? The US would want those back.

That's the thing with secession almost anywhere...who owns what? We've discussed it here ever since Quebec first started talking about leaving, and there has been anything close to a consensus. China likely feels the same about Taiwan as we feel about Quebec.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reverend Blair said:
Well seeing that the Nothern states won the only losers were the Southern states. It was a clear victory albeit a costly one. We are still the United States.

Are you? The current split between red and blue states is deep and bitter.

Witches were burned in the 1600's in Mass.

Yet the witch hunts continue. Instead of burning the victims, they are pilloried in the press.

I wonder why the Communist didn't carry the war to Taiwan right from the start. When the Chinese Nationalist were defeated on the mainland they escaped to Taiwan and kept the existing way of government, separate from the Communist Govt.

They are likely wondering the same thing themselves. It really all does come down to economics now though. China needs its economic zones because the money spins off into the rest of the country. They also wish to assert control over those zones now more than ever though...getting Hong Kong back kind of solidified that.

I agree to a point about red and blue states. But when you look at the map of the 2004 election and then the division of states during the Civil War some of those red states were considered Nothern states. More than considered, they were. Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Maryland, and West Virginia were part of the Union but are now RED states. Kentucky and Missiouri were considered neutral. Those two states as with Kansas had some brutal fighting between secessionist factions and pro-Unionist factions, mostly over slavery.

I'd rather be vilified in the press than hung (or pressed) like they did in Salem.

It is interesting how China did leave Hong Kong to do business as usual so long as they fell in line so as to not upset the Communist Govt.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: China Passes anti -secession law

Just the Facts said:
EagleSmack said:
the only losers were the Southern states.

Tell that to the guy who doesn't exist because the guy from Wisconsin who would have been his grandfather was killed in Virginia. :(

Well like I said it was a costly victory. But there was a clear winner.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I agree to a point about red and blue states. But when you look at the map of the 2004 election and then the division of states during the Civil War some of those red states were considered Nothern states.

The divisions are almost as deep though...which states are leaning which way doesn't matter. There is also the division within states. Ohio is clearly split almost down the middle. So is Florida.

It isn't as bad as before the Civil War yet, but it seems to be getting worse instead of better.

I'd rather be vilified in the press than hung (or pressed) like they did in Salem.

But a witch-hunt is still a witch-hunt. The mentality is the same.

It is interesting how China did leave Hong Kong to do business as usual so long as they fell in line so as to not upset the Communist Govt.

There's too much money at stake for anything else to happen. It's also important to note that China has been moving towards a mixed economy for a very long time...since the 70's, really. They don't move quickly. Why should they? They have been headed in that direction though.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I think both sides participate in witch hunts.

Sure there are deep divisions. The same goes in every country. Canada as well. The Liberal and Labour Parties in England... I have always found watching British Parliment in session (on CSPAN) so very interesting.

The war in Iraq has polarized some. I also think that Liberals do themselves a disservice by their utter contempt of anyone who votes Conservative. They mock and talk down to people who vote "RED" so to speak. That does not win them votes, it further divides and makes elections not about issues but emotions.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: China Passes anti -se

I pay a fair amount of attention to politics and the divsions in Canada and Britain are not nearly as deep as those in the United States.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: China Passes anti -se

Reverend Blair said:
I pay a fair amount of attention to politics and the divsions in Canada and Britain are not nearly as deep as those in the United States.

But they aren't as deep as you alude to either. Keep in mind it was an election year and that is when both parties are trying to give each other the knock out punch.

US Politics can get brutal. There is a good book written by a Liberal called "Why Americans Hate Politics". It shows how and why elections can be brutal.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: China Passes anti -se

The rift never healed after the 2000 election though. There is no sign that it is being healed now. The next election will likely be a little bit uglier, especially if Hillary Clinton is running. That isn't her fault BTW, it is because the radical right is so hateful towards her.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
Hillary vs Arnold 2008 should be a hoot a nazi vs a crook heheheheheheheheh.Got to love american politics it sure is entertaining much better than the crap we are served up here.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: China Passes anti -se

Well they will never Change the Constitution to allow him to run. Too many roadblocks.

I did see on CNN yesterday they were trying to Imply it will be Clinton against Rice and that she will be VP within a couple years when Cheney quits. I dont think there is much truth to that.

A women still will not get elected as president in America. Maybe Vice-President. A black women? forget about it.

America is not that socially progressive like us or europe yet and probley never will be.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: China Passes anti -se

no1important said:
I know but I had to answer. But what is the US going to do about China's ultimatum to Tawaiin, Eaglesmack?

Well... If they try to invade Taiwan I am sure they will be using a lot of torpedoes and years later they will be visiting a lot of Chinese wrecks on the bottom of the Taiwan Straight.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: China Passes anti -secession law

mrmom2 said:
Hillary vs Arnold 2008 should be a hoot a nazi vs a crook heheheheheheheheh.Got to love american politics it sure is entertaining much better than the crap we are served up here.

But this is on topic.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: RE: China Passes anti -se

no1important said:
Well they will never Change the Constitution to allow him to run. Too many roadblocks.

I did see on CNN yesterday they were trying to Imply it will be Clinton against Rice and that she will be VP within a couple years when Cheney quits. I dont think there is much truth to that.

A women still will not get elected as president in America. Maybe Vice-President. A black women? forget about it.

America is not that socially progressive like us or europe yet and probley never will be.

Even though this is completely off topic if Hillary ran against Rice you would see a Black Woman elected President.

This is a Liberals nightmare.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
But this is on topic.

It fits within the context of the larger conversation. Yours was a random and uncredited posting of something from an Islamist web-site. See the difference?

Even though this is completely off topic if Hillary ran against Rice you would see a Black Woman elected President.

This is a Liberals nightmare.

Rice has never run for anything. Being a black woman is a definite disadvantage in US politics, especially on the radical right.

Well... If they try to invade Taiwan I am sure they will be using a lot of torpedoes and years later they will be visiting a lot of Chinese wrecks on the bottom of the Taiwan Straight.

Do you think Georgie is stupid enough to get into a shooting match with the Chinese? If he does it will destroy any chance of Republican re-election. Your economy would immediately be in the toilet because the Chinese have so much control over it; your international support would be close to nil; and if you think you'll only lose 1500 soldiers in a war with the Chinese, you've got anther thing coming...they are a fair bit better armed and trained than the Iraqi army was.

I'm not saying that George and his gang aren't stupid enough to do it, just that it would be a huge mistake.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How do you think the RIGHT will feel voting for Hillary? I think Condi's chances against Hillary are pretty good. I myself would vote for Rice over Clinton anyday. I am considered Right of Center.

**Edited false accusation that Eaglesmack tried to sneak into the middle of a post**

I think the last thing on anyones mind is if Republicans would get re-elected in a shooting war with the Chinese! Talk about trivializing! lol... A defensive war in the Taiwan Straight is much different than a land war in China. The US would never land on China's beaches. But we sure would sink a lot of their ships and planes. And THAT my friend is what China will need to do. Cross 120 miles of water buzzing with Bombs, Missles, and Torpedoes.

So it sounds as if you would be all for a Chinese Invasion. I mean if we helped Taiwan defend itself we would be in the wrong. The spread of CHinese Communism is a good thing? If we were to help them fight would it be illegal? Would a Chinese Invasion be legal and sanctioned by the UN?