So you (pl.) are suggesting that way back some lonely young primate got a little too friendly with a sow, and we are the result?
Verry interresting!
BTW humans do not suffer from low fertility. Primitive tribes used intelligence & discovered that prolonged lactation for feeding an infant helped cut the chances of pregnancy.
Go back a few generations & you will find very often your ancestors like mine had 10-15 children. Of course, only about half survived to breeding age, but......
There are over 7.1 billion of us on this planet.
I wouldn't call that low fertility.
Anyway, its a fun topic, but the fossill record shows the hominid/primate record quite clearly.
Although I suppose every species on earth is a type of hybrid if you go back far enough.
When humans hold their breath & feel a need to breath that gets more intense, we are not sensing a lack of oxygen, we sense a rise in CO2. I am told that this specific mechanism & associated genes is the same as fish use. So I guess we are slso fish hybrids too..
Here we is faced with the juxtiposition of the Holy Evolution of Pope Darwin I and hybridization amongst mamals amongst others what was previously served to the masses as unlikely science fiction. Relative infertilty in humans, think about bags of kittens every three months, also it is not always among human couples a sure thing first time not even second.
The pig is not well represented in the fossil record so I'm wondering who were the parents of the pig line.