Canada's position in the Security Council, UN


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
Mission, BC
moghrabi said:

The very nature of homosexualty is unnatural. And just because a number of hetrosexuals do sexual perverted acts doesn't make it ok for same sex marriages to happen. So, your's is a very weak argument.

Lee. Why is it that you use religion to say homosexuality is un-natural. If two people decide to be together then they have the right to do so, be it two males or two females. If you like it or not. If two honosexual people want to live together, I'd rather see them get married and share their vows and be homesexuals than just being homesexuals just living together. As long as they do not force it on you, you have no reason or excuse or even proof that it is un-natural. Live and let live.

Keep your religion and practice it the way you want and do not force it on anyone. What I mean do not force the issue of homesexuality mentioned in your book on anyone that does not agree with it.

I use Christianity to say that homosexuality is unnatural because it is the truth.

And as for homosexuals not forcing their immorality on us, they ARE! First it started with a Liberal/socialist pro-communist by the name of trudeau who de-criminalized homosexuality. The next step was the homosexuals forcing the schools to teach their lifestyle to the children. Now they are using immoral judges to force the governments to legalize same-sex marriage.

Then you have an immoral NDP MP trying to remove God from the Charter. This very same immoral MP is also gay! Svend Robinson. He also lobbied to take the right to own property out of the Charter and reduce the age of consent (for sex) from 16 to 14. He also lobbied to reduce the age of consent down to 6 for boys and 12 for girls.

He also was involved in an assisted suicide incident a few years ago. He is also pro-Palistian and doesn't give a crap that they are murdering innocent civilians by way of suicide bombers. Wanna know why he doesn't give a crap? Because the suicide bomber victims are Jewish men women and children!

And you have the gull to say that the homosexuals are not forcing their immorality on us??????

Now there is another Robinson favourite! Bill C-250. Did you know that under that bill preachers who preach from the pulpit that homosexuality is a sin can be arrested and charged with hate crimes. Heck, it's already happening! Just a couple of years ago a Christian printer refused to print advertising for a pro-gay group. Wanna know what happened? The printer's right to freedom of religion was violated and he was ordered to pay a (very) large fine for refusing his business services to the gays!

Same-sex marriage is a threat to the very fibre of society! Jesus himself said that in the end days it will be just as it was in Soddom and Gomorrah.

Homosexuality is wrong! Anyone in their right mind doesn't need (any form of) religion to know that one! Even doctors, through research, are coming up with medical evidence to colaberate that homosexuality is by choice.

Abortion also is wrong! And again, anyone in their right mind doesn't need religion to know that is wrong. (I also have overwhelming medical evidence to prove that in a court of law.)


House Member
May 25, 2004

I am not saying to disregard your christian belief. However, you can not force your belief on anyone. you sound like a preacher now. If homosexulas want to be so then let them. If tou think homosexuality is wrong, you are entitled to it. All am saying is your belief can not be shoved down the throat of others. You may believe in Almighty God, but does not mean everyone does so. Also, we are in a democratic society and for one what he wishes.

Last note about Robinson. You mentioned that he supports Pals against jews. I have seen how he was treated in Israel trying to defend the occuiped from the occupier. Just because you are half jew does not give you the right to stop him from what he sees as the wrong done to the pals. The pals are under an occupied force and they are being treated like animals. Put yourself on the other side of the fence, would you like to be treated as such, The Pals are using the only weapon they have (their human body) to fight back the unjustified occupation.

We maybe in disagreement here because I am against the Israeli occupation of the West bank and Gaza strip. This land must be given to the Palastinans according to UN resolutions. Also the pals have the right of return to their mother land and be given the right to live in dignity as much as the Israels are. If not, I do not see any peace coming out of there at all. There is going to be more bloodshed on both sides.

The point here is that you cannot criticize Robinson for what he belives in as much as not criticizing homesexuals for what they are. That is their choice. They made it for themselves, they feel it as natural as much as you believe in the Bible and God.


