CDN-Economy & Related Factors


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
An RV dealer said "we don't have to worry about Albertans and Americans filling up all the camp sites so it may be the best year ever to have a BC Staycation."
He may be right.
Too funny. I still have a set of BC tags to slap on my truck before pulling into a BC Provincial Park.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Are they? Or just delaying the inevitable at huge expense to taxpayers.
You understand that governments all over the world have poured trillions of dollars into their economies over the last 3 months in order to forestall complete economic collapse?

You read about that, right?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Trudeau pushing forward on covid funding in the face of certain parliamentary delay.

Hopefully not too many people will have to suffer in order to allow Mr Scheer and Mr Singh to make their little campaign pitches.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Trudeau pushing forward on covid funding in the face of certain parliamentary delay.

Hopefully not too many people will have to suffer in order to allow Mr Scheer and Mr Singh to make their little campaign pitches.
If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is indigenous at best.

Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is indigenous at best.

Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.
But with earlier governments allowing the Prime Ministers Office so much power King is what we get . Cretien played the position well , but even he can’t hold a candle to what Trudeau is getting away with . And nary a peep from the opposition because they are drooling over the thought of having similar power .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
According to the capitalism you claim to adore whilst utterly failing to comprehend, there are no friends or enemies. Only money.

And how much did the Beijing Butchers PAY YOU?

To spew your anti white and anti capitalist and anti cop CRAP?

Or do you get your dirty money from Black Lives Matter BIGOTS?

Here is an older article illustrating how and why the LIE-beral sponsored vision for legal justice is so GROSSLY FLAWED!
With some comments of my own in brackets):

Judge tosses impaired driving case after OPP demand man strip off his pants

By Michele Mandel. Published: September 28, 2018. Updated: September 28, 2018 7:23 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN News/ Toronto & GTA

Keep your pants on.

That’s the least you should be able to do when you’re brought into a police station.

But because a OPP officer forced a man to take off his trousers — claiming the drawstring at the waist posed a danger — an Ontario court judge has thrown out the impaired driving case against Peter Ese-Osa Uhuangho.

(Is it not ironic that if the man had been allowed to KEEP his pants- and he had later chosen to HANG himself in a fit of despair - we all know the cop WOULD BE PUNISHED for not having removed the pants!)

“I consider that the manner in which the defendant was strip searched and subsequently remained in a state of undress while being investigated and asked to provide breath samples, all the while being videotaped at the police station, constitutes a gross affront to his human dignity,” said Justice Rick Libman in a recent decision.

(And was it not LIE-berals who ORDERED the video cameras into Police Stations so they could monitor cop behaviour? Why - yes it was! And was it not LIE-berals who decreed - in the interest of social justice - that FEMALE GUARDS could monitor convicts in jail - including while they were showering and on the toilet! And now we have LIE-berals whining about a DRUNK with no pants on because he might KILL himself with the draw string as he is video taped FAILING a Sobriety Test and LIE-berals are STILL WHINING!)

“In short, removing a detainee’s pants and leaving the person in their underwear and top, whatever its length, while investigating him, much less administering a test to determine his blood alcohol concentration, is humiliating, degrading and unreasonable. It follows that it is also highly offensive to the community’s sense of fair play and decency. As a result, a stay of proceedings is an appropriate remedy in the circumstances of this case.”

(Oh does the judge think that not wearing pants might affect the drunk test? In other words anything that a SUSPECTED CRIMINAL DOES NOT LIKE about Police procedure can be grounds for a Get out of jail Free Card! Such complaints as whining to your lawyer that your English is not good enough to understand why the cops are arresting you for drunk driving are also useful for that handy Get out of Jail card - as some guy in Brampton PROVED!)

(The FACT that drunk driving is ILLEGAL in all countries and thus the drunk SHOULD HAVE KNOWN his error - carries NO WEIGHT with LIE-beral judges! The goof did not have his lawyer present when he was charged with drunk driving thus HIS RIGHTS MUST have been violated! Though what excuse a lawyer could offer against a blood alcohol reading DOUBLE the legal limit is in SERIOUS doubt among SANE members of society!)

