Reverend Blair said:Lee asked,Do you have any evidence to prove your accusations?
Ok, prove your evidence. In other words present your evidence to me as if we were opposing parties in a court of law.
Reverend Blair said:Lee asked,Do you have any evidence to prove your accusations?
Reverend Blair said:I'm not a lawyer, little buddy. Neither, I suspect, are you. Besides I asked first, prove your statement about abortion.
I already pointed out several things that Bush has done...those don't need to be proven, things like backing out of Kyoto, invading Iraq against the wishes of the international community, the unilateral cancellation of nuclear treaties, US advisors and funding in Colombia for on the war on drugs going to protect oil pipelines.
Those aren't things that need to be proven, they are a matter of public record.
By the way I am a paralegal
In other words you have no material evidence to prove your alegations.
So unless you can prove your unfounded allegations keep to only what you know
Reverend Blair said:By the way I am a paralegal
Good, if you ever make it to Winnipeg we can sit down on the patio of the Kingshead and you can buy me a parabeers.
In other words you have no material evidence to prove your alegations.
I've been down this path before, Lee. Hell, I've been stalked by people who were so pissed off at my evidence that they changed links I put up. I learned to stay away from web-sites run by Reform/Alliance/Conservative members. I'm also reluctant to get into a pissing match with somebody who shows up claiming that the UN is pushing abortion and yet doesn't even provide a link, however vague, to support their position.
Your opening posts have the reak of the troll about them.
The evidence is out there, some of it has stood up to some pretty rigorous legal debate by those who make a living in international law too. Even former members of the Bush administration have said that what they did was "probably illegal."
So unless you can prove your unfounded allegations keep to only what you know
I'm kind of busy right now (anybody know anything about the Central African Republic?), and I just know that you've already made up your keen legal mind and are past your self-appointed judge and jury roles and well into the part of executioner. That's pretty damned clear by your words and your attitude.
You have Google though, it comes free with your fancy new interweb connection. Why not try to find out for yourself the various crimes that George Bush and his pals have committed? Pay particular attention to the UN's words and actions before the war and the panel that convened in Japan to find Bush guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan. Check into the goings on at Guantanamo Bay and at US camps in Afghanistan and Iraq. Think about the torture scandal and wonder how far up the chain it goes, especially considering that Georgie had to be fully aware that his office had commissioned a report on giving the president the power to okay torture.
While you are at it you might as well have a look into PNAC, the small arms trade, trade deals (watch Bobby Zoellick, he's a slippery bastard), genetically modified crops, the drug war, and a plethora of other things that Bush is using to ensure the dominance of the US at the expense of others, including Americans.
So now that you have some kind of indication of what I and a lot of other people know, even without special paralegal status, perhaps you could explain your remark about the UN and abortion. Better yet, you might want to explain why your special beliefs on abortion should take precedence over the actions of the Canadian political and legal establishment, the wants of the majority of the Canadian population, the rights of women, and the actions of an international agency that operates in countries that do not share your views.
I have found through experience that when someone starts name calling when called to the mat to produce their so-called evidence, they have NO evidence.
I also find it hard to believe that you have no knowledge of the UN's position in regards to their support of organizations.
I didn't refuse to disclose anything, just said that I was busy and pointed you in the direction to go look for yourself. This might surprise you, but my stops at this board are short breaks that allow me to think about something other than what I'm writing about and I don't have time to go searching for long-lost links.And since you refuse to disclose your so-called evidence when asked, why should I?
Maybe you should do some googling of your own.
Why did I suspect that?By the way I don't drink.
Nor do I hob nob with anyone in the anti-Bush crowd.
Nor do I see myself (any time in the foreseable future) travelling from BC to Manatoba.
In other words, if you start calling me names just because you disagree with my Christian and political morals, I will NOT respond.
I am against abortion because it is the killing of the weakest member of the human race.
I also don't buy the reasoning that the woman's body is her own and therefore she can do as she please.
Other than that I do not support abortion. I also do not support the UN as they are known to fund pro-choice (death) organizations (i.e UNICEF, Planned ParentHood, etc.)
That is why I started refusing UN duties with the military. And as a reservist I was not obliged to have to accept a UN tour.
I am also against same-sex marriage. And in my opinion homosexuality should and must be re-criminalized.
I support the death penalty and wars that are justified.
I also support President Bush.
I am a Canadian Conservative and have strong beliefs in Christianity. I am also part Jewish.
You may not agree with my religious and political views, and that is your right. However, you do NOT have the right to personally attack me.