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
Mission, BC
moghrabi said:

I am not saying to disregard your christian belief. However, you can not force your belief on anyone. you sound like a preacher now. If homosexulas want to be so then let them. If tou think homosexuality is wrong, you are entitled to it. All am saying is your belief can not be shoved down the throat of others. You may believe in Almighty God, but does not mean everyone does so. Also, we are in a democratic society and for one what he wishes.

Last note about Robinson. You mentioned that he supports Pals against jews. I have seen how he was treated in Israel trying to defend the occuiped from the occupier. Just because you are half jew does not give you the right to stop him from what he sees as the wrong done to the pals. The pals are under an occupied force and they are being treated like animals. Put yourself on the other side of the fence, would you like to be treated as such, The Pals are using the only weapon they have (their human body) to fight back the unjustified occupation.

We maybe in disagreement here because I am against the Israeli occupation of the West bank and Gaza strip. This land must be given to the Palastinans according to UN resolutions. Also the pals have the right of return to their mother land and be given the right to live in dignity as much as the Israels are. If not, I do not see any peace coming out of there at all. There is going to be more bloodshed on both sides.

The point here is that you cannot criticize Robinson for what he belives in as much as not criticizing homesexuals for what they are. That is their choice. They made it for themselves, they feel it as natural as much as you believe in the Bible and God.


I'm not forcing my religious beliefs on anyone. When anyone asks me for proof that abortion is wrong or homosexuality is wrong I use the Bible. If they don't want to hear the truth then they shouldn't ask me for proof.

In regards to your comments on the Palistinian matter.....there is no justification in the world for terrorist attacks on any country or any one! How dare you justify Palistinian use of suicide bombers. Palistinians have their own country! JORDAN! They have no right to take Israeli land away from the Israelis!

As for Robinson. I have every right to critisize him! He wasn't even representing his constituents or canada as a whole. He was in it for himself. And I thank God he is no longer in parliament. And I am totally irked that he went off to Scotland for some so-called integrity summit.

And he went on our dollars!!!!!! So much for Layton's fiscal responsibility platform. Both Layton and Robinson showed no integrity whatsoever! Layton for letting a former mp turned criminal to attend and Robinson for his criminal acts he's been caught doing (as well as for the ones he hasn't been caught doing).

Well, needless to say I voiced my concerns to Layton and his NDP mps as well as the whole lot of them (i.e. bloc, lib & cp).

The Palistinians are not being treated like animals! As as I said before there is no justification in the world for murdering innocent men, women and children! And as I also said before, if they want their own land they should go back to where they came from...JORDAN!!!!


House Member
May 25, 2004
Lee said:
moghrabi said:

I am not saying to disregard your christian belief. However, you can not force your belief on anyone. you sound like a preacher now. If homosexulas want to be so then let them. If tou think homosexuality is wrong, you are entitled to it. All am saying is your belief can not be shoved down the throat of others. You may believe in Almighty God, but does not mean everyone does so. Also, we are in a democratic society and for one what he wishes.

Last note about Robinson. You mentioned that he supports Pals against jews. I have seen how he was treated in Israel trying to defend the occuiped from the occupier. Just because you are half jew does not give you the right to stop him from what he sees as the wrong done to the pals. The pals are under an occupied force and they are being treated like animals. Put yourself on the other side of the fence, would you like to be treated as such, The Pals are using the only weapon they have (their human body) to fight back the unjustified occupation.

We maybe in disagreement here because I am against the Israeli occupation of the West bank and Gaza strip. This land must be given to the Palastinans according to UN resolutions. Also the pals have the right of return to their mother land and be given the right to live in dignity as much as the Israels are. If not, I do not see any peace coming out of there at all. There is going to be more bloodshed on both sides.

The point here is that you cannot criticize Robinson for what he belives in as much as not criticizing homesexuals for what they are. That is their choice. They made it for themselves, they feel it as natural as much as you believe in the Bible and God.


I'm not forcing my religious beliefs on anyone. When anyone asks me for proof that abortion is wrong or homosexuality is wrong I use the Bible. If they don't want to hear the truth then they shouldn't ask me for proof.

In regards to your comments on the Palistinian matter.....there is no justification in the world for terrorist attacks on any country or any one! How dare you justify Palistinian use of suicide bombers. Palistinians have their own country! JORDAN! They have no right to take Israeli land away from the Israelis!