The judge went further, finding the OPP officer lied about why the man’s pants were removed: “Most egregiously,” Libman wrote, Uhuangho was “being falsely accused of urinating in his pants as a pretext for removing them. In light of all the circumstances, this is one of the clearest of cases where a stay of proceedings is warranted.”

(So WHY is the judge bitching? The judge has offered BULLSH+T reasoning and the cop has responded in kind! This is the TRUE future of LIE-beral justice!)

In the early hours of Aug. 1, 2016, an OPP officer responded to a crash on Highway 401 just east of Keele St.

After smelling of alcohol and failing a roadside breath test, Uhuangho was arrested for driving over 80 and taken to the OPP detachment.

The booking officer told the court that Uhuangho, 55, was uncooperative, verbally aggressive and rude. When asked to remove the draw string from his pants because it posed a “choking hazard,” he said the man became belligerent and suddenly took off his pants which were soaked with urine.

Uhuangho, a psychiatric nurse, told a far different story.

He testified that the draw string was sewn into his pants and when he told them that he couldn’t take it out, the police ordered him to strip them off. He felt “exposed” and “totally embarrassed and shocked” as he stood there in his underwear with officers – including a female – laughing at him. He was kept in that state of undress for hours, with no one offering him a blanket or anything else to reduce his humiliation. As a result, he said, he was angry and refused to co-operate and provide breath samples.

(Oh dear me! A female cop was also laughing - so the unit was INTEGRATED - just as LIE-berals wanted! As for being laughed at - such treatment is EARNED by being BELLIGERENT!)

The judge believed Uhuangho and found the OPP violated his constitutional right against unreasonable search – and then lied to justify it. “To claim falsely, then, that it was necessary to remove a detainee’s pants due to being soaked in urine is odious, and an affront to the administration of justice. It is calculated to portray this detainee in the most unflattering of lights.”

(So the judge is willing to SUPPORT a drunken idiot who has already wrecked his car on a major highway and judge is willing to DISMISS the suicide risk - because if anything BAD happens - its all the cops fault anyway! And th drunk ADMITS that he was belligerent and uncooperative during the test phase at the station!)

(And if the drunk later gets another car and maims or kills somebody because he got away from legal justice this time - it will NOT be the judge who has to clean up the remains - or even look at the bloody mess and go tell the distressed family
that a loved one has been MURDERED by some idiot Drunk!)

(LIE-berals tell us drunk driving is a Scourge and must be ended - and then they do everything they can to excuse and release DRUNKS! Do LIE-berals understand that word “scourge”? Do LIE-berals EVER mean what they say?)

This case follows many others where the police have been condemned from the judicial bench for continuing their practise of illegal strip searches. In a landmark 2001 decision called R v Golden, the Supreme Court ruled strip searches are “inherently humiliating and degrading” and “of such invasive character” that they can’t be carried out simply as a matter of routine policy.

And yet they continue and too many cases are being thrown out as a result.

(And LIE-berals AGAIN FAIL in their legal logic! Most of Ontari-owe watched cop car video of an arrested drunk driver - who also happened to be handcuffed - while sitting in the back seat of a cruiser - carefully remove his gun from a hidden pocket and attempt to drop it discreetly to the floor - fortunately the gun hit a metal bracket and alerted the cop!)

(And of course the drunk driver ALSO HAD A RECORD for miss-use of a firearm - a delicate LIE-beral phrase meaning he is a gang banger who shoots people and was under a PROHIBITION against possessing a gun! Is it not wonderful how effective LIE-beral gun laws are in preventing convicted criminals from ARMING THEMSELVES!)

Last year, Justice Elaine Deluzio stayed impaired driving charges against a woman after she was ordered to remove her underwire bra by OPP officers outside Belleville.