Having said that, I have no problem sharing my religious or political views until you start twisting what I have said only to attack me on a personal level.
Reverend Blair said:In other words, if you start calling me names just because you disagree with my Christian and political morals, I will NOT respond.
I find that really tempting at this point, but I won't do it.
I am against abortion because it is the killing of the weakest member of the human race.
I also don't buy the reasoning that the woman's body is her own and therefore she can do as she please.
We aren't ever going to reach anything close to agreement on this. I do not agree that a fetus is (yet) a member of the human race and I'm pretty damned sure that a woman's body is her own. That's why they slap our hands.
Other than that I do not support abortion. I also do not support the UN as they are known to fund pro-choice (death) organizations (i.e UNICEF, Planned ParentHood, etc.)
UNICEF and Planned Parenthood are about a hell of a lot more than abortion. The fact is that their educational work has likely done more to prevent women from needing abortions than all of the abstinence programs of the religious right combined.
That is why I started refusing UN duties with the military. And as a reservist I was not obliged to have to accept a UN tour.
That is your right, and I will respect it. I would ask that you have a hard look at the good that the UN does outside of religious beliefs you may hold, or get involved in the many church groups that offer aid without requiring that others meet their standards of belief. If I can swing a hammer for Habitat, you can at least consider that.
I am also against same-sex marriage. And in my opinion homosexuality should and must be re-criminalized.
Why? These people aren't hurting you. If anything they are helping you by reducing competition for a spouse. Your church does not have to to perform same-sex marriages and nobody is requiring you to marry somebody of the same sex. More heterosexual couples commit sodomy (anal sex) than do homosexual couples, and almost everybody has oral sex now, so that argument falls all to hell.
I support the death penalty and wars that are justified.
You support state-sanctioned murder? Why? Our justice system is not based on vengeance, so you can't base it on that. Your Bible claims vengeance for your god and only your god. It also says, "Thou shalt not kill." That's pretty damned clear, isn't it? Rumour is your god carved it into a rock and made an old man stumble down a mountain with it. Taking somebody else's life is not your call. There were no mitigating circumstances mentioned in the story.
I also support President Bush.
I think Jim Morrison was a peach, too. I acknowledge each and every one of his weaknesses though, many that he shared with Bush. I support Gerry Garcia, John Lennon, Che Gueverva, Leonid Trotsky, Pierre Trudea's wife Maggie, Karl Marx, Greg Bear, Kurt Vonnegut, Dave Barry, Larry Flynt, Robert Heinlen, the Dalai Lama, the Pope, Ricochet Rabbit and the Road Runner.
I don't want any of them running countries.
I am a Canadian Conservative and have strong beliefs in Christianity. I am also part Jewish.
I was raised Catholic and rejected it. I'm pretty damned strong NDP (pretty strong family influences there too) but do not hesistate to question them. My mother's aunt married a Jew who had the balls to go and fight against Germany. He was there, front and centre, on D-Day...still limps.
You may not agree with my religious and political views, and that is your right. However, you do NOT have the right to personally attack me.
Exactly my point about the way your first two posts went. Some since then too. People here are very adept at speaking to each other in reasonable terms and finding a middle ground. Nobody here, least of all me, is ignorant of the sort of things that go on at other sites. We don't want to play that game here. Others might actually shrink away. I won't though. Neither will several others.
Having said that, I have no problem sharing my religious or political views until you start twisting what I have said only to attack me on a personal level.
Disagreeing is not attacking. Questioning is not attacking. Arguing other points of view is not attacking. Pointing out fact is not attacking. If you'd like I can launch an attack to show you the difference. Careful though...I made a biker cry once, just by calling him names. He beat me up later, but his heart wasn't in it...
For a woman to go through with an abortion is the same as either a terrorist chopping of Nick Berg's head or sentencing an innocent man to death.
Yes, actually, it is.A woman's body is not her's do as she pleases when it comes to abortion.
A fetus (Latin for 'young one') is life. And there is overwhelming medical evidence to prove that.
In regards to the same-sex marriage topic, it damages society as a whole. Look what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.
The very nature of homosexualty is unnatural.
And just because a number of hetrosexuals do sexual perverted acts doesn't make it ok for same sex marriages to happen.
Regarding the UN. I am sure they have done one or two good things (or however many). But the bad always outweighs the good, especially when the bad consists of either doing nothing to come to the aid of the victims or funding pro-choice groups.
The UN has done nothing to aid victims of human rights violations and yet they have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And that makes the UN a bunch of hypocrites.