As for Robinson. I have every right to critisize him! He wasn't even representing his constituents or canada as a whole. He was in it for himself. And I thank God he is no longer in parliament. And I am totally irked that he went off to Scotland for some so-called integrity summit.

And he went on our dollars!!!!!! So much for Layton's fiscal responsibility platform. Both Layton and Robinson showed no integrity whatsoever! Layton for letting a former mp turned criminal to attend and Robinson for his criminal acts he's been caught doing (as well as for the ones he hasn't been caught doing).

Well, needless to say I voiced my concerns to Layton and his NDP mps as well as the whole lot of them (i.e. bloc, lib & cp).

The Palistinians are not being treated like animals! As as I said before there is no justification in the world for murdering innocent men, women and children! And as I also said before, if they want their own land they should go back to where they came from...JORDAN!!!!

Do you really think the Pals should go to Jordan? Where is this coming from? The Palastinans are from Palastine which is now called Israel. Do you have a map and a history book. Jordan is the land of Jordanians. Palastine is the land of Palastinans. Canada is the land of Canadians.

You are making no sense to me. Where did you come up with this story that the Pals go to Jordan. Can you give a proof that Jordan is their land? Can you convince the world theat Jordan is where Palastinans should go. How about giving the pals Norway or France while we are at it. Does this make any sense. I am stunned at your suggestion or belief.

Also there is justification for continued occupation and mass murder. Destruction of homes and schools. Punishing a whole city for one terrorist and killing their men, women ad children. Now I do agree with you that terrosist attacks are not justifiable but that is the only weapon a desparte person has.


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
Mission, BC
moghrabi said:
Lee said:
moghrabi said:

I am not saying to disregard your christian belief. However, you can not force your belief on anyone. you sound like a preacher now. If homosexulas want to be so then let them. If tou think homosexuality is wrong, you are entitled to it. All am saying is your belief can not be shoved down the throat of others. You may believe in Almighty God, but does not mean everyone does so. Also, we are in a democratic society and for one what he wishes.

Last note about Robinson. You mentioned that he supports Pals against jews. I have seen how he was treated in Israel trying to defend the occuiped from the occupier. Just because you are half jew does not give you the right to stop him from what he sees as the wrong done to the pals. The pals are under an occupied force and they are being treated like animals. Put yourself on the other side of the fence, would you like to be treated as such, The Pals are using the only weapon they have (their human body) to fight back the unjustified occupation.

We maybe in disagreement here because I am against the Israeli occupation of the West bank and Gaza strip. This land must be given to the Palastinans according to UN resolutions. Also the pals have the right of return to their mother land and be given the right to live in dignity as much as the Israels are. If not, I do not see any peace coming out of there at all. There is going to be more bloodshed on both sides.

The point here is that you cannot criticize Robinson for what he belives in as much as not criticizing homesexuals for what they are. That is their choice. They made it for themselves, they feel it as natural as much as you believe in the Bible and God.


I'm not forcing my religious beliefs on anyone. When anyone asks me for proof that abortion is wrong or homosexuality is wrong I use the Bible. If they don't want to hear the truth then they shouldn't ask me for proof.

In regards to your comments on the Palistinian matter.....there is no justification in the world for terrorist attacks on any country or any one! How dare you justify Palistinian use of suicide bombers. Palistinians have their own country! JORDAN! They have no right to take Israeli land away from the Israelis!

As for Robinson. I have every right to critisize him! He wasn't even representing his constituents or canada as a whole. He was in it for himself. And I thank God he is no longer in parliament. And I am totally irked that he went off to Scotland for some so-called integrity summit.

And he went on our dollars!!!!!! So much for Layton's fiscal responsibility platform. Both Layton and Robinson showed no integrity whatsoever! Layton for letting a former mp turned criminal to attend and Robinson for his criminal acts he's been caught doing (as well as for the ones he hasn't been caught doing).

Well, needless to say I voiced my concerns to Layton and his NDP mps as well as the whole lot of them (i.e. bloc, lib & cp).