Also last year, Justice Joseph Bovard threw out crack possession charges after Peel Police strip searched a woman at their station with the door open and male officers laughing nearby. In 2016, he tossed charges against a suspected drunk driver after a female officer unzipped the suspect’s sweater, exposing her breasts in a see-through bra. And in Toronto, Justice Heather McArthur stayed impaired driving charges after an accused was made to remove his pants, exposing his underwear.

(And yet LIE-berals have NO PROBLEM ordering that female guards be allowed to work in prisons filled with MALE CONVICTS in that same state of undress! For our LIE-berals - there is NO standard or value that cannot be compromised in exchange for MORE votes!)

“Golden was released by the Supreme Court more than 17 years ago,” Libman complained. “The law regarding strip searches is clear. There should be no ‘contention, confusion or uncertainty.’”

So why are police still not getting the message?

(CLEARLY THERE IS NO MESSAGE TO “GET”! Cops are RESPONSIBLE for whatever FAILINGS LIE-berals can devise in their hunt for MORE PURCHASED VOTES! Thus when drunk drivers get excused for TRIVIA and go on to maim or kill then LIE-berals assume it is the cops fault!)

(If cops conduct a strip search to make sure that a suspect has no weapons and nothing that might be used to kill themselves while in police custody - then cops are being abusive!)

(And cops are WELL AWARE of the Nova Scotia teen who managed to CHOKE HERSELF TO DEATH in her cell - using a shoelace - because she MISS- CALCULATED how long it would be before cops came into her cell to wrestle with her as they attempted to remove the ligature!)

(LIE-berals have re-defined justice to reach this philosophy: “Cops are always wrong and the general public with its alleged systemic racist ways will bear the cost” while arrogant LIE-berals suck up votes from bigots and radicals and those who HATE white society!)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is indigenous at best.

Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.
Holy got corrected to Indigenous (?) above...let me try that again.

If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is disingenuous at best.

Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Holy got corrected to Indigenous (?) above...let me try that again.

If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is disingenuous at best.

Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.
My response stands .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Holy got corrected to Indigenous (?) above...let me try that again.

If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is disingenuous at best.

Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.

Oh dear me - the CORRECT TITLE is "Emperor of the Great White North - FOR LIFE"!

Our idiot Boy is making a FABULOUS MESS as he struggles to PARALYZE our Parliament and create political conditions

such that his MINORITY LIE-beral Losers will survive beyond the spring 2021 budget process!

Consider - for instance - how LIE-berals handle OUR property rights!

Here is yet another article illustrating the insane consequences of LIE-beral policy and shameless vote buying! With some comments of my own in brackets):

How the pandemic is preventing some landlords from evicting tenants who endanger their safety

By Farrah Merali CBC News June 6, 2020

When the Landlord and Tenant board ordered the eviction of a tenant living in the basement of the Diaz family home in Scarborough, Sherr Marie Diaz thought her fear and anxiety were finally over.

"I can't do this anymore. Like, every day I fear for my mom," said Diaz, whose mother Josephine, 74, is the landlord.

Diaz and her mother are both fearful of the tenant, who they say has refused to stop smoking, even after being told it endangers the health of the Diaz family. They also say the tenant has been aggressive toward them.

(The LIE-beral run Landlord and Tenant Board SAYS AND ORDERS lots of things that NEVER GET DONE! We have all read stories of “Professional tenants who never pay rent for months at a time and who - when they are finally evicted - leave behind all manner of garbage and damage and unpaid bills for things like electricity and water and phone and internet services!)

But they've quickly learned no evictions would be enforced due to a moratorium brought in by the provincial government because of COVID-19, so people can continue to shelter in place.

"We feel like we're prisoners in our own home because we cannot do anything."

(The legal system is at least consistent - in being illogical and inflexible! The rules governing evictions are Byzantine in their complexity - make one error and you must START THE PROCESS AGAIN - from the beginning! LIE-berals long ago chose to BUY the votes of radical renters by screwing landlords! With this Wuhan Virus CRAP merely adding an additional PROBLEM!)