Again, I'm going to have to ask you for some corraborrating evidence. They do talk about abortion, I don't quibble about that. They mention it as an option when that option seems appropriate. Strong advocates though? Not in this universe.It also doesn't matter how much good UNICEF and Planned ParentHood has done because they are stong advocates for abortion.
The death penalty is in place for a reason. That convict will never be able to hurt anyone again.
The word 'kill' in "Thou shalt not kill" in Hebrew (the original language of the Old Testament) is the word 'murder' . And as you know (I hope), there is a big difference between killing and murdering. A police officer kills in the line of duty (if there is no other choice), a soldier kills in the line of duty when in combat. Murdering is what Hitler did to the Jews. And what Saddam did to the Kurds. Murdering is what Paul Bernardo and Clifford Olsen did.
Of course we aren't going to agree on a lot of things.
Andem said:Murdering is what your president Bush has done to hundreds of Iraqi children, women and men in their illegal strikes on Iraqi cities.. which by the way, residential areas, infrastructure and even SCHOOLS were the targets of several bombing raids.
Murder? Oh yes, your "brothers" in the American government in recent pas have also murdered or sponsored the murdering of children, women and men in Vietnam, North Korea, Central America, Afghanistan. You see, they don't just target government operations or military compounds, they also go for civilians!
Your ideas are seriously twisted and tainted.
Onto the next topic: How is homosexuality unnatural? It's quite the opposite. Do you believe that people choose to be gay? Sorry to ask such a stupid question, you must believe that they choose to be gay. Either way, provide proof as you seem to say a lot.
Lee said:Andem said:Murdering is what your president Bush has done to hundreds of Iraqi children, women and men in their illegal strikes on Iraqi cities.. which by the way, residential areas, infrastructure and even SCHOOLS were the targets of several bombing raids.
Murder? Oh yes, your "brothers" in the American government in recent pas have also murdered or sponsored the murdering of children, women and men in Vietnam, North Korea, Central America, Afghanistan. You see, they don't just target government operations or military compounds, they also go for civilians!
Your ideas are seriously twisted and tainted.
In regards to your accusations of President Bush murdering innocent civilians in Iraq, that is a bunch of bull!
And if there were (and I am sure there were) any innocent civilians killed, it was not his fault. Why don't you look at the person who really was responsible, Saddam!
In every war there will always be innocent civilians kiled in the line of fire.
The Civil war, the Boar war, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Gulf I, etc.
That is the reality of war.
By the way, why aren't you screamin about the victims of Saddam or the victims of 9/11? Or are the victims to blame for that?
Did you know that Hitler was Saddam's role model?
Onto the next topic: How is homosexuality unnatural? It's quite the opposite. Do you believe that people choose to be gay? Sorry to ask such a stupid question, you must believe that they choose to be gay. Either way, provide proof as you seem to say a lot.
So you are blaming President Bush for things that may (or may not) have happened before his time? Man you are the typical liberal aren't ya!
If you think being gay is natural you have some serious issues that you need to deal with. Just how can anyone in their right mind believe that homosexuality is natural.
You want proof that homosexuality is not natural, just read the Holy Bible. The proof is in there!
If homosexuality is so natural why did God make Adam and Eve rather than Adam and Steve (or Ada and Eve)?
God is very clear about how he feels about man lying with man or woman lying with woman.
So you are blaming President Bush for things that may (or may not) have happened before his time? Man you are the typical liberal aren't ya!
If you think being gay is natural you have some serious issues that you need to deal with. Just how can anyone in their right mind believe that homosexuality is natural.
You want proof that homosexuality is not natural, just read the Holy Bible. The proof is in there!
Andem said:So you are blaming President Bush for things that may (or may not) have happened before his time? Man you are the typical liberal aren't ya!
Iraq sure did happen in his time. For clarification, I'm not a liberal. But ofcourse, if someone doesn't agree with a conservative, they're always called a liberal.
If you think being gay is natural you have some serious issues that you need to deal with. Just how can anyone in their right mind believe that homosexuality is natural.
You want proof that homosexuality is not natural, just read the Holy Bible. The proof is in there!
Here we go, right back to the bible. To be clear, I don't believe one word of the bible. So can we have some actual proof? Adam and Eve is a fairy tail... there's more proof that humans evolved from amoebaes.
The very nature of homosexualty is unnatural. And just because a number of hetrosexuals do sexual perverted acts doesn't make it ok for same sex marriages to happen. So, your's is a very weak argument.