The Palistinians are not being treated like animals! As as I said before there is no justification in the world for murdering innocent men, women and children! And as I also said before, if they want their own land they should go back to where they came from...JORDAN!!!!

Do you really think the Pals should go to Jordan? Where is this coming from? The Palastinans are from Palastine which is now called Israel. Do you have a map and a history book. Jordan is the land of Jordanians. Palastine is the land of Palastinans. Canada is the land of Canadians.

You are making no sense to me. Where did you come up with this story that the Pals go to Jordan. Can you give a proof that Jordan is their land? Can you convince the world theat Jordan is where Palastinans should go. How about giving the pals Norway or France while we are at it. Does this make any sense. I am stunned at your suggestion or belief.

Also there is justification for continued occupation and mass murder. Destruction of homes and schools. Punishing a whole city for one terrorist and killing their men, women ad children. Now I do agree with you that terrosist attacks are not justifiable but that is the only weapon a desparte person has.

Yes! The Palistinians should go back to where they came from. The land that the Palistinians are occupying in fact belongs to Israel. In fact God gave that land (all of Israel) to Abraham and his desendents thousands of years ago. The Palistinians in fact are refugees from Jordan. Unfortunately, that is a little known fact. And it will take some time to find that information.


House Member
May 25, 2004
You are funny with your facts. How in hell can you justify that the Pals are refugees. In 1948 Palastine was partitioned by the then super power England, and gave the Israels land in Palastine. They were supported by Europe to cover their shame of what they have done to the Jews. In 1967, the Arabs in support of the Pals lost the war and Jordan lost the West Bank, Syria lost the Golan Heights and Eygpt lost The Sianai desert and Gaza. Under peace agreements, Jordan offered to give the West Bank to the Pals, and Eygpt offered Gaza.

Now you are telling me that Israel who took land from the Pals are refugees. If this is true, then what should we do with the Native Indians of this country. Are they refugees too and should move out to Brazil.

Your facts are really out of whack.

another note about Svend Robinson. You dislike this man for 3 simple reasons:

1) He is Homosexuals and the first MP to say so
2) He supports the plight of Palastinans who are under the most brutal occupation
3) He is pro-abortion.

Anything you want to add to this list is welcomed.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
You are funny with your facts. How in hell can you justify that the Pals are refugees. In 1948 Palastine was partitioned by the then super power England, and gave the Israels land in Palastine. They were supported by Europe to cover their shame of what they have done to the Jews. In 1967, the Arabs in support of the Pals lost the war and Jordan lost the West Bank, Syria lost the Golan Heights and Eygpt lost The Sianai desert and Gaza. Under peace agreements, Jordan offered to give the West Bank to the Pals, and Eygpt offered Gaza.

I didn't want to get into with yourself and Lee, but you may have mispoke by error.

How in hell can you justify that the Pals are refugees. In 1948 Palastine was partitioned by the then super power England, and gave the Israels land in Palastine. They were supported by Europe to cover their shame of what they have done to the Jews.

In 1948, the UN partioned TWO states, Israel annd Palestine-- it was not England. What was then 'Palestine'-- Jordan and Egypt-- refused to accept the partition plan.

That the partition was a result of European 'guilt' is an oversimplification, for many reasons-- not the least of which is the notion that Israel just 'popped' into existance after WW2.


House Member
May 25, 2004
So you are saying that Palastine is actaully Eygpt and Jordan and never existied a sate called palastine in the past? Am I right with my question? And where did Israel came from? I would like to hear your reasoning on this.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
moghrabi said:
So you are saying that Palastine is actaully Eygpt and Jordan and never existied a sate called palastine in the past? Am I right with my question? And where did Israel came from? I would like to hear your reasoning on this.

Palestine-- as an idependent entity-- was partioned from Egypt and Jordan.

Both Israel AND Palestine, as independent entities, were the result of the UN 1948 Partition Plan.

Bear in mind that all the states in the region were partitioned by international agreements.


House Member
May 25, 2004
Ok. Now Lee is saying that the Pals should go back to their native land, Jordan. If we flip the coin, where would the Israels go? to Eygpt? Can you give some light on this since I baffled by the notion that the Pals belong in Jordan.