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) ruled the tenant's smoking impaired the safety of Diaz, her mother and her 78-year-old father Juan Diaz, who had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He died just weeks after the eviction notice was first served to the tenant, after being hospitalized.

Diaz's mother is one of two Toronto landlords who are speaking out after they've failed to evict tenants they say have put their safety at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ontario government implemented the moratorium in March. While LTB hearings are still being held in cases where there is a threat to safety or illegal activity, evictions can't be enforced.

There is a process to appeal the moratorium in certain cases, but it involves seeking permission from the courts and requires a lawyer.

(In other words - LIE-berals have made SURE the eviction process will be as drawn out and costly as possible! Simply showing the health issue is not enough!
Nor do LIE-berals fuss over PROPERTY RIGHTS! If you choose to rent - then ou GAVE YOUR PROPERTY to LIE-berals!)

Diaz said the problems with the tenant started not long after he moved in this past January. She claims not only did he stop paying rent, but that he also began smoking in the unit.

Diaz told CBC News she repeatedly implored the tenant to stop lighting up.

"I keep on pleading ... but nothing happened ...," said Diaz, who said the tenant denied he was smoking in the house.

On April 4 — during a night when Diaz said they could smell the smoke — she said her father experienced shortness of breath and coughing, which she believed to be an asthma attack. It got worse and on April 5 she said she reluctantly took him to hospital, a process complicated by his Alzheimers and vascular dementia.

As well, he couldn't have visitors because of the pandemic.

Sherr Marie Diaz says prior to moving in, the tenant agreed not to smoke in the house because her mother is immuno-compromised and her father, who had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, had oxygen tanks in the house.

(Oh great - even the prospect of being blown up by careless smokers near oxygen tanks cannot resolve this issue?)

"I wasn't there to tell him, 'Don't touch your face, don't touch your nose. Don't remove your mask.' He's there by himself. He doesn't know the consequences of that," Diaz said.

He was discharged but hospitalized again a few days later. On April 25, Jose Diaz died in hospital. Sherr Marie Diaz said he tested positive for COVID-19.

"I didn't even say goodbye," said Diaz, fighting back tears.

(Yes - it is a SAD FACT that the more time you spend in a Cdn hospital - the more likely you are to be exposed to some weird NEW DISEASE! The spread of antibiotic resistant super bugs is well documented! LIE-berals consider that regular deep cleaning of hospitals is a costly waste of time - as the periodic outbreaks of various diseases such as the “flesh eating” disease reveals!)

Because of the pandemic, the LTB is only hearing urgent cases involving illegal acts or serious safety concerns. The Diaz family successfully applied for a hearing in May, arguing the safety risk posed by the tenant.

An eviction order was granted on May 25.

"The Tenant has seriously impaired the safety of others by smoking marijuana in a house with oxygen tanks. There is a risk of a fire or explosion," an adjudicator found.

"The Tenant further impaired the safety of the Landlord and her husband, as they were at risk of asthma attack."

Despite the order, the tenant has not moved out, and because of the moratorium the order can't be enforced. Both Josephine and Sherr Marie Diaz said attempts to confront the tenant have prompted him to become more aggressive.

(Apparently the issue of NOT PAYING RENT has been forgotten - in true LIE-beral fashion! The only money that has REAL value is LIE-beral gravy! The money of tax payers is NOT important to LIE-beral judges!)

"As long as he is here we can't live peacefully," said Josephine Diaz.

Mary Denbraber, 91, was also granted an order to evict her downstairs tenant but he has not moved out.

(Isnt that NICE! LIE-berals have PILED ON the taxes and forced aged people to seek out income by renting space and now LIE-beral minded judges WILL NOT PROTECT these aged and infirm!)

Denbraber — who cannot walk — said because of her deteriorating health, she wants to move into the downstairs unit of the home. She argued she cannot climb down the stairs on her own in the event of an emergency and cannot navigate a wheelchair through the narrow halls upstairs.

