Capitalism will save this world


Jun 5, 2019
Anything choices if communism even part two about socialism like USSR then Cuba then socialism currently like Russia and Sweden?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Eyebrows of Evil!



Jun 5, 2019
I thought you were against progressiveness.
I want to argue but no one here has an IQ over 80 to put together anything worthy of arguing.
That "laziness" argument is older than ****, probably older than the dust from your farts. There's no foundation of reality in it, it's just horse**** propagated by the wealthy to demonize the poor, and stupid working class lumpenproles like you use it to demonize your own class.

He allways did love communism like me of!

U.S. is anti communism since Korean war.

And Then national socialism get over 200.000 voters by next election if 450 Days.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Biggest Undercover Dairy Investigation in History - Fair Oaks Farms and Coca Cola

Today the largest undercover dairy investigation in history is being released with video evidence documenting systemic and illegal abuse at Fair Oaks Farm in Fair Oaks, Indiana.
Fair Oaks Farms is one of the largest dairies in the U.S. and produces dairy products for the Fairlife milk brand - which is produced, marketed and distributed by the Coca-Cola Corporation.
Undercover investigators for Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) have confirmed that male calves from Fair Oaks Farms are in fact transported to veal farms (Midwest Veal and Calf Start), despite the corporation's claims that it does not send its male calves to veal farms.
The following abuses were witnessed on virtually a daily basis:
Employees were observed slapping, kicking, punching, pushing, throwing and slamming calves; calves were stabbed and beaten with steel rebars, hit in the mouth and face with hard plastic milking bottles, kneed in the spine, burned in the face with hot branding irons, subjected to extreme temperatures, provided with improper nutrition, and denied medical attention. This resulted in extreme pain and suffering by the calves, and in some cases permanent injury and even death.
In addition, the ARM investigator captured footage of drug use and illegal marijuana cultivation by Fair Oaks employees and supervisors.
Animal Recovery Mission calls on the Coca-Cola Corporation, which claims to have a progressive stance on animal welfare, to end their relationship with Fairlife Corporation and cut their ties with the veal industry.


Jun 5, 2019
The Biggest Undercover Dairy Investigation in History - Fair Oaks Farms and Coca Cola
Today the largest undercover dairy investigation in history is being released with video evidence documenting systemic and illegal abuse at Fair Oaks Farm in Fair Oaks, Indiana.
Fair Oaks Farms is one of the largest dairies in the U.S. and produces dairy products for the Fairlife milk brand - which is produced, marketed and distributed by the Coca-Cola Corporation.
Undercover investigators for Animal Recovery Mission (ARM) have confirmed that male calves from Fair Oaks Farms are in fact transported to veal farms (Midwest Veal and Calf Start), despite the corporation's claims that it does not send its male calves to veal farms.
The following abuses were witnessed on virtually a daily basis:
Employees were observed slapping, kicking, punching, pushing, throwing and slamming calves; calves were stabbed and beaten with steel rebars, hit in the mouth and face with hard plastic milking bottles, kneed in the spine, burned in the face with hot branding irons, subjected to extreme temperatures, provided with improper nutrition, and denied medical attention. This resulted in extreme pain and suffering by the calves, and in some cases permanent injury and even death.
In addition, the ARM investigator captured footage of drug use and illegal marijuana cultivation by Fair Oaks employees and supervisors.
Animal Recovery Mission calls on the Coca-Cola Corporation, which claims to have a progressive stance on animal welfare, to end their relationship with Fairlife Corporation and cut their ties with the veal industry.

But Coca Cola is smart even not best arts.

And national socialism get max to 2.000.000 Citizens voter my quessing by.

But I did preferred communism.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

The countries where the people are considered to be happiest in the world and most content with their lives are the Democratic Socialist Countries. They are also called The Nordic Countries. They are Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. They also have free college, (even if you are not a citizen of the country Germany has this too) everyone has medical care, exceptional child care, and leave for both the mother and father when there is a new baby.
Oh, I almost forgot, our government says, "We Can't Afford It"......
The Question Is, Do You believe Them???


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Those Scandinavian illegal immigrants are quite a problem.
Sweden’s borders have been among the most open in Europe. When the Syrian refugee crisis became evident, Sweden committed to bringing in more people per capita of the existing population than any other European country. Then, seemingly overnight—or at least over the course of the fall of 2015—public opinion shifted drastically. Sweden significantly reduced the number of new immigrants and deported a record number of people who had already entered. During the recent election campaign, almost all of the major and minor parties agreed that immigration should be restricted, and the big news was that the Sweden Democrats, an insurgent right-wing party whose entire platform is built on the idea of immigration restrictions, got 17.5 per cent of the vote—less than many people feared but nearly five per cent more than it did four years ago.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The money pigs of capitalist democracy… Money has made slaves of us… Money is the curse of mankind. It smothers the seed of everything great and good. Every penny is sticky with sweat and blood.

Quoted in The Nazi Party 1919-1945: A Complete History, Dietrich Orlow, New York: NY, Enigma Books, 2012, p 61. Goebbels’ article, “Nationalsozialisten aus Berlin und aus dem Reich”, Voelkischer Beobachter, Feb. 4, 1927


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The people's community must not be a mere phrase, but a revolutionary achievement following from the radical carrying out of the basic life needs of the working class. A ruthless battle against corruption! A war against exploitation, freedom for the workers! The elimination of all economic-capitalist influences on national policy. Maintaining a rotten economic system has nothing to do with nationalism, which is an affirmation of the Fatherland.

Written by Joseph Goebbels and Mjölnir, Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher (1932). “Those Damned Nazis,” (Nazi propaganda pamphlet

The worker in a capitalist state—and that is his deepest misfortune—is no longer a living human being, a creator, a maker. He has become a machine. A number, a cog in the machine without sense or understanding. He is alienated from what he produces.”

Written by Joseph Goebbels and Mjölnir, Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher, 1932).Translated as “Those Damned Nazis,” (propaganda pamphlet).


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Couldn't you find a modern day mass murderer to quote?

Talk to Clompy - he'll fix you up.