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
While I dont agree with the argument, it is a legitamite one.

That is to say, the west bank was Jordan- and the bulk of Jordans population is Palestinian.

Thus, the argument goes that Jordan is just a much a home to the Pals as is 'Palestine'.

Again, I dont subscribe to that.


House Member
May 25, 2004
However, all of this area was called trans-Jordan. But every people there had their own state. Now I would like to know If gaza and West bank were part of Jordan and Eygpt, where did the state of Israel came from? did it come from the Trans jordan? The bulk of Jordan is palastinans because they Jordan took the bulk of the pal refugees.

About Lee's argument that the pals should go to their land Jordan, I really need an answer to where should the Israels go if we flip the coin?



Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Israel was part of the UN partition plan, as was Palestine.

Borders are always arbitrary-- for example, where did Jordan come from? Syria? SaudiArabia, Iraq, etc?

As for Israel, there is no need to 'flip the coin'--as are the Palestinians, they are part of a reality, facts on the ground.

Same can be said for other realties in the region-- Kurds, fro example or Shia in Iraq, etc. Th erealities of Turkey, Iraq, etc aren't going away.


House Member
May 25, 2004
yes. But I think you did not get my question. If we move the pals to Jordan - a country, where would we move the Israels if we flip the coin. It is a hypothetical question rubutting Lee's claim. He said the Pals should go back to Jordan which is now a kingdom. If we turn the question around and I claim that Israel to live in peace and should go to their own country, where would we take the Israels?

Did you get my hypthetical question?


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
No, Im not sure I follow.

For example, if youre referring to LENGTH of time in the region, then most Palestinians wouldnt qualify either, as the bulk of them came as a result of opportunity and employment in the late 19th and early 20th century- parallel to Jewish immigration.

To what criteria are you referring?


House Member
May 25, 2004
researchok said:
No, Im not sure I follow.

For example, if youre referring to LENGTH of time in the region, then most Palestinians wouldnt qualify either, as the bulk of them came as a result of opportunity and employment in the late 19th and early 20th century- parallel to Jewish immigration.

To what criteria are you referring?

Where did the Pals come from in the late 19th and early 20th century. Also where did the Jews of Israel come from?


Council Member
Jun 12, 2004
Pals, for the most part, came from surrounding areas-- Syria, Iraq, as well as Egypt, starting in the 19th century.

The region was fairly empty prior to that and rather poor-- and thus could not support a community-- arab or jewish- of any size.

Most of the Jews came from Europe with immigration there starting in the 19th century. There was of course, a continuing Jewish presence in the area, though fairly small in number.


New Member
Jul 16, 2004
Mission, BC
moghrabi said:
You are funny with your facts. How in hell can you justify that the Pals are refugees. In 1948 Palastine was partitioned by the then super power England, and gave the Israels land in Palastine. They were supported by Europe to cover their shame of what they have done to the Jews. In 1967, the Arabs in support of the Pals lost the war and Jordan lost the West Bank, Syria lost the Golan Heights and Eygpt lost The Sianai desert and Gaza. Under peace agreements, Jordan offered to give the West Bank to the Pals, and Eygpt offered Gaza.

Now you are telling me that Israel who took land from the Pals are refugees. If this is true, then what should we do with the Native Indians of this country. Are they refugees too and should move out to Brazil.

Palistine always belonged to Israel. Since the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And the real reason why the Palistinians are committing acts of terrorism against Israelis is because they want to iradicate all of the Jews (just like Hitler was trying to do during WW II).

Regarding the reasons why I don't like Robinson. You can add to the list "anti-God". Remember what he tried to do last year when he presented a private member's bill in Parliament to take God out of the Charter. He also wants to classify the Holy Bible as hate literature. Another reason that can be added to the list is "no integrity", "pervert", "pedophile" "pro-uthenasia". Basically he is immoral.

Your facts are really out of whack.

another note about Svend Robinson. You dislike this man for 3 simple reasons:

1) He is Homosexuals and the first MP to say so
2) He supports the plight of Palastinans who are under the most brutal occupation
3) He is pro-abortion.

Anything you want to add to this list is welcomed.