Mary Denbraber, 91, cannot walk and is trying to move into the ground-floor unit of her home. The LTB had ordered the tenant leave by April 30 but the moratorium on evictions means it's not being enforced.

According to documents, the LTB supported her application in February for eviction and ruled the tenant should move out before April 30.

"At last, they saw it was not safe for me to be upstairs," said Denbraber.

But Denbraber said not only is the renter not vacating, there are a lot of people visiting the tenant in the home, which has a shared entrance. She's now fearful that either she or her support workers will be exposed to the novel coronavirus.

(Oh great - we all know how dangerous the Wuhan Virus is for the aged - so we get to pay for health care costs as well as the salary of the USELESS LIE-beral appointed judge and assorted bailiffs and court staff who are running this Sh+t Show! LIE-berals seem to BE BADLY CONFUSED about who actually owns private property!)

"Twice a day, health workers come to feed me and help me … They come in and the hallways are teeming with people half the time," said Denbraber.

"Of course they are in danger."

It's possible to apply for an exemption from the moratorium through the Ontario Divisional Court, but advocates say it takes both time and money.

(Ah yes- the usual LIE-beral delay tactic! LIE-berals happily give out grants to radical groups such as Black Live Matter and to assorted native and Muslim groups so they can push for unpopular policies but some sick old woman DOES NOT carry any weight with LIE-berals!)

"In Ontario, lawyers are the ones that are able to go to Divisional Court and represent clients," said Diana Padierna, a community legal worker with Landlord's Self-Help Centre, a legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario.

"And a lot of the small landlords — which is the client population that we help at the clinic — they're not able to afford paying a lawyer, so they're pretty much on their own."

Lawyer Ike Agwu represents both Denbraber and the Diaz family.

"It is without a doubt there are many Diaz families out there where someone has suffered some sort of trauma because they couldn't remove a dangerous person from their property," said Agwu.

"It's important that our decision makers are very wary of unnecessarily extending this moratorium."
Government response

In a statement to CBC Toronto about the moratorium on evictions, the Ministry of Housing said in part:

"We are ensuring individuals and families are able to stay in their homes during this difficult time and can put their health and the health of others first."

"If a landlord has concerns for their safety or suspects illegal activity is occurring in their property they should contact the local police," the statement continued.

The Ministry of Housing wouldn't say when the moratorium would be lifted or when regular hearings at the LTB would resume.

In the meantime, Agwu said he plans to file an appeal at Divisional Court for Denbraber's eviction case. He said he's already filed paperwork for the Diaz family's appeal and their hearing is scheduled for next Friday.

"We want our safety back — our peace," said Sherr Marie Diaz.

(What it comes down to is that Ford govt is NOT prepared at this time to GO TO WAR with the entire LIE-beral dominated legal system or with its legion of entitled renters and special interest groups whose bigotry defines all landlords of any sort are blood sucking Parasites!)

(LIE-beral Soviet Socialist policy on housing and on shameless vote buying has us all at war with each other!)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
McKenna's Enviro office expensed more than $100,000 on Ottawa taxis

Today's exclusive comes to us by way of an order paper question asked by NDP MP for Edmonton Strathcona Heather McPherson.
She asked:
With regard to ministers' office expenses in the National Capital Region: (a) what was the total amount spent on taxis by each ministers' office for each fiscal year since 2015-2016, including the current fiscal years; (b) how many employees at each minister's office have access to taxi vouchers; (c) what is the overtime cost of each minister's driver for each fiscal year since 2015-16, including the current fiscal year; (d) what was the total amount spent on Uber for each minister's office for each fiscal year since 2015-16, including the current fiscal year; and (e) how many employees at each minister's office have access to Uber vouchers?
Would you be surprised to hear that Catherine McKenna, the former Minister for the Environment and Climate Change likes to save on greenhouse gases... except when she is heading the ministry with the most amount of tax dollars spent on taxi and Uber use?
Let me show you.
Environment spent over $143,000 on taxis — under McKenna mostly — the new Minister Jonathan Wilkinson would only be the last part of the 2019-2020 numbers.
Wilkinson is responsible for just a little over $30,000 of $143,000 spent on taxis.
Way to fight climate change!
Were all the cabs to carry her 24 person social media team to follow her around and take pictures of her? Did you know that? We broke that story ages ago. McKenna regularly has around two dozen people involved in vetting the gaffe prone twitter account of the Minister. And still, so many gaffes.
Why are these people taking taxis and Ubers in the National Capital Region at all?
In 2018, we reported that McKenna had the government create an expensive private shuttle bus system for her bureaucrats:
The bus scheme is two shuttles, operating for nine and a half hours per day on an ongoing basis. One van and one larger 15 passenger van, with the fuel paid by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The vans run every 10 minutes between two Gatineau addresses, whether there are people in them or not, for 251 days per year.
And these taxis and Ubers are in addition to McKenna’s thousands of kilometres in mileage on her ministerial limo that they won't tell us about.
Did you know that? Despite the records absolutely existing for vehicle maintenance and driver man hours purposes, and despite most other ministries keeping these records and turning them over when we ask for them, McKenna’s ministry says her records do not exist at all.

Yeah right. And Trudeau only did black face three times.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

It was INEVITABLE that federal LIE-berals and the mostly Conservative Provincial Premiers would BUTT HEADS

over the best way to use federal cash!

LIE-berals naturally want such cash to be used TO ENHANCE THE PRESTIGE OF LIE-beral party!

While our Premiers want to use the money in LOGICAL FASHION!

LIE-berals are FRANTIC to buy some support to enable them to survive the spring 2021 budget exercise

which the LIE-beral Minority govt will probably NOT SURVIVE!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
It was INEVITABLE that federal LIE-berals and the mostly Conservative Provincial Premiers would BUTT HEADS
over the best way to use federal cash!
LIE-berals naturally want such cash to be used TO ENHANCE THE PRESTIGE OF LIE-beral party!
While our Premiers want to use the money in LOGICAL FASHION!
LIE-berals are FRANTIC to buy some support to enable them to survive the spring 2021 budget exercise
which the LIE-beral Minority govt will probably NOT SURVIVE!

It is pretty much a given that the purchases they are tagging in the payout to are from companies in Quebec. Go figure


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Most Competitive Economies Ranking Puts Canada Ahead Of U.S. For 1st Time

MONTREAL ― Canada has beaten the U.S. for the first time ever in a ranking of the world’s most competitive economies, in part because of U.S. President Donald Trump’s damaging trade war with China.

Canada rose to 8th place from 13th last year in Swiss-based business school IMD’s annual ranking. The U.S. fell to 10th place, from 3rd place last year.

That’s the country’s worst performance in a ranking it dominated for decades, and marks the first time Canada scored higher in the survey that has been running since 1989.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Holy got corrected to Indigenous (?) above...let me try that again.
If Trudeau (or other MP's) can wade into a crowd of Thousands of Protesters for Selfie Photo Op's, then they can wade into Parliament to debate issues like a real democracy. Justin Trudeau's front stoop at 9:15AM daily isn't Parliament where real debate can happen regarding our futures. That's a real problem coming from a minority Gov't bypassing democracy. Twisting that into a "But who will think of the Children" blanket call is disingenuous at best.
Trudeau is pushing forward on a lot of things with little over-site & we didn't elect him as the King of Canada last Fall.
He's on house arrest for diddling.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Is the MSM just throwing these things out there or is there a hidden Lib. agenda and feeling it out from the public forum?

Posthaste: How to pay for the ballooning federal debt? Lower income taxes — but raise others

I'm not sure about taxing the cash flow from corporations and businesses, raising the consumption tax I can agree with everyone pays.